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RIP 4th Amendment..


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Posted Today, 10:50 AM

I'll just say that if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry.



Long as they pay to put the door back up later.

Ahhhhh, I love the Naive.


This is how the seatbelt laws started out. Now cops can pull you over for pretty much anything that they want to and just say " I didnt see them wearing a belt".


Nope, seatbelt laws are there to protect those dumb people with no common sense and their children. And also prevent burdening the rest of the community with their medical bills & disabilities when they are involved in an accident if they unfortunately survive their stupidity and ignorance of the basic laws of physics.

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It used to be, that if the COP smelled something, it was insufficient cause for a search, however, if the DOG smelled something, that was considered sufficient. Now, the cops can wander past your door, and knock, and when you flush your toilet, burst in without a warrant...... Peachy. We are rapidly becoming a police state.

Yeah, I don't think the fire brigade should have the authority to breakdown a door when they smell smoke and hear people screaming inside either..........................

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Ya know, I've always thought to myself, that if I was to ever leave the US, I'd like to see what Australia is like. I'm really starting to wish that I had the cash for that.


No you don't. Trust me - you really, really don't.


Which is a shame, because I used to love living here. I just can't afford to leave. Okay, I do still love living here, most of the time. Then our lame-ass politicians go ahead and do something stupid (which is just about every other day) which further screws with the standard of living here, and my love for living here is eroded a little bit more...


Like the Carbon Tax. The one our newly-elected Prime Minister (well...she wasn't really elected - she heads a minority government beholden to the whims of the "independents" and Greens) said would never, ever occur under a government she led (which is still, I suppose, technically true, as she doesn't really lead the government). The same Carbon Tax that we're now being told will be in place by July 2012, even though there are absolutely no figures or draft legislation to give the population even the slightest hint of what it will do to our hip pockets.


Then there's her "Cash-for-Clunkers" scheme...where the government gives a couple of grand to people with ood cars to try and convince them to buy a newer car that is less hostile to the environment. That scheme (fortunately) died before it swung into action.


Don't forget her latest idea (actually included in the current Budget) - to give all pensioners a grant of $350 to give them a set-top box so they can watch digital TV. We'll ignore the fact that you can buy a set-top box for about $50 at the local shops. We'll also ignore the fact that "installers" are coming out of the woodwork to cash in on the grant money. Just like her other great idea of Free Home Insulation. Where the government paid for people to get the home insulation updated and renewed. Where installers who had no idea what they were doing were able to put batts into our roofs. Where 12 people died in house fires caused by faulty intallations.


Oh - and we can't co past the BER project of hers (officially called the Building the Education Revolution, but better (and more accurately) known as the Builder's Early Retirement scheme). That's the one where the government poured billions of dollars into building a new hall for every school in the country...regardless of whether they actually wanted or needed one. The same one where bureaucrats dictated what was being built in schools 5,000km from where they worked, and told the school councils (who really did have a far better idea of what was needed for their school - like extra classrooms, new computers, maintenance, etc...) that the school had no right to decide how the allocated money would be spent. Never mind that the school, if they'd built the exact same hall using private contractors, could have had the hall built for about 1/3rd the price the government was paying.


:facepalm: :wallbash: :facepalm:


Still want to come overe here...? Bring a gun...and put an extra bullet in it for me, would you? :rolleyes:




I feel better. And apologies for going off on a tangent. :thumbsup:

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This is really scary and depressing, you guys..........


I don't want to live in America anymore.

There's plenty of room and cheap houses in South Africa I hear, gun laws are pretty light too :)

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@ Sync182:


Did you forget about the hare-brained scheme where EVERY non-Private (ie. paid school) school students receives a free laptop courtesy of tax-payers once they reach Year 9?


One thing: if the police made a mistake (ahem), do you get compensated for damages?

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@ Sync182:


Did you forget about the hare-brained scheme where EVERY non-Private (ie. paid school) school students receives a free laptop courtesy of tax-payers once they reach Year 9?


One thing: if the police made a mistake (ahem), do you get compensated for damages?

I assume so, my dad had the police reinburse the landlord fully for repairs to a door on one occassion I know of after the raided an empty house he was managing because the druggo tennants had done a runner.


What's the bet the Set Top boxes they give them will be too complex to operate or have too small text for the elderly to actually use, a digital TV would be much more user friendly for most oldies :P


Then again maybe 500,000 old people turfing their old CRT TV's isn't good for the enviroment...........

