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Site redesign - 2016 Update #1


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What I've seen in the two images included have made me really, really excited! The current site is not really bad, but as in most things, a change can be really refreshing. Looking forward to see your work first hand. Thanks for everything.
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In response to post #34716560. #34717765, #34717980 are all replies on the same post.

vintagelf wrote: All I really want is greater control over what I see. I cannot tell you how tired I am having to paw through the endless litany of little boys ( I'm looking at you followers and npc's ) and their masturbatory toys type files.
DannyOuter wrote: Indeed
Pagafyr wrote: Go to settings and turn the adult feature images off. Then all you will see is kitty porn ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qkAJbth-es ) and purring images. The rest of us sex picture addicts and The guys that still want their Mommies to hang their pics on the refrigerator door still, or, are trying to get girls attention, so much here, the authors of some, of the, stuff looks like they must have just had their nut sack drop and their voice change recently. Oh! God help me; When an older male admires their work by stating the obvious, "That sure gave me a stiff one." which just encourages more of the skimpy naked mouth drooling and dribbling male mental conditions to happen. Hmm? Do girls get a turn on from seeing girls in skimpy outfits, with buckets of, teats milk hanging in a tiny bra too?

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In response to post #34714565. #34718485 is also a reply to the same post.

Rooker75 wrote: I'm sure someone's brought this up already, but I'll say it anyway, this site isn't the friendliest to mobile devices as it is now. Text is too small, some important menu buttons rely on a mouse hover event that's impossible for a touch screen and the search box at some point stopped accepting the "enter" button as input (also a problem on desktop browser), so it makes it extra awkward searching from a tablet/phone.

Also, I despise white text against black backgrounds and wish I could choose a more usable color theme, like I can on the forum part of the site. More than a few minutes gives me serious eye strain. I can override the colors on my PC's browser but it makes everything look weird. I can't do that at all on my tablet.
epoling wrote: Am I just old? I don't get reading this site on a phone. You only get a few lines of text that is too tiny for these old eyes to read. By the time you crowd all the necessary functions of Nexus onto a mobile screen you get even less text unless you make it tinier. Just because things can be done on mobile devices doesn't really make it a good idea.

No! You're not getting old. You are getting worn out, likely following the incorrect guidelines for your continued health and wellness. The tiny mobile phone screens tend to strain the eyes a person who is beginning to suffer from lack of solar or HappyLight during the Winter months when the days are shorter. Get a couple HappyLights in you rooms and you'll see the difference after following the instructions CAREFULLY for them.
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I think there is the problem with the whitespace on the sides of the page. Most users are using the standard widescreen displays and the sides usually go to waste, why not display more info like a wider list of pictures.


With ulta wides starting to come into play they will suffer from this issue even more.

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