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problems with file uploading on the DA Nexus


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I am the designated file uploader for the Quests and Legends mod. Idomeneas just came out with a new full version which is about 678MB. I have a few problems......


#1 Before I go further, there are 2 things....a) yes I split it into less than 300MB files (which I will get into below) and b) no I am not trying to do the "multi part file upload option" as that has never worked for me.


#2 OK, with that said, here is the first issue....It won't let me upload files larger that the uploader ACKNOWLEDGED size of 244MB and change....not the size of the zip file. Whenever I try, it gets to about the 244MB point and then errors out. I did manage to get files uploaded as smaller than that. I put a 200MB limit with 7-zip when I split the file and it works. It does read the 200MB zip file as about 211MB though.


#3 I get this message on some of the uploads and then they error out. I do indeed have access to that members file. It doesn't do it to me all the time....but since the new full version came out and I have been trying to get it up for the author, it does it to me about every other time I try and upload something. Here is the message I get:



You don't have permission to access /members/upload/getprogress2.php on this server.


Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


#3 If I try and upload multiple files at the same time using different tabs, it errors me out when I hit the 244MB mark of the files combined....for example....upload #1 is at 100MB done, #2 is at 75MB done, #3 is at 50MB done, and when #4 hits around 20MB, it errors me out on all of them. I can download 10 files at the same time and get the capped 500kb per file without issue. I have a 22Mb connections so bandwidth isn't an issue.


I first thought it might have been a firefox 4 issue as that update is buggy as hell. I went back to firefox 3.6 until they get that sorted and I still have the same issues. I also get those same issues in IE9.


I submitted a report but I think I forgot some of the stuff they wanted and I have since had new issues.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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I'll give it a test now and let you know. It's possible that the anti-DoS software on the server is thinking your upload is a DoS attempt and denying it (that's what the forbidden error is). Anyway, I'll be back in 20 with the results of my test.


EDIT: Can you explain why the multi-part uploader doesn't work for you?

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Thanks for the quick reply/fix Dark0ne! I had already split it into 4 parts and adjusted the description both here and on the BSN. He is going to make the mod bigger soon so eventually we would have to make it a four parter anyway.


As far as the multi-file option...what happens is I split my file up into parts using 7-zip. (a DAZIP) I then upload the first file with the extention 001, ticking the appropriate boxes. That seems to go on fine. It is the subsequent parts that didn't work for me. The last time I tried was a 3 part multipart upload and parts 1 and 3 went on fine but part 2 sat there forever and wouldn't finish. I tried a couple of times with the same result, got frustrated and just uploaded them as separate files and created an article I posted here on how to recombine them. I did try only uploading them 1 at a time with the same result. I saw others have the same, or similar problem. I will admit that I haven't tried it in quite a while considering I have that article up and the other way works for us without having to rename the files. It might work now.


Speaking of that article, how come I don't have my "manage articles" anymore in my member area? I had to look at a mod description for a link to my own article. I clicked the "Dragon Age Articles" that took me to the wiki but it isn't there. It is still hosted on the DANexus here:


I think I remember seeing that you were going to go wiki with this kind of stuff but how can I update this article, or my other article now? I might just be missing where the access is to it now but I have looked a couple of times and can't find it without going to the link to it I put in the Quests and Legends description page. I would hate to lose that article as it has helped a lot of people install that multi part mod.


*EDIT* I found where I can open it up. It is listed on my Dragon Age profile. I usually don't look at my own so I missed it. I am still no seeing how I can access the article with my author admin to edit/update it though. Sorry if I am just being a noob with this.

Edited by XTR3M368
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The article database is being completely phased out so I'd recommend making it a Wiki article on the Nexus Wiki if you want to hold on to it for much longer.


RE: the upload process I definitely wouldn't recommend trying to upload multiple large files at the same time. It'll screw up the server and everyone uploading at that time will have problems; it's probably what happened to your part 2 upload. The /tmp folder on the server is only so big so if lots of people upload large files at the same time then it fills up and no one can finish their upload.


From what you've said the multipart system didn't break, just the upload system. I'd give it a go again as it's much more convenient for your mod users to use the multi-part system as it won't rename the files.

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I thought I would post it here, I'm on a slow network connection and I'm trying to upload a mod. I get the same error, it reaches about 55% and I get the same error.


I'm going to give it another try, the wifi here has been sketchy and I'm wondering if it is a problem on my end. I've compressed the mod and it is only about 68mb - pretty small but the internet here must be throttled, it's very slow. Maybe I'm getting timed out?


Edit: I should note that this is on the new vegas nexus


2nd Edit: I was able to upload it at home on a mobile internet turbohub

Edited by PaladinRider
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