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What mods are you currently working on?


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Working on a PA texture mod. Just need to find a good tutorial on how to make them standalone. No idea how to go about it since this is my first retexturing for FO4.



Your other thread was responded too, Mr. Jerros. PAs may be a harder place to start given it has a palette and you don't just take a uv map and go into photoshop and copy and past some camo on it. Good luck though, and welcome, there's more tutorials now here than 2 months ago for sure.


Well, I should clarify. Not my first time retexturing or modding. Just my first retexturing in FO4. The textures are nearly finished and have been tested in the game. I can add them as replacers but thats not what I want to do. I am however, looking into creating the standalone version but thanks for the response. Looking into the tutorials thanks.

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I am planning a quest mod that takes place in a new vault, with its own social experiment of course.


I'm mostly working on the story and dialogue, but I can't wait to get my hands on the Creation Kit.

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I've always been one for tweaks and balancing, so my largest current project is a complete rebalance of the game, leaning toward lethality. The Survival Rebalance tool is nice, but limited, and the game still feels very bullet-spongey, even with it. My main goal is to give every enemy and piece of armor both DT and DR, adjust the weapons to account for that, and make regional damage done to the player more pronounced (25% health damage if a limb is hit, 100% if torso, 200% if head). In a suit of Power Armour .38 rounds should just bounce off of you, plus enemies will actually run away in terror if they can't do damage to you, as found out by the lovely Tougher Vertibirds mod.


I'm also currently brainstorming a quest mod that takes place pre-war, accessed via the Memory Den, where the protagonist and their wife/husband meet at a protest on opposite sides (Male was in the National Guard, Female was a college student, think Vietnam-era protests but more violently suppressed because of the Enclave). Being that far in the past will also let me still have a voiced player, as you will be playing a much younger version of the Sole Survivor.

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I'm also currently brainstorming a quest mod that takes place pre-war, accessed via the Memory Den, where the protagonist and their wife/husband meet at a protest on opposite sides (Male was in the National Guard, Female was a college student, think Vietnam-era protests but more violently suppressed because of the Enclave). Being that far in the past will also let me still have a voiced player, as you will be playing a much younger version of the Sole Survivor.


Just wanted to comment that this mod sounds great. I really look forward to seeing what you do with it.

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Think I'm going to work on finding a way with the GECK to disable the PC voice audio for either gender when it comes out. Put it up for a modders resource. Worst case scenario it means going through all the dialogue options and removing the play selected audio or some such.

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