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Site redesign - 2016 Update #1


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Hi Paul; Welcome aboard the Nexus. I'm not sure how I should address this problem so I will try to let you know what others are having a problem with as well as myself. So; I will just jump in and hope I don't drown. I brought this problem up with Robin Scott once; but he just told me to put it in the forum. I did and got one person to finally help me after two years of waiting. Now to the point.


Paul; why is it that every time I sign out of Nexus Mod Manager and then later sign back in to down load a new mod all the mods already in NMM are pulled out of the Manager and dumped? I have to down load them all over again? I purchased all kinds of note books so I would know what mods were lost. I have been doing this at least four of five years now. Ever since Skyrim came out in !!/!!/!!. My friends helped me set up a game folder on my PC and it helped with some mods; but most of the mods made by Authors use the NMM even with the so called Manual download they are not loaded into the game folder properly with out being pulled out later from opening up NMM again. I may be redundant several times in this text, and I ask that you forgive me. Only with NMM will some mods activate in the game. If I'm speaking a different language here please let me know and I will reword this for you.


Mr. Scott did not get what I was trying to tell him. Obviously he did not understand the problem. Every time my PC reboots I lose the NMM Icon from my desk-top. I have to try to bring it up again from Nexus, and when doing so I lose twenty or more mods. This has been going on ever since I joined Nexus. Why does this happen and why can't I load these mods into my Skyrim Game folder manually and they work like they should? I have followed all the steps and only some mods work. When they are loaded into my Game folder they just sit there and take up space. Others will work and are in the game. When I check to see if they are in my loot or Wrye folders they are either there or not there.


It makes me crazy when I hear others having this same problem. You're a programmer; please help me and my friends on Nexus with this crazy problem. And as a follower of Nexus why do you not teach us how to set up for Nexus to begin with? Trying to teach some of us without proper guide lines is like having the dumb teach the dumb. Why does NMM have to dump any mods at all when closing or opening it up? Thank you; Paul and I look forward to your helping us.


James Roby (raum777)

Edited by Raum777
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In response to post #34721635. #34724495, #34739595, #34739755, #34746780, #34755530 are all replies on the same post.

hishutup wrote: I think there is the problem with the whitespace on the sides of the page. Most users are using the standard widescreen displays and the sides usually go to waste, why not display more info like a wider list of pictures.

With ulta wides starting to come into play they will suffer from this issue even more.
llihP wrote: The sides of the page have been left open like that for a few reasons, one of those is a requirement for ads that need to run in a side skin format.

Since the site is build in a modular way, it's easy to build upon it later on for even wider screens if the need arises.
hishutup wrote: I pay so I don't want blank space for ads, I rather have the space properly used for a better experience.
For people that have ads, just reduce the width of the modules.
llihP wrote: Here's one of the other 'few' reasons, I was talking about this the other night. Let me quote myself:

"...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

And that was said after having designed a page with such a large width.

If there's no limit in place, you're effectively leaving articles, result pages etc to the width of the browser, and I wouldn't exactly call looking from one end of my 27" monitor to the other the greatest experience, especially for reading. My neck would definitely be getting a swivel-like workout.

If you look at Steam stats you'll also see that the vast majority of gamers are on 1080p or below.


Then there's the cost effectiveness, how much you'd benefit from such a design, how such a design would work across all the templates, how practical it'd be and so on. At the end of the day it's not up to me, but there's more to consider than just the fact that ads will make use of this space that would otherwise be empty anyway. As I previously mentioned, at least it's easier to build upon now.
TheThirdRace wrote: "...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page.

People aren't asking for 1 block to span the whole screen, they're asking for putting more sections/blocks in a given screen.

The Nexus is designed the same way as newspaper are, it is divisible by sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc., it just doesn't span across all the available space for whatever reason.

I'm all for more space between sections, making the site breath and whatnot, but I do have a problem when all that space is used to compress the information in a tight and tiny block on the screen because it displays better on mobile...

For example, with the current layout I have 2/3 of my screen unused. All the information is tightly compressed in the remaining 33% of my screen. If you can't see how it's wasted space I guess you will never understand...
PaladinCarnage wrote: I agree with this,using a 1080p monitor and the empty spaces are such a waste,i'd rather see some content on the sides instead of a background image.

