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when the creation kit hits some one has to make:


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No one has to make anything ;)


However, you can grab some of the programs people use to make mods.. learn how to, and make this weapon for your and everyone's delight. All the glory to you!

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I'll try to explain why your being told to go make it yourself.


  1. You came off in your first post as "Demanding" that some modder has to make this for you,
  2. Modders get "Demands" from entitled mod users all the time!
  3. Many modders are just sick of mod users "Demanding" They make what they want and how they want it done. ( Most of these "Demands" Come with a "this is so Simple" disclaimer or an "I'll Only Endorse if you do XYZ"! threat! )

I'm not saying that it was your intent to "Demand" But there is a way to make a mod request without sounding like you are.

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IT would be cool, but requires time, and people are demanding a lot of things. You'd have to pay attention and ask at the appropriate time, or your request will get buried under thousands of other requests for a weapon or other.

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