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I have another thread in the PC Gaming area that shows three new rigs I'm looking into.


The quad I have now is just about four years old.

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something like a Q6600 I expect. Which is not crap. If you can squeeze it to 3ghz you should be decent.


I have no idea how to properly OC processors though :confused:

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Look mate, if you can afford one from a good brand, then the GTX580 is probably the best monocore Nvidia money can buy right now. I have an EVGA BlackOps 580, and it's not only a Crysismuncher, but has superlative cooling performance aswell. Thing is, it does warm up while running, but if you give it a five minute break every hour, it'll stay running cooler than many cards half it's power. It's a great card, it's just a very expensive one if you want to get one that's actualy worth the money.


Brandwise I'd suggest EVGA, regardless of the card you get, they're simply THE BEST at Nvidia.

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