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Remove all my Mods from TESNexus

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Hiding the mods until an author makes known their intentions seems to be the most reasonable course of action. And if the banned author does not make known their desire within a set period of time, then the mods should be unhidden and remain on the nexus.


If that is too much work for a moderator, then maybe the moderator should think very carefully before banning someone who has uploaded a lot of mods.


No way should mods ever be auto deleted. In some cases those mods would be lost forever. If the system can't be changed then it would be best to keep it as is. IMHO

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What if the author is banned for reasons unrelated to their mods? Should a mod have to hide them still?


If that is too much work for a moderator, then maybe the moderator should think very carefully before banning someone who has uploaded a lot of mods.


If someone has broken the rules, they should be banned depending on the severity. Otherwise, they should be given strikes. Having lots of uploaded mods does not give you authority over your actions. What you think is that just because someone has uploaded many mods, they are given the right to be selfish or otherwise to be suspected for a ban. I'm pretty sure the mods already think carefully before banning someone, unless its obvious they should be banned (spambot, unneeded swearing/flaming/trolling, etc...)


The system at hand works perfectly fine. If they want their mods deleted, then they can ask for it. As you said, if the system isn't going to be changed, it should stay the way it is.


Sorry if I'm sounding rude, but I'm just voicing what I think about your post.



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I'm pretty sure the mods already think carefully before banning someone, unless its obvious they should be banned (spambot, unneeded swearing/flaming/trolling, etc...)

No worries, you saved me the trouble.

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Imagine if you were banned LHammonds (just think about it) and that was the policy. What would you do :P


I think that if Lon got banned, the first thing that I'd need is to be resuscitated!!

But... thats a very good example, as he has quite a few uploads. Not only would that be a lot of work for the staffer that issued the ban, but it would also be a lot of items that would no longer be available to the community.


Hiding the mods until an author makes known their intentions seems to be the most reasonable course of action. And if the banned author does not make known their desire within a set period of time, then the mods should be unhidden and remain on the nexus.


I disagree as far as automatically hiding the mods when they are banned.

It's all a matter of choices and consequences. A modder makes a choice to do something that gets them banned. Or a series of choices that leads to them being banned. The consequence is that they are well... banned.

WHY should the community that they served with their uploads, also automatically pay those consequences? Aside from the fact that this author may not be about, to update or add new mods?

How is that at all fair to the community?

This site is NOT about the individual. It's about the gaming community as a whole.

And IMO.... that would be a VERY SERIOUS mistake on our part to enact a policy like that.


If that is too much work for a moderator, then maybe the moderator should think very carefully before banning someone who has uploaded a lot of mods.


Unless it is an absolute clear cut violation, I usually will sit here and think over a ban for a while.

I'll look over a person's posting history, their uploads, their IP address information, and if it's a situation where they are responding to somebody, will even look into the posting history of the person they're responding to.

Unless it's a clear cut violation, I take a lot of consideration before the hammer falls.


No way should mods ever be auto deleted. In some cases those mods would be lost forever. If the system can't be changed then it would be best to keep it as is. IMHO

This I very much agree.


What if the author is banned for reasons unrelated to their mods? Should a mod have to hide them still?


If that is too much work for a moderator, then maybe the moderator should think very carefully before banning someone who has uploaded a lot of mods.


If someone has broken the rules, they should be banned depending on the severity. Otherwise, they should be given strikes. Having lots of uploaded mods does not give you authority over your actions. What you think is that just because someone has uploaded many mods, they are given the right to be selfish or otherwise to be suspected for a ban. I'm pretty sure the mods already think carefully before banning someone, unless its obvious they should be banned (spambot, unneeded swearing/flaming/trolling, etc...)


The system at hand works perfectly fine. If they want their mods deleted, then they can ask for it. As you said, if the system isn't going to be changed, it should stay the way it is.


Sorry if I'm sounding rude, but I'm just voicing what I think about your post.




Exactly. Modders are given a bit of leeway sometimes, because we do understand that people in general can just piss them off, or strike a nerve. However, like I said... is their history abusive to other members? Are they just an axeswipe in general?

Modders have to follow the rules the same as everybody else here. Heck, we staffers have to follow the rules even more so than you guys. But we're just as subject to being banned for breaking them as the rest of the community is.

