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A separate +18 (or at least not PG-13) chat room


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Religious/political chat rooms will probly never happen. Religious debates is probly one of the ONLY topics that EVERY member of the staff here agrees on 100% to keep off the site. And with the way that the debates forums are going, political discussions are leaning in that same direction.

Not to mention that the chat moderators needed for such a thing. I'm honestly surprised that BB hasn't pulled out all of his hair, dealing with just the one that we have now. :ohdear:


It's not really a bad idea or anything, but as soon as we throw up a word like "adult" or "over 18" or similar phrase, the spambots are gonna be all over it. And we've already got too many of those buggers hitting us than we care for.

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And keep in mind, folk... There are plenty of places on the internetz to have those discussions. Puh-lenty.


The Nexus serves a different purpose, and concentrates its resources accordingly. We already have:


"The Lounge",

"Debates", and

"Druid's Garden"


forums which all exist for conversations that aren't related to gaming.


Not sure we need more... :cool:

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I'd like to add the possible suggestion of a euphemism a.k.a "Other" chat or just some name i.e. not mention that it's 18+, but in order to get in you have to be 18+. I mean, there is a Supporter imageshare and it does exist (although, it appears, not without problems) but nothing is without problems. I know this would probably cost money (and I'm not saying it is or isn't a good idea) and it might make one chat room or the other lonely at times. Yes, people might use it as a place to spam everything, or probably more likely use it to take some odd moral liberty in discussing whatever they feel like. But I think if it has a name similar to the way Supporter ImageShare is (which I didn't even know existed for a while) people might be more inclined not to see it that way. I don't think there is a general need to discuss religion or even politics in a gaming forum, so I don't think it should be a problem that in a mature chat we can't, but rather I still find it logical to have a mature chat, if solely to discuss mature mods that are hosted on this site. I think that based on the way the Supporter ImageShare has succeeded to exist (of course I still have not been there) it is possible to have a chat operating at the same level of decency. And if there is some possible way of making a mature chat work in this (or some other) way, then I'm all for it.
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Unfortunately if we were to have an 'Adult only' chat it would be instantly overrun with kiddies that lied about their age so they could chat about boobs, and giggle at the profanity. And spam for porn and dubious dating sites. Very few (if any) real adults - those whose mental age was over 14 - would stay long. :down: If you want that, I recommend 4chan or something awful as that seems to be what they are for.
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Which is why I was thinking of not having it be an 'adult chat' per se, but have it be more like the Supporter ImageShare, which doesn't really have a title; it's just "Supporter ImageShare". Maybe it could even come with the money you spend to get into the Supporter ImageShare. If the topic of the chat isn't "Adult 18+" maybe little kiddies won't be as inspired to join in and spam and flame and giggle about naughty things. It's just an idea.
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Which is why I was thinking of not having it be an 'adult chat' per se, but have it be more like the Supporter ImageShare, which doesn't really have a title; it's just "Supporter ImageShare". Maybe it could even come with the money you spend to get into the Supporter ImageShare. If the topic of the chat isn't "Adult 18+" maybe little kiddies won't be as inspired to join in and spam and flame and giggle about naughty things. It's just an idea.

than if they aren't discussing anything so 18+ why not discuss it in regular chat?

Anyone not looking at my age could safely assume that I am about 20, I know a lot of people who were surprised to hear that I am 14 and not 20 or 23 or something. I honestly think its just... not necessary.

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Although the idea is innocent enough.

It would generate more problems than it would help.


Children would lie about their age and literally all that will be talked about in there is adult subjects with profanities all over the place. An innocent adult chat would quickly turn into something that people would eventually learn to avoid.


Back when I used to use the chat, if we wanted to talk about something like that it would be saved for the pm in chat.

I think that is the way it should continue to be done by all the users.


If it's not suitable for the main chat room, don't talk about it unless it's in pm.


I hope this helps.

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