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On the topic of beer. This is Skyrim afterall.


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Hehehehehehe. Or what about all the beer jokes in WarHammer(*FANTASY SETTING*)? In 'Hammer they've got Steinfest as a yearly celebration, where the global objective is to get as drunk and mean as absolutely possible-each race reacts diferently to drunk, but damn, the Orkz are funny when hammered. Orkz, sobre, are nearly indestructible since they cant feel pain and have no capacity for either fear or self preservation, thus they do stupid things like shoot armoured Orkz out of trebuchets to get them over the walls. God though, thast's them sobre, drunk... Oh man, they and the Dwarfs(Or as the Orkz call them, Da Stunties) give new meaning to beerhumor. ANd even the beer is funny-Bugman's XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Strength Moonshine-real moonshine varies between X and XXX strength, with XXXXX being a very strong spirit. Bugmans can apparently make the two elf races, the Dark Elves(Da Scareh Elvses/Da Hot Elveses(because Dark Elf ladies dont wear much) and High Elves(Dem stinkin' sneaky pansies) drunk simply via it's smell.


I so want some beerhumor here, I know it's foul, lowbrow humor, but for me, that doesnt matter, drunk Orkz shooting dwarves in barrels out of cannons is still hilarious. And anyway, even serious games need comic relief, especialy normaly Gothic WarHammer.

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I have an idea. Why not make some imrpovements to alchemy, you know, take a basis ingredient and mix stuff through it? rather than simply line up a row of effects? or worse, simply toss a tomato in a mortar and pestle and make a super-regen potion.


Idealy you could make all sorts of things, from delicious cherry-vodka and honey/cider combos, to potions made on the backs of other potions, and poisons made using not water as the base ingredient, but something much more dastardly, like gutterwater.

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What about beer stories? You walk into an inn, befriend some drunks, and everyone shares a beer while some old veteran tells tales of his rough life? Or maybe, like in Fable, you can get other people drunk, including the guards by giving them a drink or two? There's got to be some secure area somewhere out there where I can use some alcohol to get in. :P
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I believe the Nords would favour mead, not beer. Aside from it being a more Viking kind of drink, they had mead halls in Bloodmoon, after all, and the Nordic maid Eyja provides you with mead on demand if you hire her for Rosethorn Hall in Oblivion.
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  On 5/21/2011 at 9:46 AM, Mercbird said:

Perhaps beer can save Skyrim, just as it saved our world. Saw it on Discovery.




Yes....just like the Prohibition Acts of the 20's. Without beer, the world would be in an outrage. I wonder how Skyrim will react. Hey...maybe that's what's causing that Civil War that brought the Dragons back because some beer fan killed the King. :laugh: :tongue:

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I'd find it hilarious to be exploring a new city for the first time and upon approaching a bar from the outside, have two drunken Nords barrel out the door, breaking it down while fighting--could be scripted, but that would be ok, be hilarious to see
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  On 5/19/2011 at 5:12 AM, huntsman2310a said:

in this case Nords are like Australians


quoting Danny Bhoy here


"In a bar in paris, the french guy will say goodbye to everyone and walk, off into the moonlight"


"In Australia, the bell dings, chaos begins"


Hang on..... what if in the arena in Skyrim (There will be), you could choose drunk as a fighting style or handicap? I'd so throw down with a frost giant while hammered if thats the case


Oi there mate, I'm an Aussie too!


Those kind of stories come from those kind of people who do those kind of things. Seriously, ever hear a story of a drunken war from a polite gentleman? Didn't think so.


But eh, how the old days are.

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