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Anyone Know of an Inventory Tracker Mod?


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I've been looking for a mod that does something like this:

Keeps track of all your possessions in your various houses and inventory

Displays this information when you mouse over an item that you currently have either on you or in your house in a tooltip


I've been trying to collect every book, and I like to sort out armor and ingredients into different boxes ect. but it's hard to remember everything I own, so I'm looking for a mod that displays this information in tooltips before I buy things or steal them.

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Yeah, no such mod exists at the moment. It actually sounds pretty complex to script. First glance, I would approach it like this: You'll have to link it somehow to each container that belongs to the player, assuming every container in every house actually belongs to the player rather than just being public property but non-respawning. The script would then have to run once for each container when called by the main script to see if item X is in it, then it'd have to use something like the HUD mod to display that information as a tooltip.
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I have a mod for unlimited item capacitance but it lags if I get more then bout 75 different types of items, that's why I store them in the house sorted into different containers. Even if the mod just kept track of containers you personally mark a your own it would be good. Guess it is a bit far-fetched.
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If I were to script it, I'd just have it so the player casts a spell on the container and then it tracks it via a menu or something... Having a script detect all containers owned by the player is in my thoughts impossible, unless you get the ID of EVERY possible container.


Reread the above, sounds like he knows what I thought... (Marking the container)

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If I were to script it, I'd just have it so the player casts a spell on the container and then it tracks it via a menu or something... Having a script detect all containers owned by the player is in my thoughts impossible, unless you get the ID of EVERY possible container.


Reread the above, sounds like he knows what I thought... (Marking the container)


Every ID of all the containers in your own houses would be possible though, since those are really the only place you should store things, it'd be what, maybe 70 IDs? I dunno, this wasn't meant to be a request, just a thought to see if anyone was using something like it.

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Of course you'd only track the containers that belong to you (inside houses, and mod-added ones), not every possible container. There's actually not a lot. Public containers and respawning ones don't count. Casting a spell on a container to add a script to it to track will make it possible and easy you to do the stupidly stupid thing of tracking every container. If you make the script scan and run condition-based checks for all player-owned containers only in the current cell (and remember them for after you leave the cell), it'll limit the number of containers to scan to only those, thereby reducing the insane amount of lag that is inevitable when you run a script like that, read a lot of data, load a lot of icons, etc.


Still, I won't know about its full complexity until I actually try to write the script for it. One thing I have absolutely no experience in is using any of the HUD stuff that isn't simple pop-up menus. I imagine pop-ups would be a bad idea for this, though a scripted book might be a feasible option, but might look messy when you have like hundreds of items already in it. Again, I've never actually tried doing such a thing (just theories from some mods me and a friend were trying to do) so I dunno what I'm talking about lol.

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Of course you'd only track the containers that belong to you (inside houses, and mod-added ones), not every possible container. There's actually not a lot. Public containers and respawning ones don't count. Casting a spell on a container to add a script to it to track will make it possible and easy you to do the stupidly stupid thing of tracking every container. If you make the script scan and run condition-based checks for all player-owned containers only in the current cell (and remember them for after you leave the cell), it'll limit the number of containers to scan to only those, thereby reducing the insane amount of lag that is inevitable when you run a script like that, read a lot of data, load a lot of icons, etc.


Still, I won't know about its full complexity until I actually try to write the script for it. One thing I have absolutely no experience in is using any of the HUD stuff that isn't simple pop-up menus. I imagine pop-ups would be a bad idea for this, though a scripted book might be a feasible option, but might look messy when you have like hundreds of items already in it. Again, I've never actually tried doing such a thing (just theories from some mods me and a friend were trying to do) so I dunno what I'm talking about lol.


Thanks for the input, it's a neat idea for any collector really, it could pave the way for some other mods such as a book check off list, or an alchemy assistance mod, or even custom "to buy/steal" check off list. I suppose I'm too used to mmo's where you can just query the server and get this type of information on the fly making it easy to create mods for inventory and tooltips. It'd be so nice to mouse over a book that's hard to steal and have a tool tip say "Owned: 1 In Imperial City Shack" and then you can pass it up in confidence. Though again, I'm probably underestimating the difficulty of such a mod. Spoiled by mmos...


*crosses fingers for skyrim*

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I have another idea on how to implement the supposed list, but it's gonna be sloppy and ugly, but it'll work guaranteed.


COBL uses this fake list, which is actually an inventory bag. Inside are misc items that when you "equip", will open an options menu. I'm thinking, we can copy that idea, but instead of menu items, the misc items are actually copies of the items you already own. A script will take note of the name of the item, and add a misc item if it's the first time you've gotten such an item (and do nothing if you already have one of those). Additionally, clicking the item in the bag/list thing can give you stats about it. You can even add a lot of stats like where you bought/found it, how many of those you have, etc.


The downside is that it'll be a huge list eventually, since you actually want to collect every item. I don't know the limit on how many items you can put in a bag, either.


It sounds a little complicated, but that's just an idea people can add to or edit. I'm actually interested in seeing such a mod too. You could make some MMO-style quests, like "Collect 5 of these <rare item> and I'll reward you" and whatnot.

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note: Saddlebags might also count as "owned containers" - depending on how many horses you own that could add a few more IDs to track.


Then there are mods such as COBL's Luggage...

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