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Trying to solve mystery crash, can someone verify my Load Order


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I'm trying to nail down an issue with an oddly specific CTD I've been getting that doesn't make a lot of sense. Fallout4.esm is at the top I just didn't list it here.


AIO SS.esp
Power Conduits and Pylons - Increased Radius.esp

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Have you ever been able to run the game without CTDs? If so what have you recently installed? Have you tried running with the MoreSpawns_High uninstalled? I would think that could cause a lower FPS rate in certain areas resulting in a possible CTD if you running with a low powered PC or lower end video card. Also I would think that the TrueStorms could possibly do the same thing.

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Ok, so at Nordhagen beach, whenever try to scrap an object it CTD's. It stops when I uninstall MoreSpawns_High and it happens no matter where in the LOO MoreSpawns_High is placed. I'm wondering if maybe something else being in the wrong LOO may be exacerbating the issue.

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Since you don't seem to use any mods that allow for non-vanilla scrapping, I don't think there should be any relation to your other mods. It could be related to any texture mod though, since these don't show up in your load order and since the latest Fallout patch, there have been reports on certain custom textures crashing the game. Try enabling MoreSpawns and renaming your \Fallout 4\data\textures folder, so it can't access the custom textures. If the CTD still happens, it's most probably only due to MoreSpawns itself. If it's gone then, it might be related to one or more of the custom textures you use and you will have to try and narrow it down. The only thing that "should" happen, when renaming the textures folder, is either objects showing vanilla textures or pink textures instead.


The load order itself is mainly relevant for mods/patches that refer to another file as a master or when different mods edit the same parts of the game, where without a compatibility patch the mod lower in load order will "win". If you know a bit about FO4Edit, you could check for the latter in there.


For some general advice on CTD issues, you can also check the "CTD issues" part of http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3767665-ten-rules-to-get-a-mod-setup-with-a-lot-of-workshop-crafting-mods-to-work/ .

Edited by wax2k
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Thanks I'll give it a shot.


Ok, so, I basically stripped it down to nothing but vanilla and MoreSpawns_High and still got the CTD and I made attempts all over the map but it only crashes at Nordhagen Beach and it does it on any object, even ones I just built.

Edited by LordElfa
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