Maybe admin should implement a mobile-friendly site alongside the desktop version? Would solve both problems. Edited by kraag
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In response to post #34721635. #34724495, #34739595, #34739755, #34746780, #34755530, #34757050 are all replies on the same post.

hishutup wrote: I think there is the problem with the whitespace on the sides of the page. Most users are using the standard widescreen displays and the sides usually go to waste, why not display more info like a wider list of pictures.

With ulta wides starting to come into play they will suffer from this issue even more.
llihP wrote: The sides of the page have been left open like that for a few reasons, one of those is a requirement for ads that need to run in a side skin format.

Since the site is build in a modular way, it's easy to build upon it later on for even wider screens if the need arises.
hishutup wrote: I pay so I don't want blank space for ads, I rather have the space properly used for a better experience.
For people that have ads, just reduce the width of the modules.
llihP wrote: Here's one of the other 'few' reasons, I was talking about this the other night. Let me quote myself:

"...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

And that was said after having designed a page with such a large width.

If there's no limit in place, you're effectively leaving articles, result pages etc to the width of the browser, and I wouldn't exactly call looking from one end of my 27" monitor to the other the greatest experience, especially for reading. My neck would definitely be getting a swivel-like workout.

If you look at Steam stats you'll also see that the vast majority of gamers are on 1080p or below.


Then there's the cost effectiveness, how much you'd benefit from such a design, how such a design would work across all the templates, how practical it'd be and so on. At the end of the day it's not up to me, but there's more to consider than just the fact that ads will make use of this space that would otherwise be empty anyway. As I previously mentioned, at least it's easier to build upon now.
TheThirdRace wrote: "...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page.

People aren't asking for 1 block to span the whole screen, they're asking for putting more sections/blocks in a given screen.

The Nexus is designed the same way as newspaper are, it is divisible by sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc., it just doesn't span across all the available space for whatever reason.

I'm all for more space between sections, making the site breath and whatnot, but I do have a problem when all that space is used to compress the information in a tight and tiny block on the screen because it displays better on mobile...

For example, with the current layout I have 2/3 of my screen unused. All the information is tightly compressed in the remaining 33% of my screen. If you can't see how it's wasted space I guess you will never understand...
PaladinCarnage wrote: I agree with this,using a 1080p monitor and the empty spaces are such a waste,i'd rather see some content on the sides instead of a background image.
kraag wrote: Maybe admin should implement a mobile-friendly site alongside the desktop version? Would solve both problems.

"Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page."

Correct. And this would mean every iteration of the site beneath this super wide version would need to contain these blocks and sub-blocks, and since you can only currently see the homepage, you couldn't possibly have any idea how much this would affect other pages and how they've been divided up.

How many good examples of sites can you find that have Nexus-like content that span the full width of the browser and work nicely across a multitude of templates, responsively? With content divided up like a newspaper? There's a reason you won't find many, if any.

There are are many implications beneath the surface of what you are suggesting, but it's not very practical when it comes to dealing with real world content. The content varies greatly, it's nowhere near as simple as you make it sound. Edited by llihP
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In response to post #34736140. #34740360, #34754215 are all replies on the same post.

EnaiSiaion wrote: So instead of mods of the week, we are putting most endorsed mods of all time (or 30 days, which is the same thing) front and center?

Ok, unless your newly released mod can beat Immersive Armors, it's stillborn. GG.
Exoclyps wrote: Yeah, I wonder how that trending one is acting. Since all mods in the 2nd picture are mods I already know about it'd be of little use to me. I kinda like how it currently is on that front.
Elianora wrote: Those are just random example mods put in place on the demo images to display the design, people should look at the design and functionality, not the mods listed on there >_>

Well, that is part of the functionality. I for one was curious how the Trending works, and I kinda like the current hot pages. So voicing that if there is a posibility that it is going away is kinda vital I'd say.
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I like how it is / has always been. I'm just getting used to it now. If it changes, I'm back at square one.

