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RIP 4th Amendment..


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Ahhhhh, I love the Naive.


This is how the seatbelt laws started out. Now cops can pull you over for pretty much anything that they want to and just say " I didnt see them wearing a belt".


Nope, seatbelt laws are there to protect those dumb people with no common sense and their children. And also prevent burdening the rest of the community with their medical bills & disabilities when they are involved in an accident if they unfortunately survive their stupidity and ignorance of the basic laws of physics.


Let's think about this one a bit....... In a car/truck, doing 70 mph, on a road, you have to wear a seatbelt. In an aircraft, doing 600 mph, that is likely to be subject to turbulence, thus, rapid altitude changes, (something a car will NEVER experience..... at least, not more than once.....) you DON'T have to wear a seatbelt......


Yep let's think about this...... a car doing 20-40mph crashes, 2 people in the front, one wearing a seatbelt and one not wearing one, and you 'd prefer your kid/partner/self to be the one not wearing a seatbelt who goes through the windscreen or gets caught halfway out of the window with the car on top of him?


Planes don't hit other things anywhere near as often as cars do and if they do whether you're wearing a seatbelt or not probably doesn't matter at 600mph and if you refuse to wear one at takeoff without good cause they can remove you from the plane.


I had a mate riding passenger with me who didn't wear his seatbelt in a near zero speed offroad "fallover" who had 3 operations over 4 months on his knee to get pieces of rear view mirror out of it before he could walk properly again. My 4x4 just slowly fell on it's side suffering only paint damage, and the insurance crap was a pain in the arse, if he'd been wearing his seatbelt we would have all been laughing about the incident.


I always wear my seatbelt, and require everyone else in the vehicle to do so as well. When I am in an aircraft, I wear my seatbelt at all times too. Aircraft encounter turbulence that dramatically effects the passengers on a fairly regular basis. I have never had turbulence toss my car up and down several hundred feet in just a few seconds.


Yes, seatbelts save lives. So do motorcycle helmets. Yet one is required, and the other is rather hit and miss..... I don't deny that seatbelts are a good idea, what I DO have issues with, is that the government requires them out of some concern for the 'cost to society'....... If that were indeed the case, I would think that drunk driving laws would be significantly stricter, and the penalties a bit more severe. Wanna kill someone, and basically get away with it? Get stinkin' drunk, and run them over with your car. If it's a first offense, you might do six months in jail.......


I have buried a fair number of my friends over the years due to car accidents. In those that had some chance of survivability, the folks that were NOT wearing their seatbelts, were killed. Those that were, walked away with minor injuries. So yeah, I AM an advocate of wearing them.

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Seems screwed up... I mean they can just break in like that, really freaky. I am sorry for you guys.


Well i live in UK, in the community where i live the Police are more busy catching people on bikes on the Pedestrian kerbs rather then searching the local tower full of drug heads or arresting the drug dealer around the corner. Also the trying to catch the local rapist would be too much, as british love to put it, "Effort".


We're not even allowed to defend our homes in case it infringes upon the rapists/burgars/murders human rights, the police are too busy hiding in bushes with their speed guns or counting ethinic minorities to actually protect anyone. They even made the sale of swords illegal, not exactly weapons you can conceal but they know many people keep them in their homes with good reason.

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Hear, hear, jim_uk. This is what RIP 4th Amendment will bring to you, USA.


And what's more, over here I don't think they customarily compensate for turning your house upside down and smashing your door down unless you are very loud and vocal about it.


They are FAR too busy being politically correct to catch the rapists, murderers and drug barons and yeah, don't even get me started on the speed guns (and no I have never been zapped.)

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Ahhhhh, I love the Naive.


This is how the seatbelt laws started out. Now cops can pull you over for pretty much anything that they want to and just say " I didnt see them wearing a belt".


Nope, seatbelt laws are there to protect those dumb people with no common sense and their children. And also prevent burdening the rest of the community with their medical bills & disabilities when they are involved in an accident if they unfortunately survive their stupidity and ignorance of the basic laws of physics.


Let's think about this one a bit....... In a car/truck, doing 70 mph, on a road, you have to wear a seatbelt. In an aircraft, doing 600 mph, that is likely to be subject to turbulence, thus, rapid altitude changes, (something a car will NEVER experience..... at least, not more than once.....) you DON'T have to wear a seatbelt......


Yep let's think about this...... a car doing 20-40mph crashes, 2 people in the front, one wearing a seatbelt and one not wearing one, and you 'd prefer your kid/partner/self to be the one not wearing a seatbelt who goes through the windscreen or gets caught halfway out of the window with the car on top of him?


Planes don't hit other things anywhere near as often as cars do and if they do whether you're wearing a seatbelt or not probably doesn't matter at 600mph and if you refuse to wear one at takeoff without good cause they can remove you from the plane.


I had a mate riding passenger with me who didn't wear his seatbelt in a near zero speed offroad "fallover" who had 3 operations over 4 months on his knee to get pieces of rear view mirror out of it before he could walk properly again. My 4x4 just slowly fell on it's side suffering only paint damage, and the insurance crap was a pain in the arse, if he'd been wearing his seatbelt we would have all been laughing about the incident.


I always wear my seatbelt, and require everyone else in the vehicle to do so as well. When I am in an aircraft, I wear my seatbelt at all times too. Aircraft encounter turbulence that dramatically effects the passengers on a fairly regular basis. I have never had turbulence toss my car up and down several hundred feet in just a few seconds.


