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I dont think there should be a Fallout 5


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I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want. Something that I would like to see and wish we had seen in F04 is a prewar individual being forced to do things that a normal person wouldn't do. We saw the female protagonist in FO4 go from 0-murder in 2.5 seconds like she was stepping into a warm bath.

You can RP her way she can murder people. It not that hard.



I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want.

I know, but to much rads, so little people and hardly anything to do really. It works more like a telltale game, or game with loading areas but not open world with 12940 of play time.


Do you actually know what you are speaking of?

15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo.

With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured.

Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore.

Genitalia, nope.

No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol.


Aside, as my Bro Broom said: what will you do?

Cower in some pit, waiting for your death, in extreme agony, alone by yourself?

That is, if you're lucky, I told you, you might end up a Ghoul, one that still has his wits, not them brainless monstrosities, you'd go insane due to loneliness, boredom, you name it...

IT would be cool if the game would stop taking itself so seriously :smile:

The game has his humour, it's just not always as obvious.




I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want. Something that I would like to see and wish we had seen in F04 is a prewar individual being forced to do things that a normal person wouldn't do. We saw the female protagonist in FO4 go from 0-murder in 2.5 seconds like she was stepping into a warm bath.

You can RP her way she can murder people. It not that hard.



I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want.

I know, but to much rads, so little people and hardly anything to do really. It works more like a telltale game, or game with loading areas but not open world with 12940 of play time.


1) But he has a point.

Know, humans are pre-programed by things like emotion, conscious, you name it.

One that is unable to kill, won't be able for either a very long time, but by then it's usually too late, or even not at all.

This very day, there are "battle hardened" soldiers that close their eyes when they fire upon an enemy.

Makes one think.

And our protagonist steps out the vault, goes on a killing spree, coming from a warm, cozy and SAFE environment?

But not likely.


It's not about RP. The game does not explore the psychological affects on your character going from suburban schmo to a killer, and no matter how long the character is in the wastes or how much combat training they get doesn't change that. Hunting an animal is not the same as killing a human being. I realize I'm simply wanting more depth from a writing staff that isn't capable of it, but it's a legit complaint from a game that decided to have the tone the mq is aiming for.


Of course, the game as is cannot allow it.

The protagonist would be either born a genocidal maniac, had a pre-programing in his hyper sleep, or would go mental.

Roaches the size of dogs?

i can think of a few that would drop dead from horror right there, lmao.

Not to mention when the hero bumps into his first Claw.


I see it as being pre-programed, think of Demolition Man, but without the knitting skill.

I mean, I can't really see how knitting could be life saving.

Unless you use the needles as sai... XD

OOH, here's an idea for a skill in FO5: Mortal Knitting.

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I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want. Something that I would like to see and wish we had seen in F04 is a prewar individual being forced to do things that a normal person wouldn't do. We saw the female protagonist in FO4 go from 0-murder in 2.5 seconds like she was stepping into a warm bath.

You can RP her way she can murder people. It not that hard.



I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want.

I know, but to much rads, so little people and hardly anything to do really. It works more like a telltale game, or game with loading areas but not open world with 12940 of play time.


Do you actually know what you are speaking of?

15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo.

With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured.

Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore.

Genitalia, nope.

No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol.


Aside, as my Bro Broom said: what will you do?

Cower in some pit, waiting for your death, in extreme agony, alone by yourself?

That is, if you're lucky, I told you, you might end up a Ghoul, one that still has his wits, not them brainless monstrosities, you'd go insane due to loneliness, boredom, you name it...


Aside from the fact that there is a population of people across the United States that didn't come from a vault, we are talking about a game where a bobby pin will open a wooden door but a mini nuke won't, I think I could suspend my disbelief a tad on some areas not being as irradiated as others. :smile:

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I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want. Something that I would like to see and wish we had seen in F04 is a prewar individual being forced to do things that a normal person wouldn't do. We saw the female protagonist in FO4 go from 0-murder in 2.5 seconds like she was stepping into a warm bath.

You can RP her way she can murder people. It not that hard.



I would consider 10-50 shortly after, although 50 would be a little much for what I'd want.

I know, but to much rads, so little people and hardly anything to do really. It works more like a telltale game, or game with loading areas but not open world with 12940 of play time.


Do you actually know what you are speaking of?

15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo.

With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured.

Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore.

Genitalia, nope.

No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol.


Aside, as my Bro Broom said: what will you do?