If it's changing for people on mobile phones etc, then why don't they keep the PC version as it is? Okay, maybe make a few improvements, but a complete overhaul is just not needed in my opinion.


Anyway, good luck to them. Looks like a lot of work.

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In response to post #34721635. #34724495, #34739595, #34739755, #34746780, #34755530, #34757050, #34758760 are all replies on the same post.

hishutup wrote: I think there is the problem with the whitespace on the sides of the page. Most users are using the standard widescreen displays and the sides usually go to waste, why not display more info like a wider list of pictures.

With ulta wides starting to come into play they will suffer from this issue even more.
llihP wrote: The sides of the page have been left open like that for a few reasons, one of those is a requirement for ads that need to run in a side skin format.

Since the site is build in a modular way, it's easy to build upon it later on for even wider screens if the need arises.
hishutup wrote: I pay so I don't want blank space for ads, I rather have the space properly used for a better experience.
For people that have ads, just reduce the width of the modules.
llihP wrote: Here's one of the other 'few' reasons, I was talking about this the other night. Let me quote myself:

"...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

And that was said after having designed a page with such a large width.

If there's no limit in place, you're effectively leaving articles, result pages etc to the width of the browser, and I wouldn't exactly call looking from one end of my 27" monitor to the other the greatest experience, especially for reading. My neck would definitely be getting a swivel-like workout.

If you look at Steam stats you'll also see that the vast majority of gamers are on 1080p or below.


Then there's the cost effectiveness, how much you'd benefit from such a design, how such a design would work across all the templates, how practical it'd be and so on. At the end of the day it's not up to me, but there's more to consider than just the fact that ads will make use of this space that would otherwise be empty anyway. As I previously mentioned, at least it's easier to build upon now.
TheThirdRace wrote: "...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page.

People aren't asking for 1 block to span the whole screen, they're asking for putting more sections/blocks in a given screen.

The Nexus is designed the same way as newspaper are, it is divisible by sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc., it just doesn't span across all the available space for whatever reason.

I'm all for more space between sections, making the site breath and whatnot, but I do have a problem when all that space is used to compress the information in a tight and tiny block on the screen because it displays better on mobile...

For example, with the current layout I have 2/3 of my screen unused. All the information is tightly compressed in the remaining 33% of my screen. If you can't see how it's wasted space I guess you will never understand...
PaladinCarnage wrote: I agree with this,using a 1080p monitor and the empty spaces are such a waste,i'd rather see some content on the sides instead of a background image.
kraag wrote: Maybe admin should implement a mobile-friendly site alongside the desktop version? Would solve both problems.
llihP wrote: "Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page."

Correct. And this would mean every iteration of the site beneath this super wide version would need to contain these blocks and sub-blocks, and since you can only currently see the homepage, you couldn't possibly have any idea how much this would affect other pages and how they've been divided up.

How many good examples of sites can you find that have Nexus-like content that span the full width of the browser and work nicely across a multitude of templates, responsively? With content divided up like a newspaper? There's a reason you won't find many, if any.

There are are many implications beneath the surface of what you are suggesting, but it's not very practical when it comes to dealing with real world content. The content varies greatly, it's nowhere near as simple as you make it sound.

I don't mind if it's grey. As long as it's not painful white!
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In response to post #34714565. #34718485, #34720180, #34724595, #34724720, #34725835, #34730065, #34730915, #34731110, #34731435, #34735740, #34736680, #34742940, #34754415 are all replies on the same post.

Rooker75 wrote: I'm sure someone's brought this up already, but I'll say it anyway, this site isn't the friendliest to mobile devices as it is now. Text is too small, some important menu buttons rely on a mouse hover event that's impossible for a touch screen and the search box at some point stopped accepting the "enter" button as input (also a problem on desktop browser), so it makes it extra awkward searching from a tablet/phone.

