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Diablo 3 Beta is OUT!


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You're misinformed, brokenergy. As part of the merger deal with Vivendi, Blizzard retained autonomy in their relationship in Activision Blizzard, Bioware do not have the same relationship with EA. BioWare are owned by EA outright and EA have the final say in any decision making. Hence why Mythic was merged with BioWare so that all EA's RPG work could be done under one development company. BioWare Mythic are handling the upcoming Star Wars MMO while BioWare handle the single-player RPGs. Together they're known as the BioWare Group.


The relationships are very different. BioWare are lapdogs to EA, Blizzard are not lapdogs to Vivendi (or Activision).

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Sorry, if I feel mis-informed but Blizzard isn't free as people think. People only assume that they are "free" and the only reason that they take their time is that they have the resourses to do so. This isn't the case with BioWare as even though that they are bought off by EA, they still have as much power as they did before but some groups don't have the resources to perform their duties. Their CEO's and founders are in the EA board and if they don't like anything that could hurt the BioWare brand, they can voice it.


People assume that when a game is delayed or pushed forward, it means that they want to make it better or rushing it out the door. It isn't like that, there are other factors such as competitions, major delays in production, deals talks etc. ME3 is an example of such delays because of Skyrim. If Skyrim wasn't around, then it would have gone to plan but the EA board thought that they shouldn't risk their number one RPG against Skyrim.

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Sorry, if I feel mis-informed but Blizzard isn't free as people think. People only assume that they are "free" and the only reason that they take their time is that they have the resourses to do so. This isn't the case with BioWare as even though that they are bought off by EA, they still have as much power as they did before but some groups don't have the resources to perform their duties. Their CEO's and founders are in the EA board and if they don't like anything that could hurt the BioWare brand, they can voice it.


People assume that when a game is delayed or pushed forward, it means that they want to make it better or rushing it out the door. It isn't like that, there are other factors such as competitions, major delays in production, deals talks etc. ME3 is an example of such delays because of Skyrim. If Skyrim wasn't around, then it would have gone to plan but the EA board thought that they shouldn't risk their number one RPG against Skyrim.



I would put more money on the delaying being centered around the over all sloppy job with DA 2, and the other major releases that EA has planned for this year, over skyrims release.

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DA2 would have been released a lot later if TW2 and new Deus Ex weren't around, they also had a thing called a timeline, something in which people seem to forget in this day and age. Things happen you know, they don't go to plan. DA2 may not have the huge hit in which BioWare and many people wanted but it was certainly better than Origins. You learn less from your sucesses than from your failures, and this is why I like DA2 more than Origins. Besides, ME3 is handled by the ME team and the ME team are not connected to the DA team.


On-topic; bet that D3 will be just the same as the past D titles but only a major graphics updata. You heard it here first.

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I am... unsatisfied with the screenshots and crappy youtube videos of D3. I hope when it comes out, D3 has a decent demo, or I can find some other way to try it before buying it.


Because after D2, which I considered a huge disappointment, I'm not going to shell out for D3 before playing it.

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I am not a fan of diablo series but i thought someone might be interested in this:


Always online and no mods and buy sell items for real money. Kind of shocking.


Have never played a blizzard game actually (apart from starcraft 2 that I tested by a friend to see what the fuzz was about-didn't see it then either, and this is coming from a person who played almost only RTS games in his youth). So in my book they are a bit overrated. Diablo 3 was actually the only game from them that managed to grab my attention since the combat I've seen on youtube did seem pretty fun. But if the above is true then they can forget it.


“We thought about this quite a bit,” says executive producer Rob Pardo. “One of the things that we felt was really import was that if you did play offline, if we allowed for that experience, you’d start a character, you’d get him all the way to level 20 or level 30 or level 40 or what have you, and then at that point you might decide to want to venture onto Battle.net. But you’d have to start a character from scratch, because there’d be no way for us to guarantee no cheats were involved, if we let you play on the client and then take that character online.”

And the problem with this is? Couldn't they just have given you the option to play the SP online or offline, with the rule that offline players can't join the multiplayer?


DA2 may not have the huge hit in which BioWare and many people wanted but it was certainly better than Origins.

Thats your opinion and I respect it - but that doesn't seem to be what the majority of the customers think as far as I have seen (yes, I couldn't let that go :whistling: )

Edited by amycus
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I am not a fan of diablo series but i thought someone might be interested in this:


Always online and no mods and buy sell items for real money. Kind of shocking.


I have no issue with the no mods thing myself, but it annoys me terribly that they're making it online only. I always enjoyed playing in Nightmare mode knowing I got there by myself: no mods, no one to help me. If they were going to make it strictly online, they could have done a lot more making it into a proper MMORPG, instead of this half-assed approach. Furthermore, the trading thing is rubbish. It's not like Blizzard isn't making tons of money. If they do this with WoW, I will never touch the game again.


Evilneko, because of his attitude (held by many others I'm afraid, we're also going to see people crying that it's ruined FOREVER and they changed it, now it sucks. I am just about to say it myself. I had no problem with any of it up until now, but now they've gone and done it.

Edited by nyxalinth
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