Cower in some pit, waiting for your death, in extreme agony, alone by yourself?

That is, if you're lucky, I told you, you might end up a Ghoul, one that still has his wits, not them brainless monstrosities, you'd go insane due to loneliness, boredom, you name it...


Aside from the fact that there is a population of people across the United States that didn't come from a vault, we are talking about a game where a bobby pin will open a wooden door but a mini nuke won't, I think I could suspend my disbelief a tad on some areas not being as irradiated as others. :smile:


Ever tried to stick a nuke into a keyhole?

I mean, seriously? XD

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15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo.

With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured.

Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore.

Genitalia, nope.

No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol.

I normally don't get into lore discussions, but.. If humans couldn't survive 10-15 years after the bombs dropped, how are there still humans 200+ years later? Obviously *some* survived in those irradiated environments, so it'd be totally possible to have a Fallout game in that time period.


Personally, I'd love for FO5 to be set even later on in the timeline though. FO4 tries so hard to draw a distinct line between Pre-War and Post-War society, with the prologue and so many NPCs complaining about 'how hard things are nowadays'.. I mean, 200 years is a really long time, why is everyone so familiar with life before the bombs? Actually, my perfect scenario for FO5 is pretty much a Fallout: New Vegas 2.0. I don't know if Bethesda got a new writer for this game or what, but I couldn't get into the storyline, the majority of the characters or the game world. Most things just felt either really lazy or super forced.

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15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo.
With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured.
Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore.
Genitalia, nope.
No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol.

I normally don't get into lore discussions, but.. If humans couldn't survive 10-15 years after the bombs dropped, how are there still humans 200+ years later? Obviously *some* survived in those irradiated environments, so it'd be totally possible to have a Fallout game in that time period.

Personally, I'd love for FO5 to be set even later on in the timeline though. FO4 tries so hard to draw a distinct line between Pre-War and Post-War society, with the prologue and so many NPCs complaining about 'how hard things are nowadays'.. I mean, 200 years is a really long time, why is everyone so familiar with life before the bombs? Actually, my perfect scenario for FO5 is pretty much a Fallout: New Vegas 2.0. I don't know if Bethesda got a new writer for this game or what, but I couldn't get into the storyline, the majority of the characters or the game world. Most things just felt either really lazy or super forced.




The reason that happens is cause Beth keeps trying to distance current Fallout titles from the older ones produced by Interplay.

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I normally don't get into lore discussions, but.. If humans couldn't survive 10-15 years after the bombs dropped, how are there still humans 200+ years later? Obviously *some* survived in those irradiated environments, so it'd be totally possible to have a Fallout game in that time period.

Well, a few HAD to survive for the game, or you'd be playing either a Mole Rat or a bug. XD


Realistically, no one had survived, simply ue to the fact those vaults are FAR too small, would drive anyone insane in mere months, on the outside: the entire FO4 US got nuked, any idea of the radiation levels, fallout, you name it?


But if you make a game, like this, well...

A few lucky ones had to survive, right?


Of course, we could argue about the bombs strengths etc etc etc...

Still, we're not meant to be packed 24/24, 7/7, 365/365 in a cardboard box like that.

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15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo.

With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured.

Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore.

Genitalia, nope.

No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol.

I normally don't get into lore discussions, but.. If humans couldn't survive 10-15 years after the bombs dropped, how are there still humans 200+ years later? Obviously *some* survived in those irradiated environments, so it'd be totally possible to have a Fallout game in that time period.


Personally, I'd love for FO5 to be set even later on in the timeline though. FO4 tries so hard to draw a distinct line between Pre-War and Post-War society, with the prologue and so many NPCs complaining about 'how hard things are nowadays'.. I mean, 200 years is a really long time, why is everyone so familiar with life before the bombs? Actually, my perfect scenario for FO5 is pretty much a Fallout: New Vegas 2.0. I don't know if Bethesda got a new writer for this game or what, but I couldn't get into the storyline, the majority of the characters or the game world. Most things just felt either really lazy or super forced.

They are getting new writers every now and then. I could see a ray of goodness in some side quests and followers. But placing your hopes in fun questing is way wiser.

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That easy.

Some lived, there are bunkers, shelters vaults could live on and let people out like 101.

They those people had sex.

you entirely missed the point: put 5 men in a room for a year, and you got guaranteed disaster.

Do the same with women for a week for the same result.


People just can't life together crammed up like that, for longer periods of time...

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