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Golden Oldies

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Loved the super old 80s apocalyptic games - started out with Roadwar 2000 (and its sequel, Roadwar Europa). Wasteland remains perhaps the most memorable game of my childhood. I still have the original five inch floppy version somewhere, and the accompanying paragraph book (this was EA's "copyright protection" waaay back in the day). Aside from these, I loved the Leisure Suit Larry series as well as Space Quest. If I recall correctly, the latter two also had questions at the start of the game that determined your age and thus allowed you to access to the (then) more risque game content. Dune 2 and the original DOS version of Civilization also bring back fond memories. Edited by SpinelessGhoul
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One game that I completed back in the days when it was first released and again more recently when I saw it on offer in steam was Max Payne, never played No.2 although I do own it via steam purchased at the same time I purchased the original.


Anyone who has never played this game I recommend checking it out at some point, its an absolute classic in its genre, everything that was good about old school 3rd person action shooters is right there in this game such as the old school heath bar that can only be topped up with one single item (Pain Killers) and the classic bullet time dive, playability equals pure quality.

Edited by KillerSkark1978
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  • 3 weeks later...

You know, one of my favorite RPGs of all time would have to be Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for the SNES. I wonder if anyone's ever heard of that game. I could spend hours as a time playing that as a little kid. Has to be one of my favorite growing up.


That being said, I really like Final Fantasy 7 but my favorite would have to be 8, I also really like 9 and 10 as well, considering they were all really good games and had an amazing story.


Enough of Final Fantasy, I also really liked Chrono Trigger, I thought that game was amazing too. Hmm....rest is too much to talk about so I'll make a list :)


Chrono Trigger/Cross

Final Fantasy 7,8,9,10 and Mystic Quest

Baldurs Gate

Legend of Dragoon (overlooked but imho definitly a classic)

Breath of Fire 2 and 3.


There are a few others but I'll leave it at that for now. And thats only RPGs for me lol.

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Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart or The Lost Vikings. These are real oldies for me on the Super Nintendo.


Leisure Suit Larry and TD3 (i think it was) were among the first i played on the computer of my friends dad. Funny as hell.


Altho it was not always easy getting to play Larry, because it had build in security questions to keep kids away aka who was president of the usa during period xyz, which of course did not stop us all, but mind you back then there was no internet, no google, so we actually had to help us with books.


Yep. :P

Edited by Nadimos
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I miss:

Descent 1 and 2 and Papyrus nascar 3 and Legends

Sierra Aces of the Pacific and Aces over Europe

this could go on and on.

I think most of the old games I miss were eliminated by "upgrades" of PC op sys.

Dos was a better game op than Win will ever be.

the elegance of code is a gone art I think hence the bugs and hang up like Rage.

Microsoft set the standard by using the end users as final beta testers. IMO.

it was all downhill from win 3.0


Still run DooM and Descent 3 in Win 7.

Wolf3D and Spear of Destiny run but the midi I can't get working.

Need a driver I don't have

Wolf3D was the first PC Game I ever had.

I remember it fondly and the explosion in gaming that DooM was!

All just one person's opinion.


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  • 4 months later...

I bought a nifty 1080P svideo and composite scaler, :biggrin: been reliving all of my classics ike Zelda Ocarina of timee and Majoras mask, Super Mario World, and so on..

Not to mention it upscales n64 to fit a 42inch in fullscreen just nicely :thumbsup: I was surpirsed at that one :teehee:

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Wolf3D, Wolf3D Spear of Destiny

Doom, Doom 2

Civilization and Civilization 2

Simcity and Simity 2

Heretics and Hexen

Quake and Quake 2

Cammand and Conquer, CandC 2

Earth 2040, Earth 2050 plus sequels

Civilization Call to Power

Sims and Sims 2

Warcraft and Warcraft 2

Blake Stone


and many I can not remember or can not remember the names of!

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