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Item Codes


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What is the item codes for Reznods mannequin mod....I don't want to wander around and only be able to buy 10 mannequins for every store, it takes wayyyyy too long!!

Thanks in advance,


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Depends on it's position in the load order. if it is the eleventh counting from the main ESM being 0, the first two digits would be 0A (10 in decimal).
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Depends on your load order....... You would be better off just consoling yourself a boat load of gold, buying them all up, consoling your strength to uber levels so you can carry them, and tote them back to whereever you want them.


Hint: Do NOT drop them out of your inventory, unless you are placing them where you want them, stuff 'em in a container somewhere.

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Go to a store that has them and buy 1 of every mannequin. Then drop them and open console (if it doesn't work please refer to this for help on getting console to work.) click on the mannequins and type in "getbaseobject", hit enter and it should show the item codes for the mannequins :thumbsup:
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