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installed oblivion on laptop with Vista


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I unknowingly installed Oblivion and my mods on a laptop that is running Vista.

Ok I know I sound like a moron, but it is my son's laptop and when he said he was running XP I didn't give it another thought. It's very twitchy and glitchy and crashes every- hour or so I'd say. On the first game the EMPEROR didn't show up. We've been just saving a lot and trying to ignore the terrible lag and the crashing.

Since I already installed Oblivion and both expansions (GOTY edition), BOSS, and 6-8 small mods. What should I do?

I know I should've done it right the first time but I didn't. What a WEEK! My gaming laptop crashed. Took forever to get going on my desktop (that's in a room nobody wants to stay in) , and now I've screwed up putting it on our other laptop.

ok enough whining. Could someone please tell me how to fix it?



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Yes game is just lagging- you have to click on stuff 2 or 3 times a lot of the time. It's also crashing- but not so often we can't play. It crashes every hour or 2 I guess.


Our system:

Dell Studio 1737

Pentium Dual Core CPU

T4200 @2.00 GHz (both)

Ram 4 GB

64 Bit OS


Windows Vista Home Premium

Service Pack 1


Video Card- Generic PnP Monitor on Mobile Intel ® 4 Series Express Chipset


I copied that right off of the computer. I don't even know what most of it means. I hope that is the info you are asking for.





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Its that intel mobile chipset that is probably your biggest problem. You are lucky the game runs at all...... Oblivion really doesn't like Intel video solutions.... Best thing you are going to be able to do for that machine, is free up as many resources as you possibly can, by radically tweaking the system itself. Blackviperhas an excellent site for just such an exercise. The more stuff you can turn off that you don't need, the better the game will run. You could also try using oldblivion, and that might actually make the game playable.
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Okay- I looked at Oldblivion for my desktop until I got it running. I think, I might go that route. Thanks for the help! I'm glad I didn't download a bunch of unecessary stuff on his laptop. It's new and I really don't want to mess with it since it is working fine otherwise.

I'll let you know how Oldblivion turns out unless he is completely against trying it.



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Here are a few good tweaks for you;

1. Since you have a 64 bit OS and 4gb RAM, install the 4gb patch (also known as Large Address Aware). This will lift the 2GB cap on RAM usage and give you significantly better FPS and stability.

2. If you have a free USB 2.0 port, use Ready Boost (may already be in your computer) and a 16gb flash drive as an extra memory cache. You will have to reformat the device to use more than 4gb. This is a great thing to do, as it speedsup your computer all the time, not just helping Oblivion. Note; if you have an SD card reader, they work also. Further note; I use Windows 7 64 bit. Vista has Ready Boost also, but you might be limited to a single 4gb device. check out the wiki, it's very helpful.

3. Use a Game Booster or a similar program to kill background functions. Game Booster is pretty safe, better ones exist, but require you to know a bit more.

My laptop has pretty similar specs to yours, and by doing these things, and more, i'm able to play a fairly heavily modded game with good FPS and few crashes.

Oh, and disable the UAC. It causes problems with the game.

Edited by eric31415
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UAC is Microsoft NannyWare. The funny little popups that say "some program is actually trying to do something, shall I let it?" and "Are you sure you want to do that Dave?" (ooops, HAL reference..... my bad.) Its technical name is User Account Control. It protects (for certain values thereof) the program files folder, to help prevent virii, or various other malware from doing rude things on your system. Simply installing the game outside the program files directory completely negates the problems it can cause.
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The only reason you might not want to disable the UAC in that you are sharing a computer. If you want to have different system privleges for you and your son, then you will need the UAC. UAC can be confgured from your system and security settings in the control panel.

Also, install Streamline 3.1. It's a mod designed to allow marginal computers run Oblivion smoothly.

Edited by eric31415
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Bben's Reinstall Procedure will help you get the game out of the Program Files where UAC will cause problems. You can keep the mods and saves. This option is preferable to disabling UAC on a family computer since UAC is a Windows security feature. If your family are very good with security and the laptop is well secured then it's probably ok to disable UAC, but there's no pressing reason to do so when moving the installation accomplishes the same thing and leaves UAC working. :)
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