Also, I despise white text against black backgrounds and wish I could choose a more usable color theme, like I can on the forum part of the site. More than a few minutes gives me serious eye strain. I can override the colors on my PC's browser but it makes everything look weird. I can't do that at all on my tablet.
epoling wrote: Am I just old? I don't get reading this site on a phone. You only get a few lines of text that is too tiny for these old eyes to read. By the time you crowd all the necessary functions of Nexus onto a mobile screen you get even less text unless you make it tinier. Just because things can be done on mobile devices doesn't really make it a good idea.
Pagafyr wrote: No! You're not getting old. You are getting worn out, likely following the incorrect guidelines for your continued health and wellness. The tiny mobile phone screens tend to strain the eyes a person who is beginning to suffer from lack of solar or HappyLight during the Winter months when the days are shorter. Get a couple HappyLights in you rooms and you'll see the difference after following the instructions CAREFULLY for them.
llihP wrote: As the new design stands, it's very mobile/tablet friendly.
jim_uk wrote: Does anyone know what those menu buttons at the top do? if clicking them brings down a menu then that's fine, if clicking them takes you off somewhere then it's going to have to same problem as the site does now.
llihP wrote: They bring down menus, yes
jpsimonetti wrote: Regarding Epoling's post.

I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile. Are you going to download the addon to your Mod Manager on your mobile? Can your mod browsing not wait until you get home? Seems like a huge waste of resources to expect a site like this to cater to that demand. I'd like to see stats on what devices most of their traffic comes from.

I realize things change, but I hate to see it happen sometimes. This site, for example, is a classic web site design. It is sleek, incredibly fast and responsive, and easy to find what you're looking for without pictures and shiny objects everywhere.

What you kids probably don't notice (because you grew up with it), is the very slight delay in highlighting when you mouse over all those fancy new tiles people keep making sites with. When you mouse over text or a raw html img insert, it highlights instantly. (as you'd see on a classic website, like this). For a generation that is so easily distracted, you'd think they would notice.

That's not a big deal if you're used to it. But there are lots and lots of these "not a big deals" on modern websites. Kids will never really understand how fast and responsive a web site can be, because they rarely see them. They think it means bandwidth/load time when people say a web page is fast and responsive. It doesn't. Or didn't used to, anyway. Now things are ridiculously cluttered with raw text in HTML replaced by a script or image at every possible place.

Anyway, things change. Whatever. Just ranting.
llihP wrote: "I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile."

Think of everything you can do on the site, then take away the ability to download mods or install NMM.
NerevarineKhajiit wrote: jpsimonetti I agree with you. I can't see why one would want to browse mods on mobile when you can't actually do anything with them on your mobile (unless somehow the Nexus starts supporting mobile App mods?).

I can see wanting to reply to a conversation thread on a mod, but you can do that through forums, or honestly, just pinch-and-zoom to the comments section. I've even done it myself, and it works great.

That being said, I'm all for a better website if it means they can expand functionality. I'd prefer they give us options, perhaps even a skin system or something that can restore the look of the current site if you get nostalgic, but I see no problems in looking to make improvements.
Rooker75 wrote: I want to use a mobile device because I have nearly 50 mods published on this site and want to check them for comments, questions and bug reports while I'm playing the games I've modded. I use several hundred mods for several games supported here and want to look at their mod pages or comments if I'm having a problem or can't find whatever the mod added. I use the forums and want to read them without closing a game or whatever else it is I'm doing on my PC.

These things are difficult to do with a mobile device with the current design, mainly because of the menus that need a mouse to hover over them.

And I am not a kid. I am 40 years old and have, among other things, designed and operated several websites myself. Nothing done for the sake of being more usable on mobile will effect what it looks like on a PC browser because that sort of thing is handled by style sheets.
TrophiHunter wrote: I use this site on my phone to check my mods and stuff, the site take ages to load atm, so this new beast might be the answer to my modding prayers :)
EnaiSiaion wrote:
The tiny mobile phone screens
jim_uk wrote: @jpsimonetti Phones are commonly used for browsing these days and people come here for more than just downloading mods. If I just want to read the forums, catch up on comments, browse the imageshare etc then it's far quicker and easier to pick up the phone or tablet than it is to turn the desktop on.

@epoling Maybe you need to update your phone, pick a phablet sized one and you'll see more than a few lines of text.

I am a mod author with dozens and dozens of mod pages to keep up with, interactions with other authors to have, user images to check... I live and breathe mods and this community. Even if I'm not downloading mods, I want to see what's new in the community, image shares, video share.. and all this across several games..

