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Budget Gaming Rig

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Thanks for all the replies! Just to clarify, I have little technical expertise when it comes to assembling my own hardware - that's why I was thinking of a prebuilt rig. And I don't need this to run lots of high-end games - Fallout is about as deep into gaming as I'll ever get, most likely. An OS is also not a concern, as I have no love for Win 7. XP suits me just fine.


It looks as though I can customize the rig I linked to for something near my budget after all, and not break the bank. Much obliged for the help! :thumbsup:



It definitely doesn't require technological expertise, you're just plugging stuff in. a ten minute youtube video will teach you everything you need to know. I strongly recommend you don't buy a prebuilt, it will cost more and won't be upgradeable.

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And if you knocked off the sound card and windows that would have only been about $600, giving you room for a non combustible PSU.


you're funny :rolleyes: .....like I said, it's running all this and has NEVER had a problem...just because it's not a Thermaltake or an Antec and cost double to triple the amount doesn't necessarily mean it's a pile of garbage....


Yep, you can unlock the X2 as long as they are black editions and the motherboard supports Advanced Clock Calibration :thumbsup:

Edited by Illiad86
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