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Croup Manor is a very interesting settlement (settlement spoiler)


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So I completed the game yesterday, but have yet to pursue the minutemen stuff very heavily (unlocking all the settlements and such)


Started going through a load of them today, and ended up getting "Croup Manor", now the place looks like s#*!, but it's possible to take it apart piece by piece with a mod like "spring cleaning"


Now there is the problem, you can take it apart, but no way to actually build it back with the same fixed parts, seen other people do this, but I cannot find them.


Anybody got a solution?

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Simply put, I put absolutely nothing in the manor, it scares the crap out of me. My primary structure at Croup Manor is a large rectangular house built around the central monument which, as you may have noticed, has fertile soil at the top. So I enclosed the monument and built a door facing it so it was a sort of indoor patio. I was able to add Mutfruit and a water spout in the center which I thought was a nice touch.




It will probable chew through most of your size allotment unless you're willing to increase it by dropping guns on the floor and throwing them into the workshop bin.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Simply put, I put absolutely nothing in the house, it scares the crap out of me. My primary structure at Croup Manor is a large rectangular house built around the central monument which, as you may have noticed, has fertile soil at the top. So I enclosed the monument and built a door facing it so it was a sort of indoor patio. I was able to add Mutfruit and a water spout in the center which I thought was a nice touch.




It will probable chew through most of your size allotment unless you're willing to increase it by dropping guns on the floor and throwing them into the workshop bin.

That has nothing to do with my question.

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Yes, well, I am no great mod connoisseur. I'm sure in time, when Bethesda finally gets around to releasing the Fallout 4 GECK we will finally see a mod that makes Croup Manor livable. There are already mods that try such on the Nexus though I am not quite sure if any meet your requirements.


For me though it's the music in the area that makes it unlivable for me.


Of course, a PC player can thankfully delete all of the ghoul corpses littering the place. Helps a great deal.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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I can't check for sure now till i load it up later, but if i remember right from when i built it up....

Homemaker had some of the parts, for the ones it didn't have i had to use spawndupe console command. Then position them with Precise object moving and rotating

Time consuming but worth it in the end :)

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