I look at Nexus with my phone when I sit in the bus.
I look at Nexus from a tablet in bed.
I browse mods when I sit in the toilet.
I look at mod comments from my phone when I am in game and waiting for a loading screen to pass.

Just because you don't like X, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with X, and being aggressive and ranty about it just makes people not take your opinion seriously.

I completely agree. The only reason why it's being done is because so many people (who want to use a mobile phone to browse when they should be doing other things) want it. Why?

I only use nexus when at my computer, ready to look at trying out mods, yanno, like what the site is actually for? Why put it on a mobile phone, what's the point???
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In response to post #34714565. #34718485, #34720180, #34724595, #34724720, #34725835, #34730065, #34730915, #34731110, #34731435, #34735740, #34736680, #34742940, #34754415, #34770605 are all replies on the same post.

Rooker75 wrote: I'm sure someone's brought this up already, but I'll say it anyway, this site isn't the friendliest to mobile devices as it is now. Text is too small, some important menu buttons rely on a mouse hover event that's impossible for a touch screen and the search box at some point stopped accepting the "enter" button as input (also a problem on desktop browser), so it makes it extra awkward searching from a tablet/phone.

Also, I despise white text against black backgrounds and wish I could choose a more usable color theme, like I can on the forum part of the site. More than a few minutes gives me serious eye strain. I can override the colors on my PC's browser but it makes everything look weird. I can't do that at all on my tablet.
epoling wrote: Am I just old? I don't get reading this site on a phone. You only get a few lines of text that is too tiny for these old eyes to read. By the time you crowd all the necessary functions of Nexus onto a mobile screen you get even less text unless you make it tinier. Just because things can be done on mobile devices doesn't really make it a good idea.
Pagafyr wrote: No! You're not getting old. You are getting worn out, likely following the incorrect guidelines for your continued health and wellness. The tiny mobile phone screens tend to strain the eyes a person who is beginning to suffer from lack of solar or HappyLight during the Winter months when the days are shorter. Get a couple HappyLights in you rooms and you'll see the difference after following the instructions CAREFULLY for them.
llihP wrote: As the new design stands, it's very mobile/tablet friendly.
jim_uk wrote: Does anyone know what those menu buttons at the top do? if clicking them brings down a menu then that's fine, if clicking them takes you off somewhere then it's going to have to same problem as the site does now.
llihP wrote: They bring down menus, yes
jpsimonetti wrote: Regarding Epoling's post.

I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile. Are you going to download the addon to your Mod Manager on your mobile? Can your mod browsing not wait until you get home? Seems like a huge waste of resources to expect a site like this to cater to that demand. I'd like to see stats on what devices most of their traffic comes from.

I realize things change, but I hate to see it happen sometimes. This site, for example, is a classic web site design. It is sleek, incredibly fast and responsive, and easy to find what you're looking for without pictures and shiny objects everywhere.

What you kids probably don't notice (because you grew up with it), is the very slight delay in highlighting when you mouse over all those fancy new tiles people keep making sites with. When you mouse over text or a raw html img insert, it highlights instantly. (as you'd see on a classic website, like this). For a generation that is so easily distracted, you'd think they would notice.

That's not a big deal if you're used to it. But there are lots and lots of these "not a big deals" on modern websites. Kids will never really understand how fast and responsive a web site can be, because they rarely see them. They think it means bandwidth/load time when people say a web page is fast and responsive. It doesn't. Or didn't used to, anyway. Now things are ridiculously cluttered with raw text in HTML replaced by a script or image at every possible place.

Anyway, things change. Whatever. Just ranting.
llihP wrote: "I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile."

Think of everything you can do on the site, then take away the ability to download mods or install NMM.
NerevarineKhajiit wrote: jpsimonetti I agree with you. I can't see why one would want to browse mods on mobile when you can't actually do anything with them on your mobile (unless somehow the Nexus starts supporting mobile App mods?).

I can see wanting to reply to a conversation thread on a mod, but you can do that through forums, or honestly, just pinch-and-zoom to the comments section. I've even done it myself, and it works great.

