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Attribute questions


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I think i screwed up some of my attributes and skills.

Made the mistake of not letting you 'judge' my build in the beginning so i made some noob mistakes.


I have the following character :


Race : High elf

Birthsign: The mage

Major skills:

- blade

- destruction

- heavy armour

- restoration

- conjuration

- alteration

- alchemy


Yes, i managed to combine the weakest race with heavy armour.

In retrospect breton is a race more suited for a battlemage and light armour is probably a better fit for mages...

To be fair I started the game with marksman instead of heavy armour and after realising that i didn't have any protection i "cheated" and used the console to make heavy armour one of my major skills. Now i realize that i don't really have the strength to carry a full set of armour: my current strength is 56 (level 12) and i already have problems in taking home the 'loot'.


Can i make this build 'work' without any more cheating or should i again use the console?

Is training enough to make up the difference in strength? Are there other tricks (i'm already using feather potions) ?

Is a high elf battlemage always going to be inferiour to a breton one or can you earn so many attribute points that towards the end it really doesn't matter?

Can you easily maximise your strength attribute with only blade as major skill or does it involve spending lots of time in prisons to lower your skill points?


Another question: my luck is unusually low (23): any ideas why?


Thanks for the responses on my previous question: my financial situation is already a lot better :) ...

Edited by Voodoochild7742
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I personally love playing heavy armor-wearing mages. I don't bother with weapons, though. I block my enemies' attacks with a shield, and while they're recoiling I hit them with a touch-range spell. High Elf is fine, though you'll need to overcome the elemental weaknesses. It's also perfectly fine to use skills that aren't major skills; that's how I get away with playing just one character, even though I enjoy a variety of playstyles.

Also, you don't need to wear a full suit of heavy armor. Cuirass, boots, and shield are fine until you get your strength up. Focusing on high-value, low-weight loot like enchanted clothing and jewelry can also help you from over-encumbring yourself. Lastly, feather and fortify strength spells will enable you to carry more while simultaneously increasing your alteration and restoration skills.

Hope all that helped!


EDIT: About your luck: It could be a disease, or your Luck could have been damaged by a poison or spell. Pray at an altar or buy/make a Restore Luck spell quick! Low Luck reduces all your skills' effectiveness.

Edited by schijnn
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Ahhh the eternal question ... do I use often relied on skills for major skills (and level-up because I use them) or use seldom used skills for my majors (more control over leveling). On the one hand you get the skill bonuses for major skills on skills you need, but when you level the bad guys level too, until level 22 or 25 or something you're no further ahead (well depending on the utility you get from those minor skills you've developed as well). On the other hand, if you can tough out the first few levels until your useful skills get buffed a bit the second method offers more control around leveling.


My second character (Dark Elf with double Warrior) has provided a good lesson for me on the first situation (first was an aborted take all the defaults Imperial ... not a pretty sight). I just started a new guy using the second option. It does make the game play differently.


In my opinion encumbrance is going to hang over your head no matter how high you get your strength. Every time I increase it I use up my gain in no time and I'm working around the too much to carry syndrome. I closed a bunch of gates and used the save before grabbing the Sigil stone method of getting feather and strength stones, enchanted everything I can with strength and feather and I still get over-encumbered. I use the various chests spread around that don't respawn as in-between houses storage. All part of what makes the game re-playable.


Here's a couple of links on the attributes vs skills vs leveling situation. As you'll see, there's no perfect solution, it's a matter of finding the compromise that works best for you.


Oblivion: Leveling


Oblivion: Efficient Leveling


Oblivion Character Planner

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Sorry, i forgot to mention i'm running OOO.


The bretons are even better battlemages than i thought: they have 15 points more health than high elves in OOO.

I've tried using 'showracemenu' to change my race but that just messes up my other stats.

Thinking i should just increase my strength by 8 or 10 points through the console ( good idea?).

Does using the console have any downsides i'm not aware of?

What happens when you adjust an attribute that has been lowered by disease?

Edited by Voodoochild7742
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