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Site redesign - 2016 Update #1


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Oooo, I like. One thing I'm wondering about: will it be one skin for the whole site, different skins for each game like it is now, or a user choice between a few different options? I don't mind each game having a unique background but some of the current color choices...
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Categories are great. Because they allow me to get to what I want to look for faster.

As long as I can access the content, and NMM is always there to let me click it, I'm good. I might want to see if there are some mods for water, or sky.. a category selector will help me find what I want, which seems to already exist cheers, and that's basically all I need from nexusmods, thanks btw :)


Also, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems as though people who use the nexus for free, cannot report any harassment, abuse or incidents of that nature etc. I don't think that is a good thing.


I have also noticed that when using the search/browse filters, it seemed to be case-specific, using capital letters was required in some cases. This might not be the right place to post this, sorry, I'm new. Just thought it might be useful to know, thanks.

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Hmm the UI looks like a hybrid of Twitter and GOG for desktop which is on the right track but I think 2 rows of 5 cols gets a bit much when trying to home in on specific mod features or install info. Oh and please, please don't use a condensed font anymore for body text as it's really bad on the eyes. Let give that UI some breathing room.


On mobile and tablet, a responsive search would be better served with with autocomplete tappable panels. Time saving features that I would like to see are some iconography applied to mod thumbnails to show which mods are standalone and which rely on other mods as prerequisites or come recommended for best results. Please enable us to quickly tag mods to download queues without leaving the page in order to download them in sequence.


Last request, please add YouTube style, view replies links to comments so users can skip past dreadful instances of users quoting all of a news update in their own post. It's annoying and frankly unnecessary to have to scroll past duplicated content.

Edited by Guest
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It looks good so far, but is the new site design the cause of the insanely slow page loading and downloading issues right now???? Very frustrated with this issue over the last few days......getting downloads speeds of a mere 10kb a sec with a max of 60kb!!!
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We really apreciate the support that this site gives to all gamers and the fact that it allows us to not just expand our gaming experience but also to share that so for me it is a complete honor having the pleasure to hear such great news, I mean is even hard for me to think about how can you possibly improve such greatness!!
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In response to post #34953000.

arcturianconfederation wrote: We really apreciate the support that this site gives to all gamers and the fact that it allows us to not just expand our gaming experience but also to share that so for me it is a complete honor having the pleasure to hear such great news, I mean is even hard for me to think about how can you possibly improve such greatness!!

Can I opt in?
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Just tell me that the feature to allow offsite hosted images to show below the main image will be preserved (And hopefully given a larger format) It is essential to those of us doing story work and mod showcases in the image share.

Thank you.

Edited by aok
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In response to post #34932540.

Mebantiza wrote: Where have I seen this before, looks kind of familiar......

O yea, here


Nice rip, I hope nexus didnt pay too much for this. Steam game library is fine, and the store is ok, but for non-library, non-store feature, steam sucks. Really. And if the pics are any indication, someone really seems to think the steam look is a thing.

Its not. I suggest keep an option open for classic interface if this is the look your going for....

Nexus isn't really a store, or a games library, things steam does reasonably well at, so why copy something that steam is worst at?

I obviously see a completely different Steam Store page to you; because they don't look the same at all to me. And I'm pretty good at "spot the difference".




Let's play "spot the clueless man in the crowd". It ain't me, it ain't Dark0ne. Who could he be?


Just make it load faster.

I do hope Dark employs more hamsters and has them run faster to spin them internet wheels.

Edited by Ethreon
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In response to post #34744535. #34895905, #34899205 are all replies on the same post.

digitaltrucker wrote: Also, please please PLEASE make it so that whatever drop-down menus there are only drop down when you actually click the button and not just mouse over them.
BlindJudge wrote: We've been trying a few things out in this regard recently. I am in the camp of mouse rollover will open a menu, a few others in the click camp. What I have seen that I thought was interesting is the mix of them both.

a/ A user can click on a menu item to have it expand.
b/ A user can hover over a menu item for 0.3ms to have it expand.
c/ A user moving his mouse around the screen will not activate a menu item.

digitaltrucker wrote: Well, see....there's these things called 'cookies' that some modern-ish websites use. One of the things these 'cookies' can do is allow for the ability to remember preferences.

:D (just having a chuckle)

Make it a configurable option and everyone's happy. It's just a huge PITA when a menu rolls out of nowhere obscuring the content you're actually trying to see.

My problem with things popping up or expanding on mouse hover is that the mouse has to come to rest somewhere. It's extremely annoying when I move my mouse to get the pointer out of the way and it lands on some "menu" that then obscures the page. At the very least don't spread those sorts of things around the page like a mine field. Call me old fashioned, but the mouse has buttons for a reason and time-based automatic activity is a serous hardship for those with various disabilities.
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