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Computer VS NPC's


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I Have a small question. What causes frame rates to drop in Oblivion? I have a quadcore AMD black with DDR2 mem and GtX250 vid card. I get great framerates for the most part but big drops in Leyawiin and IC market. Leyawiin is really bad, about 14 FPS. Is this due to NPC's ? If so is there a work around other then looking at the sky?


My game has about 150 mods but none are heavy scrips running. No MMM, FCOM or OOO. Just map alterations mostly. Any suggestions would be nice. ;-) Have a great weekend all.

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Almost all NPCs in Oblivion have AI package for scheduled 'behavior'. They have schedule for roaming around, eating, sleeping, doing their work. And when you're playing the game, CPU will process those AI packages to make NPCs doing so. Besides, this game does not utilize multi-core well.
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Yep, AI is the big framerate killer. It eats your CPU for lunch. You can mitigate it some by either killing off some of the sound, (quiet feet, or, just disabling music in-game via the oblivion.ini, just turning down the volume won't make any difference.) or reducing the number of NPC's...... (not aware of any mods that do that though, quite a few go the other way though....) Reducing the load on the CPU by installing a hardware accelerated sound card is a good boost, with Vista, or Win7, you need some third party software to actually make it work though, as directsound calls were removed as of Vista......
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Thanks for the information all...I do have an SB sound card so I don't think it's sound related. I just think it's strange that when I look away from the NPC's in the Market & Leyawiin my framerates go back up to normal. I gues I just have to deal with the slow frame rates in Leyawiin. Entering PCB command helps a tinny bit but not much. Any hoo thanks for the response.
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Thanks for the information all...I do have an SB sound card so I don't think it's sound related. I just think it's strange that when I look away from the NPC's in the Market & Leyawiin my framerates go back up to normal. I gues I just have to deal with the slow frame rates in Leyawiin. Entering PCB command helps a tinny bit but not much. Any hoo thanks for the response.


Funny thing I found in high frame rated areas is that looking at the ground speeds me right up. Enjoy your feet. :biggrin:

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Thanks for the information all...I do have an SB sound card so I don't think it's sound related. I just think it's strange that when I look away from the NPC's in the Market & Leyawiin my framerates go back up to normal. I gues I just have to deal with the slow frame rates in Leyawiin. Entering PCB command helps a tinny bit but not much. Any hoo thanks for the response.


What sound card do you have? Not all of them are hardware accelerated......

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High polycount and lighting effects destroy framerate. The more stuff on the screen, the slower the game. This is why the game runs faster when you look at the bare dirt on the ground than when you look at people and buildings. Grass, shadows, and rain can devastate your framerate.


Lighting causes major loads on the computer. The worst thing is intersecting light radii. Oblivion can not deal with lighting like Morrowind could. If you have two or more lights shining on the same spot, then the computer has to calculate how the light illuminates objects from not just one angle, but from two or more. You could run an experiment and put 20 lights in a small room. Your game might be practically unplayable and you might not be able to escape from the room, or else your game might just crash.

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High polycount and lighting effects destroy framerate. The more stuff on the screen, the slower the game. This is why the game runs faster when you look at the bare dirt on the ground than when you look at people and buildings. Grass, shadows, and rain can devastate your framerate.


Lighting causes major loads on the computer. The worst thing is intersecting light radii. Oblivion can not deal with lighting like Morrowind could. If you have two or more lights shining on the same spot, then the computer has to calculate how the light illuminates objects from not just one angle, but from two or more. You could run an experiment and put 20 lights in a small room. Your game might be practically unplayable and you might not be able to escape from the room, or else your game might just crash.



I think you are on to the problem. When ever I go into the CS, In Leyawiin & cheydenhal I get a warning about multi light source on the statues. Those are the two towns I get the most noticable slow downs. But Leyawiin Is the worst for me. Is there a way to correct this in the CS? Or does it not matter? Thanks again for the help all. :thumbsup:

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