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Delay in door opening...


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I would have searched for an earlier post but have no idea what to search on...


Within the last 3 days I have had a problem with opening doors. I will click, or unlock as the case may be, but the door won't open. If I leave the room and come back the door is open. This doesn't happen with anything else that I have noticed. It is a pain...


I have also noticed that when casting spells, the light effects hang in the air for a long time. This may be a related issue.


I am running no MODs or anything else unusual. I have the GOTY edition. I have been playing for perhaps 6 months and this is the first problem I have encountered. I suspect that I may have a corrupt file in the game but don't know if I need to reinstall or can repair, just don't know where to look.


Any help will be appreciated.


Thanks, FosterBear

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I am currently at 517 hours total but all of my saves are 2 hours apart max. I went back and found the last save game where the doors operated correctly it was at 497 hours. Soooooooooo if I had to go back it's not a big deal, but was hoping for something a little simpler.


Thanks, FosterBear

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