That being said, I'm all for a better website if it means they can expand functionality. I'd prefer they give us options, perhaps even a skin system or something that can restore the look of the current site if you get nostalgic, but I see no problems in looking to make improvements.
Rooker75 wrote: I want to use a mobile device because I have nearly 50 mods published on this site and want to check them for comments, questions and bug reports while I'm playing the games I've modded. I use several hundred mods for several games supported here and want to look at their mod pages or comments if I'm having a problem or can't find whatever the mod added. I use the forums and want to read them without closing a game or whatever else it is I'm doing on my PC.

These things are difficult to do with a mobile device with the current design, mainly because of the menus that need a mouse to hover over them.

And I am not a kid. I am 40 years old and have, among other things, designed and operated several websites myself. Nothing done for the sake of being more usable on mobile will effect what it looks like on a PC browser because that sort of thing is handled by style sheets.
TrophiHunter wrote: I use this site on my phone to check my mods and stuff, the site take ages to load atm, so this new beast might be the answer to my modding prayers :)
EnaiSiaion wrote:
The tiny mobile phone screens
jim_uk wrote: @jpsimonetti Phones are commonly used for browsing these days and people come here for more than just downloading mods. If I just want to read the forums, catch up on comments, browse the imageshare etc then it's far quicker and easier to pick up the phone or tablet than it is to turn the desktop on.

@epoling Maybe you need to update your phone, pick a phablet sized one and you'll see more than a few lines of text.

I am a mod author with dozens and dozens of mod pages to keep up with, interactions with other authors to have, user images to check... I live and breathe mods and this community. Even if I'm not downloading mods, I want to see what's new in the community, image shares, video share.. and all this across several games..

I look at Nexus with my phone when I sit in the bus.
I look at Nexus from a tablet in bed.
I browse mods when I sit in the toilet.
I look at mod comments from my phone when I am in game and waiting for a loading screen to pass.

Just because you don't like X, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with X, and being aggressive and ranty about it just makes people not take your opinion seriously.
STURMKATTEN wrote: I completely agree. The only reason why it's being done is because so many people (who want to use a mobile phone to browse when they should be doing other things) want it. Why?

I only use nexus when at my computer, ready to look at trying out mods, yanno, like what the site is actually for? Why put it on a mobile phone, what's the point???

talk on the forums. Does that need an overhaul? I think not.
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In response to post #34714565. #34718485, #34720180, #34724595, #34724720, #34725835, #34730065, #34730915, #34731110, #34731435, #34735740, #34736680, #34742940, #34754415, #34770605, #34770685 are all replies on the same post.

Rooker75 wrote: I'm sure someone's brought this up already, but I'll say it anyway, this site isn't the friendliest to mobile devices as it is now. Text is too small, some important menu buttons rely on a mouse hover event that's impossible for a touch screen and the search box at some point stopped accepting the "enter" button as input (also a problem on desktop browser), so it makes it extra awkward searching from a tablet/phone.

Also, I despise white text against black backgrounds and wish I could choose a more usable color theme, like I can on the forum part of the site. More than a few minutes gives me serious eye strain. I can override the colors on my PC's browser but it makes everything look weird. I can't do that at all on my tablet.
epoling wrote: Am I just old? I don't get reading this site on a phone. You only get a few lines of text that is too tiny for these old eyes to read. By the time you crowd all the necessary functions of Nexus onto a mobile screen you get even less text unless you make it tinier. Just because things can be done on mobile devices doesn't really make it a good idea.
Pagafyr wrote: No! You're not getting old. You are getting worn out, likely following the incorrect guidelines for your continued health and wellness. The tiny mobile phone screens tend to strain the eyes a person who is beginning to suffer from lack of solar or HappyLight during the Winter months when the days are shorter. Get a couple HappyLights in you rooms and you'll see the difference after following the instructions CAREFULLY for them.
llihP wrote: As the new design stands, it's very mobile/tablet friendly.
jim_uk wrote: Does anyone know what those menu buttons at the top do? if clicking them brings down a menu then that's fine, if clicking them takes you off somewhere then it's going to have to same problem as the site does now.
llihP wrote: They bring down menus, yes
jpsimonetti wrote: Regarding Epoling's post.

