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Rapture day.


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OK there is an edit button for a reason. And this is NOT to be a discussion about the validity of religions...which it has turned into....and with religion there really are few "facts"


*wacks heads*


Back to the reverend and his band of merry men. And remember people...there are probably hundreds of "christian sects" for lack of a better word. All of them believe or practice just a bit different so its hard to say...unless you are well versed what they may all believe. Also today folks tend to have their own dogma in many cases...that is separate from whatever church in which they were raised.


Back to the Reverend whatshisbutt

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Hehe Lis I think you must've been posting at the same time as me. Yeah, I keep trying and bringing it back to the dodgy Reverend but other people seem to have other ideas.
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That had the church of whatever description stood up and said anything about the dodgy Rev, people like you, Halororor, would have been spitting fury at them daring to presume to speak out. You can't have it both ways.


Whatever gave you the idea I'd have been mad if Christians said they believed the same thing as me? Grabbing at straws much?


Besides, I decided to not say anything further, because I do not agree with the Pope on a lot of things, and I often get angry about it because I often feel what he says does nothing but enlarge the gap created between the various religions, beliefs and non-beliefs, but see, there I'm already starting on it, even though I said I didn't want to. But that aside, if the Pope publicly dismissed this reverand, why would I be angry at him? He is in agreement with me, whether I like the Pope or not. I'm not about to change my mind on the rapture day predictions suddenly because someone I dislike is in agreement with what I've been thinking all along. I'm not the smartest person alive, but I've got a lot more brains than that. To even suggest something as silly as that I'd be angry at the Pope over it really baffles me.


Edit: And ironically enough, the sentance I quoted is another example of you playing the victim, because you, for no apparent reason, assume that I'm going to spew hate and anger at Christians for no good reason, as if I've got my knife in for Christians all over the world. Never mind that I used to be Christian and see no reason for me to have any beef with them.

Edited by Halororor
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I think that if it isn't from a range of science instutions, then it isn't true. SO... lets all return to being psyducks :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:
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Somehow, laughing in the face of an idiotic scam artist turned into a religious debate. Christians don't accept him, because frankly they don't want to be affiliated with someone who makes wild claims and claims validity after being wrong many times.


Point being, people were idiots, and he's rich for it. Simple as that. It's not a religious thing, nor is it serious, it's just preying off of people's stupidity. That has no ties to religion, as regardless of religion, many people remain idiots by nature.


The idea of this is to simply poke fun at all the moronic saps who thought some random guy who is pretty vastly uneducated was somehow a master codecracker. If he was right on any of this, not only would he be dead, but he would be the ideal worker for the government, to crack codes. Now he is a prime choice for the government because the government and him share a quality: Idiocy.


To make my point, he is a scam artist, not a prophet. He's a cuckoo old man who is wrong more often than the weathermen.

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Somehow, laughing in the face of an idiotic scam artist turned into a religious debate. Christians don't accept him, because frankly they don't want to be affiliated with someone who makes wild claims and claims validity after being wrong many times.


Point being, people were idiots, and he's rich for it. Simple as that. It's not a religious thing, nor is it serious, it's just preying off of people's stupidity. That has no ties to religion, as regardless of religion, many people remain idiots by nature.


The idea of this is to simply poke fun at all the moronic saps who thought some random guy who is pretty vastly uneducated was somehow a master codecracker. If he was right on any of this, not only would he be dead, but he would be the ideal worker for the government, to crack codes. Now he is a prime choice for the government because the government and him share a quality: Idiocy.


To make my point, he is a scam artist, not a prophet. He's a cuckoo old man who is wrong more often than the weathermen.

Well, he's pretty convincing if you read his website (no, don't), and if you're an "average Christian."


But aren't most scam artist convincing?

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