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Light Not displaying on grass.

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Hello guys, got a problem I can't figure out and have been ignoring for a very long time simply because it didn't bother me much but I would still like to get it resolved if possible.

When playing my game, and this has been happening since before I modded my game, light from torches or any other lightsorce such as spells or otherwise does not "light up" the grass in the game. Now it does light up trees, leaves, bushes and everything else at night, just not the grass. The ground also lights up so I'm thinking its some mesh or texture missing or something I dunno, I'm not too technically knowledgeable about how the game works. I've even done fresh reinstalls and that fails at fixing the issue. If anyone has also experienced anything like this before or may have an idea as to why this is happening I would greatly appreciate any feedback about it. I am not posting a list of my mods because that seems to be irrelevant due to the fact that the problem was in the game prior to any mods being installed, also I do not know how. =)


Thank you in advance.


Edited by sneakybastid
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Do you mean the grass is always dark? Is your grass darker than it should be during the daytime (the grass should be roughly the same color as the leaves on the trees)? Do you cast shadows on the grass (if you have shadows turned on)?
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@Unknown Maybe this screenshot can explain things better than I can. http://screenshot.xfire.com/s/114513333-4.jpg


EDIT: Opened the INI and did a ctrl+F to find the bShadowsOnGrass. Search came up empty so it seems my INI file is missing that component. Any ideas on how to add it?

Edited by sneakybastid
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There's an option for it in-game. If I'm right, it'll automatically add such a line in your INI.


Are you using any grass replacer mods? You may have gotten one but forgot about it, since it typically wouldn't have an .esp (just mesh or texture replacements). Some of the performance grass mods also remove some of the mapping that allows reflections/shadows/light to shine on it, in exchange for a bit of an FPS boost.

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Uhh there isn't really a lot of options in game. :thumbsup: There's one called "Shadows on Grass", which should be what you're looking for.


But I believe it's just as I feared. Those low poly grass models really don't show any shadows, no matter what your ini setting. You gotta uninstall them. If you're willing to enable shadows on grass anyway, FPS shouldn't be an issue, so you don't really need them. If you actually really need those low poly grass meshes, then you should not be enabling shadows on grass, because it's one of the things that will certainly drop your FPS noticeably (the shadow will shape to the grass; needs fast GPU speed).


Good luck.

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