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Did you forget about the hare-brained scheme where EVERY non-Private (ie. paid school) school students receives a free laptop courtesy of tax-payers once they reach Year 9?


I was trying to. :facepalm:


One thing: if the police made a mistake (ahem), do you get compensated for damages?


Dunno. I think the state of the police force here is such that a few of them aren't sure what's going on, because they're too busy kow-towing to minority groups and politicians to actually do any real policing. :ohdear: You know, like catching people driving unregistered cars, walking the beat, getting to konw their local community, and so on. I'm not saying the police don't put in - just that I'm not sure they're doing what they should be doing.

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Seems screwed up... I mean they can just break in like that, really freaky. I am sorry for you guys.


Well i live in UK, in the community where i live the Police are more busy catching people on bikes on the Pedestrian kerbs rather then searching the local tower full of drug heads or arresting the drug dealer around the corner. Also the trying to catch the local rapist would be too much, as british love to put it, "Effort".

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Posted Today, 10:50 AM

I'll just say that if you're not doing anything wrong you shouldn't have to worry.



Long as they pay to put the door back up later.

Ahhhhh, I love the Naive.


This is how the seatbelt laws started out. Now cops can pull you over for pretty much anything that they want to and just say " I didnt see them wearing a belt".


Nope, seatbelt laws are there to protect those dumb people with no common sense and their children. And also prevent burdening the rest of the community with their medical bills & disabilities when they are involved in an accident if they unfortunately survive their stupidity and ignorance of the basic laws of physics.


Let's think about this one a bit....... In a car/truck, doing 70 mph, on a road, you have to wear a seatbelt. In an aircraft, doing 600 mph, that is likely to be subject to turbulence, thus, rapid altitude changes, (something a car will NEVER experience..... at least, not more than once.....) you DON'T have to wear a seatbelt......


Helmet laws for bikers...... This one I find absolutely hilarious..... There are a fair number of states, that motorcyclists do NOT have to wear a helmet....... Take Ohio for example. If your bike has an engine on it, you don't have to wear a helmet, however, if your bike does NOT have an engine, you DO!


Trying to convince me that these laws stem from some flavor of government concern for our health and well being, just isn't gonna fly. Sorry, these are about revenue. That's it.



It used to be, that if the COP smelled something, it was insufficient cause for a search, however, if the DOG smelled something, that was considered sufficient. Now, the cops can wander past your door, and knock, and when you flush your toilet, burst in without a warrant...... Peachy. We are rapidly becoming a police state.

Yeah, I don't think the fire brigade should have the authority to breakdown a door when they smell smoke and hear people screaming inside either..........................


Dramatically different scenarios. There is no relation between them.

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Ahhhhh, I love the Naive.


This is how the seatbelt laws started out. Now cops can pull you over for pretty much anything that they want to and just say " I didnt see them wearing a belt".


Nope, seatbelt laws are there to protect those dumb people with no common sense and their children. And also prevent burdening the rest of the community with their medical bills & disabilities when they are involved in an accident if they unfortunately survive their stupidity and ignorance of the basic laws of physics.


Let's think about this one a bit....... In a car/truck, doing 70 mph, on a road, you have to wear a seatbelt. In an aircraft, doing 600 mph, that is likely to be subject to turbulence, thus, rapid altitude changes, (something a car will NEVER experience..... at least, not more than once.....) you DON'T have to wear a seatbelt......


Yep let's think about this...... a car doing 20-40mph crashes, 2 people in the front, one wearing a seatbelt and one not wearing one, and you 'd prefer your kid/partner/self to be the one not wearing a seatbelt who goes through the windscreen or gets caught halfway out of the window with the car on top of him?


Planes don't hit other things anywhere near as often as cars do and if they do whether you're wearing a seatbelt or not probably doesn't matter at 600mph and if you refuse to wear one at takeoff without good cause they can remove you from the plane.


I had a mate riding passenger with me who didn't wear his seatbelt in a near zero speed offroad "fallover" who had 3 operations over 4 months on his knee to get pieces of rear view mirror out of it before he could walk properly again. My 4x4 just slowly fell on it's side suffering only paint damage, and the insurance crap was a pain in the arse, if he'd been wearing his seatbelt we would have all been laughing about the incident.

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