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Refound the Commonwealth Provisional Government


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If you become buddy buddy with Valentine he mentions something about how some time ago there was an attempt to found the CPG(Commonwealth Provisional Government). At the meeting where they started planning out the CPG the Institute got involved and slaughtered everyone there.


I think it would be pretty cool if you played as the Minutemen being able to refound the CPG and gain control of Diamond City as your capital. After infiltrating the institute you could find evidence showing the major is a synth and expose him to Diamond City. You could help someone who is pro-CPG become the new mayor and Diamond City would become under your control. While you shouldn't be able to workshop mode in Diamond City(Unless you really want to I guess) it would be cool to change some policies and see the city expand. For example allow ghouls back in, expand the militia and begin patrols further from the City, set up cannons, maybe taxes to give the CPG some income, etc.

The CPG would also view the Brotherhood as a millitary occupation and have reason to want to remove them from the Commonwealth(If you didn't destroy the Brohood with the Minutemen you would do this). You could try to negotiate their withdraw or go full on war if you wanted to.


Alternatively, as the Brotherhood you could support the creation of the CPG making sure that it is heavily reliant on you. The CPG supports you by giving you food, any information they have, any special technology they might have/find, possible recruits, etc. The CPG would basically be a puppet government you control.


The Railroad could possibly try to get involved in helping refound the CPG to set up a synth friendly government? Not really sure how that would work out.

Maybe the CPG could get set up and be hardcore anti-synth so they would have to try to stop the CPG.


Finally, as the director of the Institute you could try to reach out to the commonwealth. Win the trust of settlements and the people by helping them with their problems and convincing them to let synths patrol their settlements. After awhile use the mayor you control to get Diamond City to start the creation of the CPG. Settlements that trust you will go and help found it. Use the tech of the institute to start bettering the lives of people. Finally make all those years of the Institute being the scary boogeyman bye helping the Commonwealth.



Kind of a big project I know but it would be pretty cool.

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  • 10 months later...

Personally, I would have liked for all 4 factions to come together. The Minutemen could be like National Guard / emergency relief, the Brotherhood as the actual military, the Institute as the science wing and the Railroad could be converted to the intelligence section, with everything under the CPG. In effect, an old world type, national government (the "nation" being the Commonwealth).

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It would only make sense, lore-wise at least, to have the player character restart the CPG when they're the Director of the Institute.


The Institute tried to start/support the CPG, but the Commonwealth didn't really play nice. That's why the Institute turned into a more secretive organization.

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  • 2 months later...

I had no idea that the Institute was legitimately trying to form the CPG to bring everyone together. I had been under the impression that the Institute only did it in an attempt to take out their enemies and keep the Commonwealth divided so they could not ban together and threaten the institute.

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I would prefer the Sole Survivor declaring Minuteman rule over the Commonwealth. The old Commonwealth Provisional Government didn't work out for a reason (too many factions, different ideas). The Sole Survivor will have to crush raiders, gunners, and others to make it happen.
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I had no idea that the Institute was legitimately trying to form the CPG to bring everyone together. I had been under the impression that the Institute only did it in an attempt to take out their enemies and keep the Commonwealth divided so they could not ban together and threaten the institute.

That was before the Institute chose a "no one's home" policy of isolationism

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