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Fallout 4 1.4.124 Beta Update is on!


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They've added the survival mode because people have complained about it not being there. If the studio gets enough feedback about the forced lack of saving, they will change it, because when it comes down to it, they make these games to make money. Besides from what I gather, the only thing found at this point was one text file buried deep in the game's file that had this info on it. No scripts, no assets, nothing-- just 1 text file. It is extremely easy to change and should not be considered concrete proof of anything. the fact that so little evidence was found likely means that A). they have barely started this and it can be therefore easily changed or B). they're still working on it in order to gather feedback from focus groups, testers, etc.


And to echo what others have said, this could probably be fixed with mods very easily, or possibly even just an ini edit if we're lucky.

Edited by ddavies10693
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I wanna ride around on an adult size Giddyup Buttercup.


This. I was so disappointed when I realised that there was no functional Giddyup in the game, even after that side quest where you have to find the spare parts for that Ghoul who was tinkering with them :(

Maybe after the GECK comes out...

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Besides from what I gather, the only thing found at this point was one text file buried deep in the game's file that had this info on it. No scripts, no assets, nothing-- just 1 text file. It is extremely easy to change and should not be considered concrete proof of anything. the fact that so little evidence was found likely means that A). they have barely started this and it can be therefore easily changed or B). they're still working on it in order to gather feedback from focus groups, testers, etc.


Here are some more details from Lord Todd himself:



We’re doing things like you can’t save, it only saves your game when you sleep. You can’t fast travel. There’re all of these diseases. We’re trying it all. It’s a different experience. We’re not trying to make it a ton harder. It’s harder because you’re doing more things. We want the combat to feel different, as opposed to just being a bullet sponge. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2016/02/22/todd-howard-discusses-fallout-4-dlc-mods-amp-survival-mode.aspx?utm_content=bufferd7e3a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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