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Best ending question


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Now we have rocket scientists debating? Yes frankly if the player has to be teleported THAT far away from the Institute (CIT Building), something is obviously wrong. Diamond City is within blast range, and they are not really a nuclear bunker by any mean. In fact not even a bunker at all. The baseball stadium cannot even protect them from napalms, let alone any kind of nuclear explosion. I am no nuclear physicist, but that I am certain.


And for Minute Man who are supposed to care about "all the little guys out there" (whereas Institute cares about the big picture, BoS is somewhere in between), this is a bad move. Heck, it can be one of your settler walking around with a brahmin on his/her supply run down there. I care about MY people because .... hahaha, I spent time outfitting them. Some of the guns I actually hauled back from a run, throwing away certain stuff to make things fit so I can haul more extra guns and armor pieces, all in thoughts of those guys. Sometimes I just screw it and use console command to spawn gun, but that still takes work to fix them up, and give to them. Every little thing from typing the console command, to giving the right ammo, takes time. And last night I spent 5 hours configuring settlements. I will not let my efforts gone to an atom bomb now.

Say, if we piratically wiped out Institute from the inside, why the hurry to blow them up? Take control, take resources, and/or manually destroy things we don't agree with. I bet Railroad will love to sabotage that synth 3D printing machine. That is the part I feel too "Michael Bay": It's not a cool movie until there are big explosions. Like "Sleepless in Seattle" under Michael Bay direction, at the finale suddenly Seattle will blow up in a huge explosion, and Tom Hank and Meg Ryan will have their happy ending to that.

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Well, I actually did have a thing for physics, which is why I'm debating it.


Plus, if you don't debate the science of it, what is there to debate, anyway? IN GAME, nukes don't leave any lasting radiation (think all those big nukes Liberty Prime chucks, and then you can just walk through where they hit), and clearly that explosion doesn't even damage Diamond City or anything important. Seems to me like then it's ok. The only reason to debate is basically if you disagree with game logic, in which case it's RL science to the rescue.


So, anyway... The real problem there is actually not the contamination. The real problem is that an underground nuke equals a bloody MASSIVE earthquake. Realistically that thing would probably level the whole MA. Plus launch massive amounts of debris upwards, and, you, know, what goes up must come down. Including big chunks of rocks thrown mile-high by an underground nuke.


But releasing a few grams of tritium? Meh, not so much a problem. Probably one fatman shell creates more fallout than that, not to mention the bigger ones on Liberty Prime.


Mind you, I'm still an a**hole and fully endorse nuking MA off the map :wink:

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Exactly, Institute collapse would lead to massive earthquake that is going to finish Boston for good. The only faction who may remotely consider this is Institute. Now if you think like that, and don't mind bringing the entire Boston down, then do it by all mean. But for those who think like Minuteman (every single person matters)... then Nuclear option is not an option at all.


Oh, go ahead and discuss physics all you like. I didn't say no to it. I just didn't have a lot to contribute, having to look up to understand what you even meant.


In real life, loose radiation is BAD because it will induce radiation poisoning. It can't be treated by normal means (get some herb, some home made medicine ....). And even mild case, someone ends up having mutated babies on the long run. Read up how John Wayne died (and all those people who made that movie). But since in game rad can be dealt with by a pill. then I guess it's ok. It is still very funny how the Lone Wanderer also got praised for having no rad poisoning. That may be true when he/she leaves Vault 111. But all these swimming, drinking, eating, rad storm .... Oh yeah, they get plenty of rad poisoning.

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Well, I did avoid settling Hangman's Alley after the first playthrough, if that counts for anything :tongue:


Gawd, that place sux... I would love to GECK that one place out of the game... so worthless as a settlement

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did the railroad ending on the last playthrough. Hangmans ally became one of the safe houses and was the location to set up the molecular relay. I think the place is meant to serve that purpose more than being a minuteman settlement.

I don't think it's particularly tuned for that, tbh, seein' as just about any settlement location can be randomly chosen to be Safehouse Mercer. In fact, so far I've never seen it picked myself. I've seen Jamaica Plain twice, the drive-in once, the co-op once, and even outpost Zimonja once. And, tbh, any of those has a lot more space than Hangman's Alley, and I'd prefer it for building such big stuff.


But I only said that I didn't build up Hangman's Alley after the first run merely because of the nuke talk. It's the closest to the institute IIRC, so realistically it's THE one that would get totally levelled by the earthquake. And in any case, it's the only one that's basically a hole between tall buildings. If things start coming down, you're screwed there. So if I don't build anything there, meh, I can sleep easier :tongue:


I guess in the future I need to explain better what I mean.

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