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Alternate Historical Timelines


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Seeing how brutal mankind can be and knowing that Hitler only holds to infamous position he holds today, because no one else has yet unseated him on the throne of evil. I would say we'd be better off leaving things the way they are since we could very well unleash something that would wipe us out even before now.

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There is actually a joke, about time travel. That the reason the Titanic sank was a bunch of physicist went back into time to try to keep it from hitting the iceberg, but there was so many that went back it made the boat too heavy and it sunk (sank? )


haa haa haa haaa

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I'd go back in time and either kill or persuade the person who made time travel possible to abandon their pursuits before they reached fruition, because to change the beginning is to change everything, and I, or another temporal traveler would likely bring doom upon all the world.

It all depends on which theory of time travel you subscribe to. If there is only "ONE" timeline, then yep, you could most certainly totally screw the pooch. Another theory, however, is if you go back and change something significant, you simply create another branch of time. A 'parallel' time path, as it were. So, if you went back, and killed your grandfather, before he had any kids, you wouldn't immediately cease to exist, you would simply have create a new timeline, independent of the one that you actually lived in.

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