I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile. Are you going to download the addon to your Mod Manager on your mobile? Can your mod browsing not wait until you get home? Seems like a huge waste of resources to expect a site like this to cater to that demand. I'd like to see stats on what devices most of their traffic comes from.

I realize things change, but I hate to see it happen sometimes. This site, for example, is a classic web site design. It is sleek, incredibly fast and responsive, and easy to find what you're looking for without pictures and shiny objects everywhere.

What you kids probably don't notice (because you grew up with it), is the very slight delay in highlighting when you mouse over all those fancy new tiles people keep making sites with. When you mouse over text or a raw html img insert, it highlights instantly. (as you'd see on a classic website, like this). For a generation that is so easily distracted, you'd think they would notice.

That's not a big deal if you're used to it. But there are lots and lots of these "not a big deals" on modern websites. Kids will never really understand how fast and responsive a web site can be, because they rarely see them. They think it means bandwidth/load time when people say a web page is fast and responsive. It doesn't. Or didn't used to, anyway. Now things are ridiculously cluttered with raw text in HTML replaced by a script or image at every possible place.

Anyway, things change. Whatever. Just ranting.
llihP wrote: "I have no idea why you'd want to look at this site on a mobile."

Think of everything you can do on the site, then take away the ability to download mods or install NMM.
NerevarineKhajiit wrote: jpsimonetti I agree with you. I can't see why one would want to browse mods on mobile when you can't actually do anything with them on your mobile (unless somehow the Nexus starts supporting mobile App mods?).

I can see wanting to reply to a conversation thread on a mod, but you can do that through forums, or honestly, just pinch-and-zoom to the comments section. I've even done it myself, and it works great.

That being said, I'm all for a better website if it means they can expand functionality. I'd prefer they give us options, perhaps even a skin system or something that can restore the look of the current site if you get nostalgic, but I see no problems in looking to make improvements.
Rooker75 wrote: I want to use a mobile device because I have nearly 50 mods published on this site and want to check them for comments, questions and bug reports while I'm playing the games I've modded. I use several hundred mods for several games supported here and want to look at their mod pages or comments if I'm having a problem or can't find whatever the mod added. I use the forums and want to read them without closing a game or whatever else it is I'm doing on my PC.

These things are difficult to do with a mobile device with the current design, mainly because of the menus that need a mouse to hover over them.

And I am not a kid. I am 40 years old and have, among other things, designed and operated several websites myself. Nothing done for the sake of being more usable on mobile will effect what it looks like on a PC browser because that sort of thing is handled by style sheets.
TrophiHunter wrote: I use this site on my phone to check my mods and stuff, the site take ages to load atm, so this new beast might be the answer to my modding prayers :)
EnaiSiaion wrote:
The tiny mobile phone screens
jim_uk wrote: @jpsimonetti Phones are commonly used for browsing these days and people come here for more than just downloading mods. If I just want to read the forums, catch up on comments, browse the imageshare etc then it's far quicker and easier to pick up the phone or tablet than it is to turn the desktop on.

@epoling Maybe you need to update your phone, pick a phablet sized one and you'll see more than a few lines of text.

I am a mod author with dozens and dozens of mod pages to keep up with, interactions with other authors to have, user images to check... I live and breathe mods and this community. Even if I'm not downloading mods, I want to see what's new in the community, image shares, video share.. and all this across several games..

I look at Nexus with my phone when I sit in the bus.
I look at Nexus from a tablet in bed.
I browse mods when I sit in the toilet.
I look at mod comments from my phone when I am in game and waiting for a loading screen to pass.

Just because you don't like X, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with X, and being aggressive and ranty about it just makes people not take your opinion seriously.
STURMKATTEN wrote: I completely agree. The only reason why it's being done is because so many people (who want to use a mobile phone to browse when they should be doing other things) want it. Why?

I only use nexus when at my computer, ready to look at trying out mods, yanno, like what the site is actually for? Why put it on a mobile phone, what's the point???
STURMKATTEN wrote: talk on the forums. Does that need an overhaul? I think not.