Here's the deal.... your membership here gives you the right to control your content. The same as being an american citizen gives you the right to vote.

You lose your membership, and you have the right to an appeal. You have the right to request your stuff be taken down. You lose your citizenship and you're just screwed.


Ohhhhh.... a person has to swallow their pride and come ask the people that they wronged to do something for them. Excuse me if I shed no tears. If a person yucked up so bad that we had to get rid of them, then maybe coming back to ask for that will teach them a bit of humility.

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Imagine if you were banned LHammonds (just think about it) and that was the policy. What would you do :P

What are you trying to get at with that question? I'm not following you at all.


If I were banned for something other than mod theft, I'd hope the mods I have uploaded were not disturbed in any way. As far as "what would I do," it really boils down to one of the following things:


1. Accept the ban and leave.

2. Apologize and request to be unbanned.


If that is too much work for a moderator, then maybe the moderator should think very carefully before banning someone who has uploaded a lot of mods.

With a comment such as that, you apparently think we ban people without much thought or research in the matter. Taking time to do one's job is not a problem anyone on the staff has...it is however a problem if the staff is expected to spend time performing tasks that are unnecessary for the vast majority of cases. When handing out warnings or bans, it is rarely a cut-n-dry case that can fit nicely into thoughtless categories. One exception I've seen are spambots. Not even in cases where we ban someone for piracy is it always easy and clear-cut...sometimes we have to mull over the wording and the various possibilities where it "might" have been in reference to a legal activity.


As for the tone of this quoted statement, no member is above the rules. Sure, we tend to be more lenient on some members based on their history but it certainly does not mean warnings will not be issued or the banhammer won't strike if said member is stupid enough to advocate piracy on the Nexus sites...no matter how many mods a member have uploaded or how many posts they have under their belt. We certainly might think somebody might have accessed their account to post something out of the ordinary like that but it still wouldn't stop the ban from happening. You're still responsible for your account even if little brother jumped on your PC while you were out.



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Imagine if you were banned LHammonds (just think about it) and that was the policy. What would you do :P


But... thats a very good example, as he has quite a few uploads. Not only would that be a lot of work for the staffer that issued the ban, but it would also be a lot of items that would no longer be available to the community.


I was using you as an example, so to speak.

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As far as hiding them, I am sorry, I am not going to take time out of my day to hide files and images of somebody that screwed up.
I must admit that I have no idea how the software behind this site is built up, but I would imagine that with all the great this already coded into it, having an option to auto-hide the files owned by a modder becoming banned, would be very simple in comparision.


If you want your stuff removed, ask and it will happen.
From personal experience (as explained a couple of pages back), I find this statement arrogant and quite provoking. I am not saying (or believing) you mean it that way, but I think you completely fail to think of how it feels for the modder that has just received a ban. For me, which felt like I was first mugged by a big gang just for politely standing up against them and stating facts, then seeing that the moderator followed the gang's request just because they were many. After such a situation, having to (politely) ask the group that just banned you, isn't done very easily. Especially since you just lost the possibility of sending PM to the moderators as well.


For myself, I asked twice about the incident, trying to explain the unjustice, but got no reply back at all. From that I got the clear impression that I was just being ignored, so asking for my mods to be removed didn't even occur to me (until half a year later or so, when I had some PM exchange with Buddah, which lead to my unbannning, and an excuse that I greatly appreciated).


I'm not at all saying that all bans are unfair, but I believe that most modders probably feal quite bad having to contact you to regain control of their mods. When you ban someone, you take away the modder's control of his own mods, and



What if the author is banned for reasons unrelated to their mods? Should a mod have to hide them still?

Yes. All modders want to be able to update their mods and answer question about their mods. When being banned, he loses those possibilites at this site, so default should be that mods are hidden.


The system at hand works perfectly fine. If they want their mods deleted, then they can ask for it. As you said, if the system isn't going to be changed, it should stay the way it is.
It may be perfect seen from the moderators' view. While I have generally high respect for the moderators here, they are human and make mistakes like others, and it is very far from perfect for a modder which has been put in such an unfortunate situation, to have to contact the ones who just banned you and ask them for a service.



So I ask you to think a little bit how it feels for a modder who have just been banned, and consider to hide his mods by default.

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