Yes, seatbelts save lives. So do motorcycle helmets. Yet one is required, and the other is rather hit and miss..... I don't deny that seatbelts are a good idea, what I DO have issues with, is that the government requires them out of some concern for the 'cost to society'....... If that were indeed the case, I would think that drunk driving laws would be significantly stricter, and the penalties a bit more severe. Wanna kill someone, and basically get away with it? Get stinkin' drunk, and run them over with your car. If it's a first offense, you might do six months in jail.......


I have buried a fair number of my friends over the years due to car accidents. In those that had some chance of survivability, the folks that were NOT wearing their seatbelts, were killed. Those that were, walked away with minor injuries. So yeah, I AM an advocate of wearing them.

Cars and planes are not nearly the same.


Deaths in plane crashes have to do with the plane hitting the ground, a seatbelt won't help nearly as much as in cars.


Also if there is evidence to show that the person drunk intended to kill the other person, it will be charged as murder.


The drunk driver laws are only if the death was accidentally.


I agree with your point, but using a aircraft was a bad example.

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So, it only counts if someone dies? :D


There are numerous accounts of folks being seriously injured when they get bounced around inside the funny metal tube cruising thru the air...... just as their are many accounts of folks that were not wearing their seat belts being injured in even a single car crash. In either case, you would be SAFER with it on, than with it off, yet, for cars, that operate in two dimensions (hopefully...) you have to wear one, but, in aircraft, that operate in three dimensions, you don't?


And yeah, I agree, that whole 'hitting the ground at a high rate of speed' is a real bummer..... just not much hope of surviving that...

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Seems screwed up... I mean they can just break in like that, really freaky. I am sorry for you guys.


Well i live in UK, in the community where i live the Police are more busy catching people on bikes on the Pedestrian kerbs rather then searching the local tower full of drug heads or arresting the drug dealer around the corner. Also the trying to catch the local rapist would be too much, as british love to put it, "Effort".


We're not even allowed to defend our homes in case it infringes upon the rapists/burgars/murders human rights, the police are too busy hiding in bushes with their speed guns or counting ethinic minorities to actually protect anyone. They even made the sale of swords illegal, not exactly weapons you can conceal but they know many people keep them in their homes with good reason.



And here I thought it was only here in this community it was like that....



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Man In Wheelchair Bodyslammed To The Floor By Cops


These guys are the ones that show up by your house. What could a man in a wheelchair do to this **SNIP**? Talk back?



And just by the way. If any law violates the bill of rights or the constitution, its not legal. Every citizen and peacekeeper can ignore it and if one of those **SNIP** on the video say something different, well.. you also have the second amendment for a good reason.


EDIT by LHammonds: Strike #1 for vulgar use of the English language. Keep it clean please.

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Man In Wheelchair Bodyslammed To The Floor By Cops


These guys are the ones that show up by your house. What could a man in a wheelchair do to this **SNIP**? Talk back?



And just by the way. If any law violates the bill of rights or the constitution, its not legal. Every citizen and peacekeeper can ignore it and if one of those **SNIP** on the video say something different, well.. you also have the second amendment for a good reason.

The constitution is just a piece of paper if no one is there to enforce it.

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Seems screwed up... I mean they can just break in like that, really freaky. I am sorry for you guys.


Well i live in UK, in the community where i live the Police are more busy catching people on bikes on the Pedestrian kerbs rather then searching the local tower full of drug heads or arresting the drug dealer around the corner. Also the trying to catch the local rapist would be too much, as british love to put it, "Effort".


We're not even allowed to defend our homes in case it infringes upon the rapists/burgars/murders human rights, the police are too busy hiding in bushes with their speed guns or counting ethinic minorities to actually protect anyone. They even made the sale of swords illegal, not exactly weapons you can conceal but they know many people keep them in their homes with good reason.


And here I thought it was only here in this community it was like that....


Nope. It's like that here in Australia, too. Apparently I'm supposed to let the intruder slice my arm off with that knife he brought with him, and then hope that the judge will give him something close to the 15 years the law allows (knowing full well that he'll get off with 3 years, less time already served)...IF they catch him.

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Seems screwed up... I mean they can just break in like that, really freaky. I am sorry for you guys.


Well i live in UK, in the community where i live the Police are more busy catching people on bikes on the Pedestrian kerbs rather then searching the local tower full of drug heads or arresting the drug dealer around the corner. Also the trying to catch the local rapist would be too much, as british love to put it, "Effort".


We're not even allowed to defend our homes in case it infringes upon the rapists/burgars/murders human rights, the police are too busy hiding in bushes with their speed guns or counting ethinic minorities to actually protect anyone. They even made the sale of swords illegal, not exactly weapons you can conceal but they know many people keep them in their homes with good reason.


And here I thought it was only here in this community it was like that....


Nope. It's like that here in Australia, too. Apparently I'm supposed to let the intruder slice my arm off with that knife he brought with him, and then hope that the judge will give him something close to the 15 years the law allows (knowing full well that he'll get off with 3 years, less time already served)...IF they catch him.


So.. wait. Why do you do if someones DOES break in? In my house we keep 2 samurai swords in any case something would happen but my dad's face freaks out mostly anyone who messes around i.e throw stone and eggs in our window (regular).


But the law is seriously messed up, in UK you cant hit anyone "Youngsters" so they have the right to come and screw around and there is nothing we can do about it.


Crap, if someone breaks in and the house holder (UK or Austalria) takes offensive measure i am not sure we can even plead self defence... plus with the new police cuts.. Wait there is no difference anyway WITH the police.

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