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​You know what we need more than LITERALLY any other mod in this game?



​I don't mean on the map

​I'm talking about spray paint, or chalk, so you can mark a door, the wall, etc to indicate which locations you have already looted, rooms you have already cleared etc.

​Ever your amazed and humble mod enjoyer.

​Sgt K

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given enough time all the loot/enemies in an area will respawn with the exception of quest items.

BUT The marking will still be there.


​This isn't so much about loot. This is about locations.


​All the little side alley's and doors, and buildings that don't have an individual map marker location on the map.


​Just some way to be able to mark them as "checked" so that you don't keep going over the same ground over and over again while exploring.

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I'm not sure if this is an attempt at humor that failed miserably... But the total arrogance of thinking such a small minuscule things would be the mother or all mods and that other people should stop what they are doing to make things for you, should be enough to chase any self respecting modder far away from helping you.


Not a bad idea, just a bad attempt at humor.

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I'm not sure if this is an attempt at humor that failed miserably... But the total arrogance of thinking such a small minuscule things would be the mother or all mods and that other people should stop what they are doing to make things for you, should be enough to chase any self respecting modder far away from helping you.


Not a bad idea, just a bad attempt at humor.

The humor was not only obvious but awesome.


​Maybe the next mod can be a sense of humor add on for ya.

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given enough time all the loot/enemies in an area will respawn with the exception of quest items.

BUT The marking will still be there.


​This isn't so much about loot. This is about locations.


​All the little side alley's and doors, and buildings that don't have an individual map marker location on the map.


​Just some way to be able to mark them as "checked" so that you don't keep going over the same ground over and over again while exploring.



That aint bad.


​I tired leaving something in inventory, and sometimes that works, but more often than not it wither gets taken, moved, or falls through the map. Also not very visible considering the size of the objects carried.


​signs would be wicked, but didn't know if that would be too much to do for modders (I have no clue how to make em)

​And that takes me back to chalk or paint.


​We got piles of chalk, hell.... we even have gallons of paint. Seems a shame we can only mix two colors in the game for green... why not more?

If all that makes any sense.

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This is a truly GREAT idea, but isn't implemented for obvious reasons. Decals (as left by weapon fire) attempt to 'adjust' for material and geometry, usually with pretty hopeless results. Spray painting 'grafitti' would be much much harder.


The easiest method would be allowing the user to craft a 'tag' graphic in an external app, and then apply this 'tag' like an object in a given location. That way the user wwould bear responsibility for ensuring the 'tag' looked like it really 'belonged' on a wall, door or the like. The 'tag' could be added to a custom weapon 'decal' list, and 'fired' at a wall.


DDproductions (sp?) would suggest crafting a custom teddy bear, and leaving it as an 'aide de memoir' (sp?) to mark already visited locations, but given that many dungeons have multiple, well separated entrances, would this help?

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This is something I've wanted since the moment I reached Concord in my first playthrough. I'd really love something like the emergency services cross that's used by groups like FEMA where it includes details about what you found inside. The problem isn't making the sign or mark, that part's easy and I could have it for you in a couple of minutes.


The problem is allowing a way, while you're playing the game, to dynamically and permanently place the sign or mark on a wall so that it remains there in the same position every time you visit. The decals from firearms are only temporary, will chew up memory eventually if you have too many of them and I'd have to test this to be sure but I don't think they remain in place if you leave and re-enter an area.


The settlement building tools are going to be much better for this (and it would be easy to make something like this for the settlement menu) but chances are you're going to want to leave this in places that aren't settlements. To make this work what we'd really need is a way that you can trigger settlement mode anywhere on the map, however the options for what you can place should be different whether you're inside the green placement area for a settlement or outside of it. You'd need to create a new keyword for outside of settlement building and tag the new items with this in F04Edit. This is far beyond my ability to create however without learning a whole lot more (Edit: Pretty sure it would require the Script Extender which I have no idea how to use). It would be useful for a lot of different things beyond this mod however, and I imagine there are some pretty cool things you could do with this.


... alternatively, perhaps you could change the non-functioning doors so that they can be activated in game (just pressing E like any other activateable item) and doing so does a material swap on them? That should theoretically be possible.


I don't think I could manage to build this mod, it's a bit too advanced for me, but I'd love to have a mod like this.

Edited by PoliteRaider
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