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Osama Bin Laden reported dead


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Well Silver I am glad you were able to dust off your Latin and show it off for us, but you have wasted it on me as I am too tired to figure it out.


Now if you think for a moment that the same people that will make him out to be a martyr will not also have made huge waves with him going through some trial and given him just as much focus and a possible pulpit on which to speak, then I have to ask...will you share what you been smoking?


The U.S. neither grains or loses credibility as compared to a trial as all would have cried foul from the moment the judge heard opening statements to the reading of a death sentence. Would those who lost loved ones on 9/11 have preferred this? I don't know but I certainly would not be so presumptuous as to say one way or another.


This world is not the same one as existed after WWII. Unlike Osama who admitted his deeds and was proud of them, the Nazi's denied, denied, denied to the end. If it wasn't for their fastidious paperwork I doubt many (of the few that stood trial) would have gotten any of their just desserts. If you also recall many Nazi's were taken by the United States away from persecution to gain intel of one sort or another which as horrid as it was, actually made a good deal of sense.


Only a long away 20/20 vision, looking back on these times will tell us if this was this best idea. Those that are bitching and moaning are the same ones that will cry to be saved when such a man darkens their doorstep. Like Ginny I am also glad that this particular serpent can no longer have any personal effect upon the world.


Funny how some need to translate Latin here before the open and funny how others don't need to do it. it might have worked if not Ginnyfizz having a Latin line there as well above mine post. " Aut feri nil feriare.".... Funny how that goes in that line of seeing only that what you like to see and what you don't want to see I mentioned above?

The long vision is that the war on terror isn't far from finished like i stated above ...

Second i was referring to bombing and how laws are bend to shadow crimes in the aftermath.. and my reasoning was not withe the Nazis but for the people who died int the bombings and where not seen as well as one of the worst cases of WW2 that was due to political measures ruled out just ... see exactly where i stand ..nobody can rule out that this aftermath on getting OBL causes waves in more than one way it is like throwing a stone into water and watching the waves spreading from the point where the stone hit the water and going to all sides. No need to get personal because i try to see what most of you dont want to see .


"So far as I can see, all political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome."

London Letter" (December 1944), in Partisan Review (Winter 1945) George Orwell

Edited by SilverDNA
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<br>1)  You are the one that had to get the latin out to show how you also knew it...I am well aware of my limitations.<br><br>2)

YOU need to stop taking things so very personal.  I didn't agree with

what you said in your post, I responded to it.  I stand by my

opinions...all of them.<br><br>3)  Now back to the topic instead of making assumptions about what people see and what they then choose to discuss. <br><br><br>and I have no clue why its doing all that weird script stuff.<br>

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Silver, I unfortunately have a very busy day today and will not have a lot of time to engage in this debate. However, suffice it for me to say for the time being that:


1) I am glad to see that you have finally come out of your shell and shared with us your feelings, as difficult as they are for some to take.

2) I can honestly say that I disagree with you on most, but not all that you have to say.

3) I think that you are being exceedingly rude to your fellow posters. In spite of your obvious anger, courtesy is not so difficult to achieve

4) I agree with many above who have said that it is you who seem to be missing the point. I acknowledge your brilliance and obvious intellect. However, you do not need to speak to any of us as though we just fell off the turnip truck. Some of us actually do know from whence we speak.

5) If you wish to engage us in dialogue, and I hope that you do, please try to remember that we are all adults here.


Have to go for now, but I'll be baaaaaccck.....:pirate:

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The real question (and I am sure my post will be ignored) is if American foreign policy should be assessed in the aftermath of this.


Obviously it will not change but isn't time to come home now that are boogyman is dead?

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The real question (and I am sure my post will be ignored) is if American foreign policy should be assessed in the aftermath of this.


Obviously it will not change but isn't time to come home now that are boogyman is dead?



It's possible that is whats being done with this event.If the bogeyman is dead then that politically opens the door for a new shift in policy that would be more readily acceptable to the voting public.If we see changes in the way we fight terrorism or who or what we put forth as the focus of policy ,then you can reasonably surmise that a decision to shift policy had been made months if not years prior to his actual death.

Edited by Harbringe
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The real question (and I am sure my post will be ignored) is if American foreign policy should be assessed in the aftermath of this.


Obviously it will not change but isn't time to come home now that are boogyman is dead?



