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So Where Do You Host Your Screenshots?


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Curious question with no ulterior motive, I swear.


Well, perhaps that's not entirely true. I'm actually over here trying to decide where I want to move my screenshot sharing to. Way, way back in the day I used to use photobucket (as did we all) before I moved tumblr and then imgur. But, both of those are really more a social media thing now (or in the case of tumblr, always were).


What happened to the simple, high-quality image hosting without all the social stuff attached to it?


Ah, well.


So, where do you host your screenshots, and do you have any recommendations? =3

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I just use imgur as well. I used to use Photobucket and ImageShack (more of the latter actually), and then Google. Then they did something (image URLs are no longer direct or some weird thing). So then it was Imgur. I see people using Flickr a lot as well.

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Guest deleted2630050

I'm also on the imgur ship. The issues I had with it were minimal and more the fault of my internet connection. I tried to use flickr, but I couldn't figure out the interface and ragequit it a few days later.

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I was once hosting a lot of pictures for a forum board that I belonged to and my wife was sharing a lot of film clips on hers. So we invested in a website domain name and use our own. It was not expensive and we have complete control over what we can host there. No problems.



The Rabbit

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