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Functioning Bathtub and Washing Machine for settlements


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I'd like to see a functioning bathtub and washing machine/dryer combo that can be placed in settlements.


I envision this could be very simple in how it works:

  • Placing a bathtub in a settlement results in settlers having clean skin next time you fast travel to the settlement. Simulating that they've been using it when you're not around.
  • Placing a washing machine/dryer combo results in settlers clothes being replaced by clean variation of it, if a clean variation of it exists, next time you fast travel to the settlement. For example, give a settler "Dirty Gray Suit", next time you see them, they'll be wearing a "Clean Gray Suit". Simulating that they've been using it when you're not around.
  • Washing machine/dryer combo gets an "Activate" interaction that replaces all Dirty items in player's inventory with Clean equivalents, if there is one.
  • Washing machine/dryer combo should be placed in a structure that's getting electrical power. I don't think it would necessarily need its own wire inlet, it could work like interior lights.
  • Also if any of the above are possible, there could be an option that removing bathtub and washer/dryer results in settlers and clothing becoming dirty again next time you visit.

OR it could also be a very ambitious/complex mod:

  • Settlers actually perform bathing animations in the tub to get clean.
  • Settlers actually performing washer/dryer animations to clean clothes.
  • New Clean textures for clothes that don't have a clean equivalent.
Edited by GnatGoSplat
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I like this idea. I can imagine that for many settlers; taking a real bath could be a life changing and morale boosting experience. Of course in the meantime, I would settle for being able to place a bathtub or toilet that doesn't look broken.(i.e. the bathtub has 4 good feet and sits level, and the toilet has the back lid on properly)... I have a few mod requests for several Settlement items but I will toss those into a new Topic posting.

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