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Another Beta?!?!


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Had problems with the 1.3 patch so I cringed yesterday when I saw that FO4 was being updated. But so far so good with 47 plugins and 77 mesh/texture mods.


edit: maybe it's just this overall buggy game, and not the patch particularly, but it seems to be taking a looooong time to draw meshes/textures sometimes. Has happened before, but seems like a lot more since yesterday. And major stuff too, like huge holes in the floor that take forever to draw.

that happens because they changed how the textures load in 1.2 instead of waiting 1 minute for load screens they now load ON THE FLY as you enter an area. but imo it's worse it's taking longer for the textures to load and causes micro freezes even during battles i'd rather put up with the damn loading screens!


Yeah, although it seemed to have become worse just lately. (I'm with ya completely - rather suffer through longer loading screens!) But, who knows, could be just one of those things. It seems that, once in a while, it reaches a tipping point although verifying game cache via Steam seems to get things back on track. (Actually just did that.) So, yeah, coulda just been one of those times and the timing with the patch a mere coincidence.

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I haven't had any troubles with any of the patches...except that one boo-boo they made that dramatically increased loading screen times (and they fixed that one pronto).

It was fixed this patch?


That happened a couple of betas ago, and they released a beta within a day or two that fixed that...something to do with texture threading or some such, iirc.

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I have long load times too, oddly enough...since we all removed the long line from our ini (wasn't that supposed to do the opposite?). Although it could just be that that coincided with a patch and it was the patch that did it.


I've had no major problems with the updates though really. The 1.3 was a bit weird though. I started getting the textures loading low res ones when you enter new areas, whereas 1.3 fixed that for most people didn't it? Weird that it only started for me though then, and it's pretty bad sometimes waiting for them to load. I know i said i already have long load times but honestly, i'd rather wait a bit longer than have that happen.


To early to tell fully with 1.4 but so far, so good

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