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Honest Hearts - Impressions


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Loved the atmosphere, the tribes, the unique language feels, and the restrictions on player and resources. Great DLC, loved exploring it all, but above all else i loved the survivalists logs. However I cant help but feel that it was a waste of the best fallout character to date; The Burning Man.


Can not help but feel that Graham should have been rebuilding his power base and preparing to strike back as yet another wild card in the stakes of the mojave, or maybe trying to redeem himself in the eyes of Caesar. Really feel that they kind of rushed the PCs acceptance of his new life style as well. It just was not believable that the most vicious man the wasteland has known is a goody-two-shoes in under 5 minutes.


Loved the DLC, just wishing we had a better use of Graham than this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm on my second play thru, going to chose the kill the White Legs this time. I did Evacuation the first time and killed the Salt In Wounds dude, but still didn't care for the ending. This DLC is WAY better than Old World Blues (very annoying IMO) and Dead Money. better scenary and the nooks and crannies were cool (Randolh Clarke story). I need to try bringing some companions afterwards, just to see what I missed.
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I thought Honest Hearts was lacking. Sure the atmosphere was nice and all. Good change from all that Mojave desert!

But I felt it was really short, and very buggy. My game crashed there more than anywhere.

I do agree with minngarm, they really ruined Graham. He was probably the biggest let down in the DLC for me. I was expecting some badass dude but instead we got a wimp.


Best DLC not at all. Best DLC for me in New Vegas was OWB. I love the atmosphere in Big Mt.


Best DLC not in New Vegas has got to be Mothership Zeta. I found it fun to be abducted by aliens then you had to fight your way out!

Plus blowing up the other alien ship at the end was fun!


I'm planning on getting FO: 3 for the PC. ( I got it for the 360 a long while back)

I just wanna get it again on the PC to re-live the FO: 3 glory and experience the great mods made for it.

Edited by Dastardlybob
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  • 1 month later...

HH impression:


The Good:

Loved Graham and his internal struggle. Voice acting was spot on

Survivalist story was absolutely excellent - more of this please

Great new craftable items!

Nice scenery


The Bad:

The story was dull - a few fetch quests and an overstretched showdown lasting longer than it shoud, just to add hours to the DLC

The tribals (all 3 tribes actually) were bland and I didn't cared for them one bit

Daniel was an annoying wimp


like with a lot of Fallout from Obsidian. Great concept, great idea - Mediocre execution.

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