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Creating a fence?

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I'm trying to make a fence that isn't part of the thieves guild, but I can't get him to buy stolen goods. He'll buy things that aren't stolen though. I tried looking up a tutorials and all I got were guides on how to build actual fences or unrelated merchant guides . If anyone could tell me how to get him to buy stolen items I would appreciate it.

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What is his Responsibility set at? He'll need to be set low to accept stolen goods (for example Manheim Maulhand at the Inn of Ill Omen will ... his responsibility is 30, Shady Sam has 35 responsibility and I'm pretty sure he will also buy stolen goods if he has enough gold for the item)

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  • 4 years later...

I have 2 fences at responsibility 35 in my current WIP and they buy the stolen goods but the items sold doesn't count as fenced? They are both members in the Fence and Thieves Guilds factions and also in player faction as they are put in a player faction owned cell, so can that be the issue?

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I have 2 fences at responsibility 35 in my current WIP and they buy the stolen goods but the items sold doesn't count as fenced? They are both members in the Fence and Thieves Guilds factions and also in player faction as they are put in a player faction owned cell, so can that be the issue?


Where are you getting the Fence faction from ... I don't see it listed as a vanilla game faction. That leads me to think your problem is from having another mod's ESP as a master (can't be done except through Wrye Bash's ESMify/ESPify or Construction Set Extender).


- Edit - OK now I see it listed in the CS (it's missing from the UESP Wiki page for factions).


To test to see if the player owned cell is a problem put them somewhere that is public and test (stick 'em with good old Shady Sam for as test ... he could use the company).


- Edit 2 - What is their Thieves Guild rank? Also is their Class MerchFence?

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Well I did some testing now and when you sell stolen items to my fence, they get counted as fenced for the quest, Independent Thievery, but there's no messages saying so in the left upper corner. I checked first how much I had fenced by selling some stuff to a real fence, and after that I sold stolen stuff for 300 gold to my fence, and then I went back to the real fence again and now the message came up immediate with the new amount fenced as soon as I started to barter with him and it was 300 more than when I left him earlier. :smile:



Edited by Pellape
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Well I did some testing now and when you sell stolen items to my fence, they get counted as fenced for the quest, Independent Thievery, but there's no messages saying so in the left upper corner. I checked first how much I had fenced by selling some stuff to a real fence, and after that I sold stolen stuff for 300 gold to my fence, and then I went back to the real fence again and now the message came up immediate with the new amount fenced as soon as I started to barter with him and it was 300 more than when I left him earlier. :smile:




I'm far from being an expert on the subject, but I'd look at dialogue Result Scripts for the real fences vs your fences.

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Sounds perfect. :smile: Do you need access to my WIP mod by the way?


What I understood so far by comparing them in CS is that they are in the same factions and the same class and almost the same AI when it comes to personality. There's a mod called Fence - Giannas Sundries shop that works exactly as mine and it was when I tested it that I noticed that the messages does not show up as Adrius wrote - Quoting:


NOTE: Because she is a Fence for the Thieves' Guild, selling to her will count towards the "Independent Thievery" quests that you encounter during the Thieves' Guild quest line. Not only that, it will count even if you aren't a member of the Thieves' Guild yet.



When I look at the quest Independent Thievery, the only thing I find that differ is that different stages allows you to sell to more fences, nothing else and if they have a script, it points at other quests like the fence in Chorrol.


I did took a peek now at the Quest Script and it say:

ScriptName TGStolenGoodsScript

Float TotalStolen

; TotalStolen is updated in the Generic quest in the Barter topic.

Well it is not important that the message shows up as long as it works toward that quest but it would been very fun to solve this anyway. :D

Edited by Pellape
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Most everything I've learned about modding is by looking at how others have solved a particular problem (and experimentation ... I learn a lot by doing things not right). You see the result script stuff on the Dialogue menus.


The character I've been playing the past 6 or so years works the stolen item thing from a different direction using Stolen Item Ownership, but even then it's primarily for resetting the stolen flag on items that get a stolen flag due to either the Enhanced Economy or Put In Place mods I use. My guy has had more gold than he needs to get by since about level 5 or 6, and now at level 44 I spend much thought on finding ways to not get gold (and he's still sitting on nearly 1/2 million gold). Early in the game when he needed to steal on occasion to survive it was mostly food, and good old Manheim at the Inn of Ill Omen is my go to guy for selling stolen items if I don't want to use Stolen Item Ownership to clear the flag on.

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