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Ever since Arena, Vampires have been included in TES. In Oblivion we saw them as creatures capable of disguising themselves by feeding on the living. Yet saddly, these creatures were restricted to sleeping persons only. The vampires of Skyrim are said to live under haunted frozen lakes, which the vampires can reach through. What do you hope to see out of Vampires in Skyrim? Have you heard any word on them yet?
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I hope they actually do what they do in the lore, and not just walk around waiting for you to walk by, like most of the animals in Oblivion.


Luckily they've said that the animals will actually have their own lives to live and not just be out to get you, so maybe that extends to the vampires of lore in Skyrim.

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I would like to see Vampiric bonuses become stronger. I also like the idea of Vampires being more monster than man. Perhaps we could see more Morrowind like vampires, perhaps not as quest breaking as them, yet still not as easily able to blend with the masses. I would also like them to implement a way to feed on those who are awake, possibly through combat and or dialogue. ( I point out the VE mod for Morrowind as an example) I think vampires,as much as I already like them, could really be polished and refined to become quite the enjoyable game asset. Oh yes, one more thing, I would like to see a Vampiric quest line, or atleast not be attacked by my fellow blood suckers without provokeing them.
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I think that Vampires should change depending on feeding habits. However, this would be the vice versa of Oblivions feeding style. The more a vampire feeds, the more monstrous it becomes. All vampires have to feed or they will grow week, however they can do so only when ABSOLUTELY neccessary and still retain some of their humanity. Should they gorge themselves on blood however, they start to transform into unrecognizable beasts with voracious appetites. Perhaps animal blood could be an alternative to human, it could also help to decrease your chances of becoming a bloodthirsty monstrosity.
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I just want vampires to be like in oblivion but with no aging effect, only getting skinny and red eyes, and also some feeding attack animations to feed from living npc´s.The skills and attributes we can change that as we like with the creation kit so. Edited by scot
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here's my list:

- i want to be able to feed from the people who are awake.

- feed from corpses (could be much more easy but maybe have some kind of side effect... "bad" blood, dont know..)

- some kind of vampires secret city where u can find shelter and train your new powers.

- feed from animals. (also too easy, have to give some kind of side effect.)

- more powers as you lose your humanity.

- maybe some kind of black robe so u could walk kinda freely in the sun. (but lose your armor, coz u wearing the robe).


and.. maybe.. just maybe... werewolf! :yes:

Edited by mrsegev
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Oh yes, I absolutely hated looking like an old man as a vampire in Oblivion. I would just like to point out that I play these games on console, more than PC. So therefore Im not going to have access to the editing set. I could see perhaps a small group of vampires with which you could train with. We do definetely need feeding animations, they could possibly be kill moves against the living.
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I hope they actually do what they do in the lore, and not just walk around waiting for you to walk by, like most of the animals in Oblivion.


Luckily they've said that the animals will actually have their own lives to live and not just be out to get you, so maybe that extends to the vampires of lore in Skyrim.

I would think they would use human NPC AI rather than mob NPC AI.

Anyways, here's some things I think would be interesting:

-Vampires don't have to breath, ie can swim down to those underwater caves where other vampires hide with ease.

-Finishing move (using fists only) can include a method to feed on them and kill them

-When you don't feed, you get stronger but with ashen gray skin, crimson eyes, and you get more muscular [not the "athelete" muscular like a disgusting troll/ogre ripped look]. But not the old guy look, please dear Akatosh, no old guy look!!

I like other people suggestion about feeding on animals with side effects. Maybe a nerf to your Stamina until your next feeding.

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