It's possible that is whats being done with this event.If the bogeyman is dead then that politically opens the door for a new shift in policy that would be more readily acceptable to the voting public.If we see changes in the way we fight terrorism or who or what we put forth as the focus of policy ,then you can reasonably surmise that a decision to shift policy had been made months if not years prior to his actual death.


Policy obviously will not change, too many special interests in the mix. I hate Obama but who knows? maybe he is a nice guy who would like to make real changes but cannot because he is beholden to special interests. The truth is, only the American public can change the policy; as long as Americans ignore or do not care what we do abroad, it will remain so until we are broke.

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Well Silver I am glad you were able to dust off your Latin and show it off for us, but you have wasted it on me as I am too tired to figure it out.


Now if you think for a moment that the same people that will make him out to be a martyr will not also have made huge waves with him going through some trial and given him just as much focus and a possible pulpit on which to speak, then I have to ask...will you share what you been smoking?



The last time I checked, this wasn't a lunchroom food fight packed with quarreling gurillas. Silver has made some good points, some not, some I agree with, others I don't, but do remember this is a civil- or it was until people's personal anger got involved- debate and it should stay that way and just because Silver has views that don't agree with yours doesn't give you the right to throw insults. I see this all the time on the internet and this is a classic "America at home around the world" policy, which, in short, a good population of America expects the world to adhere to their ways of living and ideas. I observe that both of you are not in the same part of the world, so, obviously, there are going to be disagreements. Now, if you would all please stop throwing aspursions at each other and to please work it out without going for each others throats, then I think that we could actually agree on some terms.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Well Silver I am glad you were able to dust off your Latin and show it off for us, but you have wasted it on me as I am too tired to figure it out.


Now if you think for a moment that the same people that will make him out to be a martyr will not also have made huge waves with him going through some trial and given him just as much focus and a possible pulpit on which to speak, then I have to ask...will you share what you been smoking?



The last time I checked, this wasn't a lunchroom food fight packed with quarreling gurillas. Silver has made some good points, some not, some I agree with, others I don't, but do remember this is a civil- or it was until people's personal anger got involved- debate and it should stay that way and just because Silver has views that don't agree with yours doesn't give you the right to throw insults. I see this all the time on the internet and this is a classic "America at home around the world" policy, which, in short, a good population of America expects the world to adhere to their ways of living and ideas. I observe that both of you are not in the same part of the world, so, obviously, there are going to be disagreements. Now, if you would all please stop throwing aspursions at each other and to please work it out without going for each others throats, then I think that we could actually agree on some terms.


You know what, you are right. I apologize for that first line as it was a knee jerk reaction to the many things I should take to private matters.


However I stand by the rest of my post and the fact that there is a little too many chiefs and not enough indians in this place. I remove myself from this one.

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Well Silver I am glad you were able to dust off your Latin and show it off for us, but you have wasted it on me as I am too tired to figure it out.


Now if you think for a moment that the same people that will make him out to be a martyr will not also have made huge waves with him going through some trial and given him just as much focus and a possible pulpit on which to speak, then I have to ask...will you share what you been smoking?



The last time I checked, this wasn't a lunchroom food fight packed with quarreling gurillas. Silver has made some good points, some not, some I agree with, others I don't, but do remember this is a civil- or it was until people's personal anger got involved- debate and it should stay that way and just because Silver has views that don't agree with yours doesn't give you the right to throw insults. I see this all the time on the internet and this is a classic "America at home around the world" policy, which, in short, a good population of America expects the world to adhere to their ways of living and ideas. I observe that both of you are not in the same part of the world, so, obviously, there are going to be disagreements. Now, if you would all please stop throwing aspursions at each other and to please work it out without going for each others throats, then I think that we could actually agree on some terms.


You know what, you are right. I apologize for that first line as it was a knee jerk reaction to the many things I should take to private matters.


However I stand by the rest of my post and the fact that there is a little too many chiefs and not enough indians in this place. I remove myself from this one.


ok loading of of epic catapult with cotton balls channeled ...

diplomatic actions initiated...

I apologize for seeing more chiefs than Indians in you Lisspuppy that made me angry in the 1st place now that down right that i was wrong with you, there is still enough Indian left that i can state out I was wrong in my heated up state of mind with you.

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Meh, I haven't posted in a while on this topic, figure I'd just formalize my removal from these debates. I'm not a fan of the mudslinging it's devolving into, and I'd rather not get into the mess of it if the banhammer comes down.
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