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On OBL, USA and Murder


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By showing that the so-called fifth pillar of Islam, the Jihad as holy duty for all Muslims, is just an intrusion as is the Jihad against unarmed civilians in special, devices given by the Muslim brotherhood of my generation to answer the supremacy of Western modernism in the 20s century. These devices are not part and parcel of the Koran, not even part of the Hadiths, the regional additions to the Koran, to mention just one gap in the Jihadist theory that is directed against the Koran. To be fair - it is actually "blasphemy" to change the Koran, to give it a special direction, as it would be in the case of a rewritten Bible with an up to now unknown 11th commandment - Thou shalt kill them all - for example.

While I completely see that this post is made to point out that there are factions within the islamic nations which see a completely different view, and that even these sects have alienated themselves from those that do follow the different traditions.... I really would prefer that this thread not steer in the direction of religion.

As stated, religious debates AREN'T allowed here on the nexus sites.

I'm not downing on the post at all, only saying that the conversation as a whole needs to stay focused on the fact that this is not about religion, it's about the killing of a wanted war criminal and the possible repercussions.

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Well... by consensus of several of the other staff members, we have agreed to close this thread as per the author's request. As it has really started to devolve down past the OT.

Thanks for the inputs everybody. Have a great one! :)


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