I think you have a problem <_<
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In response to post #34721635. #34724495, #34739595, #34739755, #34746780, #34755530, #34757050, #34758760, #34770470 are all replies on the same post.

hishutup wrote: I think there is the problem with the whitespace on the sides of the page. Most users are using the standard widescreen displays and the sides usually go to waste, why not display more info like a wider list of pictures.

With ulta wides starting to come into play they will suffer from this issue even more.
llihP wrote: The sides of the page have been left open like that for a few reasons, one of those is a requirement for ads that need to run in a side skin format.

Since the site is build in a modular way, it's easy to build upon it later on for even wider screens if the need arises.
hishutup wrote: I pay so I don't want blank space for ads, I rather have the space properly used for a better experience.
For people that have ads, just reduce the width of the modules.
llihP wrote: Here's one of the other 'few' reasons, I was talking about this the other night. Let me quote myself:

"...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

And that was said after having designed a page with such a large width.

If there's no limit in place, you're effectively leaving articles, result pages etc to the width of the browser, and I wouldn't exactly call looking from one end of my 27" monitor to the other the greatest experience, especially for reading. My neck would definitely be getting a swivel-like workout.

If you look at Steam stats you'll also see that the vast majority of gamers are on 1080p or below.


Then there's the cost effectiveness, how much you'd benefit from such a design, how such a design would work across all the templates, how practical it'd be and so on. At the end of the day it's not up to me, but there's more to consider than just the fact that ads will make use of this space that would otherwise be empty anyway. As I previously mentioned, at least it's easier to build upon now.
TheThirdRace wrote: "...scanning left to right with a width of 1400px is a bit much when reading. It's why you'll never find a newspaper with text spanning across each page for the full width..."

Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page.

People aren't asking for 1 block to span the whole screen, they're asking for putting more sections/blocks in a given screen.

The Nexus is designed the same way as newspaper are, it is divisible by sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc., it just doesn't span across all the available space for whatever reason.

I'm all for more space between sections, making the site breath and whatnot, but I do have a problem when all that space is used to compress the information in a tight and tiny block on the screen because it displays better on mobile...

For example, with the current layout I have 2/3 of my screen unused. All the information is tightly compressed in the remaining 33% of my screen. If you can't see how it's wasted space I guess you will never understand...
PaladinCarnage wrote: I agree with this,using a 1080p monitor and the empty spaces are such a waste,i'd rather see some content on the sides instead of a background image.
kraag wrote: Maybe admin should implement a mobile-friendly site alongside the desktop version? Would solve both problems.
llihP wrote: "Sorry, but that's rubbish. Newspapers are designed in sections and subsections, blocks and sub-blocks, etc, but taken as a whole they do span across the entire page."

Correct. And this would mean every iteration of the site beneath this super wide version would need to contain these blocks and sub-blocks, and since you can only currently see the homepage, you couldn't possibly have any idea how much this would affect other pages and how they've been divided up.

How many good examples of sites can you find that have Nexus-like content that span the full width of the browser and work nicely across a multitude of templates, responsively? With content divided up like a newspaper? There's a reason you won't find many, if any.

There are are many implications beneath the surface of what you are suggesting, but it's not very practical when it comes to dealing with real world content. The content varies greatly, it's nowhere near as simple as you make it sound.
STURMKATTEN wrote: I don't mind if it's grey. As long as it's not painful white!


If there's no limit in place, you're effectively leaving articles, result pages etc to the width of the browser, and I wouldn't exactly call looking from one end of my 27" monitor to the other the greatest experience, especially for reading. My neck would definitely be getting a swivel-like workout.

That's an extremely weak argument. You're going to _force_ a column width, at your end, with no knowledge of what our end displays it with, rather than allow us to size and zoom our browser intelligently on our own screen?

Really, I can't even fathom why you would think it is a _bad_ thing to leave "articles, result pages etc to the width of the browser". That's _exactly_ what you should do. Why do you think windows have size controls? Why do you think monitors can be landscape _or_ portrait? As it is, you just sound like a control freak.
Edited by AikenHasAHat
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