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Man Hunt 2 Banned


Manhunt 2 Banned  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Shoild It Be Banned

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    • I dont know

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Half care, half don't, probably not so bothered since I think these sorts of games accommodate the same people who like their cheap thrill gore-fest films, such as Hostel. Something I'm not really in to.
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Half care, half don't, probably not so bothered since I think these sorts of games accommodate the same people who like their cheap thrill gore-fest films, such as Hostel. Something I'm not really in to.


Then you're an even bigger ****ing idiot than I thought. Think for half a second please. Is it really that hard to understand why censorship is wrong (ok, I realize half of my fellow Americans don't realize this in their "if you criticize us, you're a traitor" idiocy, but Republicans don't count as people), and why that line must never be crossed? Are you honestly naive enough to expect the morality police to stop at the worst examples? Once you make the big leap to censorship of "offensive" material, it's an infinitely smaller step to simply expand the definition of "offensive" a bit. And it's not a slippery slope fallacy to say that, there are already plenty of people who want to ban ALL violent video games, not just the most extreme ones.


Of course the fact that you have a "Board of Film Classification" capable of censorship in the first place is just utterly insane. If you had any common sense, you'd be protesting this idiocy, not just waiting around for your turn to be hit by it. In conclusion, I will quote a rather well-known poem:


When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.


When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a social democrat.


When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out;

I was not a trade unionist.


When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.

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When they came for the Republicans,

I cheered them on.

Republicans don't count as people.


Peregrine the champion of Freedom... yeah, right.



Please get a sense of humor, then go fix your post to something a bit less embarassing. I don't actually think that Republicans aren't people, I'm just embarassed of how painfully stupid most people in this country are.

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Then you're an even bigger ****ing idiot than I thought. Think for half a second please. Is it really that hard to understand why censorship is wrong (ok, I realize half of my fellow Americans don't realize this in their "if you criticize us, you're a traitor" idiocy, but Republicans don't count as people), and why that line must never be crossed? Are you honestly naive enough to expect the morality police to stop at the worst examples? Once you make the big leap to censorship of "offensive" material... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ... blah


Oh, I lol'd. Quoting myself; how entertaining:


Half care, half don't


I could have made a big hoo-har about censorship, maybe tried to throw my e-peen around the place a bit, but at the end of the day I decided to leave it nice and open and go play the Quake Wars beta. A tiring Peregrine arrival was inevitable in this thread ... work it out. Hint below.


Please get a sense of humor



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Well, I don't know if it should be banned. I've played Manhunt, and it is quite violent (ok, very violent) but I agree on what ItWotBeSoonBeforeLong said, parents shouldn't buy it if it offends them.


On the other hand, any teen of thirteen years old can get a copy of GTA (like me several years ago), wich has the same rating (if I'm not mistaking). They can get the game without their parents knowing it...


Is there a commotion about this game in the US? Here in the Netherlands there is... Governement was to have it banned, but they don't know if they are authorised to do so... :rolleyes:






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If my memory serves, Manhunt was only semi-violent (weapons that don't kill people), but also kinda boring. I'm half tempted to believe that this whole thing is just to create a stur over a sequal so that more people end up buying the game to see how bad it is. Yeah, they may have stepped up the violence, but it isn't unthinkable that they did so primarily to cause this sort of thing. It's a marketing ploy and people are accepting it.
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