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Organ donation


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Are you an organ donor? What are your thoughts about organ donation?


A long, long time ago, I met a certain girl while I was staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Ottawa. She was convalescing after having recently undergone a heart transplant - I don't know exactly what it was, but due to a condition she was born with, by the time she reached age 14 her own heart was failing badly and on the verge of shutting down. And she would have died for certain, if the parents of 19 year old boy from Edmonton who was killed in a snowmobile accident had not agreed to donate their son's heart. It must have been an enormously painful decision to make, right after losing their child, but they absolutely made the right choice - someone else got to live because of it.


That's why I'm such a huge supporter of organ donation. :)

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I am an organ donor (though not sure if anyone would want mine) and I support it and giving blood 100%. People I hope will someday get over the religious and societies notions of proper burials and what has to be done with the body, except for that which must be done for health reasons. (no this isn't a religious discussion!!)



If it were my beloved child....that lost her life somehow...I could not imagine something that would give me more joy in those moments of sorrow...than to help another person live...and know that a small part of my daughter lived on also through that act.



So go out there...be an organ donor and give some blood!!!

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I'm a donor and carry my donation card with me wherever I go. 8)


I just wish stem cell research wasn't such a controversial issue in many countries, it's a very promising technology that could help in saving lives.

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I recently signed myself up for organ donor. Can't see why I'd need it after I'm dead, so if it can save even one person's life, what reason do I have to keep it?


I just don't donate blood, because I'm deathly scared of needles, and the one time I did, it hurt something fierce. That's after everybody kept telling my 'no, you don't feel it at all'. I've had people tell me I'm selfish because of it, but the way I see it, I'm already donating my organs after I die and I'm under no obligation to donate blood, so I'm not about to give myself another panic attack brought on by my phobia for needles.

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Absolutely. After I'm dead I won't have any use for them. Hopefully they will be of use to someone else. :thumbsup:

Be sure to let your immediate family know so they will follow through on your donation.

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No! You'll have to pry my organs from my cold, dead hands!


Which is precisely what they're going to do, as I am indeed an organ donor. :happy:


I can't say that I've ever donated blood, though. It's not because I don't want to, but because I haven't been able to. When I had the opportunity to do so, I had just come back from Australia, so I wasn't allowed to, and then the next chance I had, I had just gotten back from Spain. There was also that one time when I had a cold something fierce. I'm pretty sure they didn't want my my blood. I can't think why... :rolleyes:

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I don't donate my blood on the selfish principle that if my blood cures cancer or something, I want to sell it and get rich, rather than someone getting my cancer-curing blood for free.


Is that legal/moral?

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