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Mobile Truck Base for Fallout 4


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I'll be honest, don't care much for building settlements. Used the Tent mod for New Vegas and saw this mobile base mod recently. Seems like a cool idea. Make it for Fallout 4, increase the size a little and have a place for item storage and power armor rack. Don't care about the crafting tables because I could do that at settlements, just want a way to take all my stuff with me as I work across the map without constantly having to fast travel back and forth.

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I have always thought it would be rad as hell to make a small compact home out of one of those big orange and black buses, or a big semi-truck.


Making it mobile would only make it more awesome.


Though having it actually drive from place to place might be difficult. Would probably have to work like fast travel, where you interact with the driver's side door, choose a destination, and your truck teleports to specific locations.

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Yes, just like that. Just big enough for a bed, a storage chest or two, power armor stand and maybe 1 crafting table so you'd have to choose and everything else would be at settlements.

Don't suppose it's easy to just transfer an existing mod over from Vegas?

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i agree as a lover of real travellers, not the UK Pikies no offence is meant to them, i am of the same mind as a player of both Skyrim and FO4, i have found the Gypsy Eyes mod to be great. I could be wrong It might be the fact no real scripting options exist in the base game and they are coming in GECK.

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Dunno if the standard Bus would be big enough for a Power Armor stand.

Would it be possible to have a Workshop in an interior cell?

OR, have the Bus be open to the outside, but have the workshop boundary only encompass the bus itself?

Would the bus supply its own power for connected objects like Terminals and Turrets?


You could have the bus move from Settlement to Settlement by placing "Bus Parking Spaces" which would require enough space for the bus to fit.


Would this allow for an Airship mod?

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