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So my game was working perfectly with these mods






Lich kings

Natural Habitat etc

Unofficial Patch


I used OMOD for all those. But I wanted to tryout OOO and Warcry/Bobs armory So i follows the FCOM installation instructions exactly. I downloaded Wrye, Then download OOO and its patch. Them Wrye and its patch, then Bobs.

The one thing I had trouble with was th BSA for MMM. i downloaded it and put it into the data folder but nothing happened after that. I kept MMM active in OMOD. So when I downloaded FCOM into Wrye the boxes are red next to

FCOM_Francescos.esp and orange for FCOM_Convergence FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp FCOM_FranceescosNamesBosses.esp and FCOM_RealSwords. Bobs and WarCry are green. The game will not start if the box for FCOM_Frans.esp is checked. I tried reativating MMM and changing the setup for FCOM, and I tried renaming the BSA in the data folder to FCOM_convergence But the WTF I AM A MISSING MESH is still everywhere. All items and containers are in missing meshes. What do I do?? I am new to this but I think i understand the basics. I dont really know how to use Wrye... I also did the COC Testinghall thing but that did not change anything.


When i try to repack the Bashed Patch in Wyre I gett a warning message saying Francescos Optional New Idems Add-On.esm and Frans Leveled Creature-Items Mod.esm ahve master file errors and I should adjust the load order before procedding...What does this mean, is the mod damaged? I tried reinstalling already but that did not change anything.

So i neeed help getting FCOM to work and getting the meshes to reapper.

P.S I am willing to get rid of OOO if that helps at all.


EDIT: So I disabled FCOM completely and OOO. Now the meshes are back but my game is a lot more laggy. Actually before I started messing with OOO/ FCOM/Warcry/Bobs my game was never laggy. I am also experiencing frequent crashes. i jumped off of a high cliff and my game crashed before i hit the ground. So Now my problem is with the crashing and laggy fps. The game crashes whenever I try exiting and I tried the Fastexit mod but i dont think i installed it right. Thanks in advance for the help.

I am running Windows 7 Intel Core i7-2600K CPU 3.40GHz 3.39GHz 8GB RAM and I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 580.....So its definately not my system thats messing up.

Edited by LooseCannon52
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Your game is likely laggy because some scripts got messed up. Your game isn't actually working. You have messed up mods that are still running, and Oblivion is trying to use them but is missing some other information, hence the random crashing.


FCOM isn't for the faint of heart. It can chew your game up and spit it back out. (They mention that, don't they?) It doesn't necessarily just make your game more difficult, but its installation is discouraged for people who don't really know how to use Wrye Bash and BOSS/BOMM yet. It actually does require quite a bit of patience with reading and following instructions, and even bug testing because if you make a mistake, worst case scenario is you have to reinstall Oblivion from scratch and try again.


There are very varied yet careful instructions for installing FCOM, which you can find a lot of on the internet. It's not a matter of just downloading a bunch of files then activating them in OBMM and hoping it'll work. Even the order of installation is important for a lot of them, because some files are meant to overwrite other files.


Anyway you got those missing meshes because some files were pointing to stuff that isn't there, which happens when you have the wrong load order or installed the wrong files. Use BOSS, and it can give you some hints on what to deactivate, aside from automatically sorting your load order. Also, post your load order here so we can see what's wrong, if we can still fix it.

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Ive been using BOSS i think.. I have the exe in my data folder and I run as administrator but nothing happens. Then i do the same for the update list and it says FCOM and OOO are not detected, which is the way I want it now. But then warning message saying the BOSS\masterlist.txt cannot be read. The load order txt is there though. THis is what it says.


Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm

Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm

Mart's Monster Mod.esm

Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp

Francesco's Optional Files.esp

Francesco's Optional Files 3.esp

Francesco's Optional Files 2.esp

Francesco's Optional Files 4.esp

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp









Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp

arme - excalibur.esp

Adonnays Elfische Waffen.esp

Adonnays Elven Weaponry.esp



Comand Scrolls!.esp

A Very Silly Slaughterfish Mod.esp


Bashed Patch, 0.esp

New Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esp

Lich King's Helm v1_0.esp

Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp

Cheat Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp

Oblivion WarCry EV.esp

Mart's Monster Mod for Francescos.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creature Skins.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Durability & Damage.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's Leveled Quests.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions MMM+Fran.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Increased Spawn Rates.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp


I dont have the Frans BSA, is that a problem? So my game is crashing more frequently. I disabled Frans Optional files 1 and 4 becuz whenever there were a lot of monsters the game would crash. I also disabled natural weather to try and fix problem. The game crashes even when I open doors or press esc. The BOSS load order Ive provided has not taken into account the Frans and natural weather that i disabled. And the BOSS load order doesnt match Wrye. On Wyre Frans Leveled, Optrional New creatures, Optional new items add on andf MMM.esp are above the oblivion.esm and then some random mods, then the Frans optional files, then MMM mods, then Natural Habitiat.


Is there anyay to make the game stop crashing without having to reinstall??


Thanks for the help

Edited by LooseCannon52
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Are you on Windows Vista/7? If you are, you must install it to a folder other than Program Files, because the security functions prevent some things from being modified or added.


Are you running the latest version of BOSS? You don't usually need to run it as administrator. BOSS doesn't "show" you something like a launcher or anything. It's supposed to close immediately, then display the results in a browser window.


BOSS apparently failed to make changes (probably because of the security I mentioned above), since no mod should be after Bashed Patch, 0.esp, unless they're unknown, but all of the mods after your bashed patch are known mods.


I dont have the Frans BSA, is that a problem?

Yes, you need the Frans BSA. In fact, I'm sure this is a major cause of your crashing. The BSA contains the data files (textures, meshes) for all of the optional stuff that Frans has. If you don't want to use the BSA, disable the Frans Optional plugins.


And the BOSS load order doesnt match Wrye.

Most likely it's set to alphabetical rather than by Load Order. Click the Load Order bar near the top, and it should arrange it by Load Order. Be sure to rebuild your bashed patch every time you make a change (such as adding or removing mods, changing load orders, etc.)


For more detailed help on Wrye Bash and its basic functions that all users should learn about, and why we even use it, you can consult this link.



Lastly, if you really are on Vista/7, like I suspect, you don't really have a choice but to reinstall. Don't be scared to do so. Some of us reinstall a lot. You get used to it after a while, and sometimes you find it makes your life a lot better. Better than having bugs and crashes, of course.


If you do end up reinstalling, try to install your mods slowly. Take your time, read the instructions for each mod carefully, and learn what it does and what it isn't compatible with. Learn to use Wrye Bash. If you have the patience for it, Oblivion modding can be really quite enjoyable. A lot of us spend more time modding and playing around with mod setups rather than actually playing the game, believe it or not. :D

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Thank you. that was a lot of helpful info. So BOSS does what you said it should do but it doesnt update the wrye list. I read the instructions for doing so but I couldnt manually move the mods by ctrl up or down. Should i modifiy the dates in the details for each on according to BOSS? I just deaticated MMM and my game running flawlessly. No more crashes or anything. But I really want to run MMM. i have the BSA in my data file. Also my batch esm box is red in wrye bad? Ive read about how to batch but i couldnt understand it. So pretty much my problem now is just getting Frans and MMM to work together. Where can i find the BSA for Frans?

I reactivated MMM and renamed the MMM.bsa to MMMforfrans.bsa The game didnt crash while i was fighting monmsters like it used to but I was leaving Chorrol and the game crashed when i tried opening the gate. In Wrye I made a full Balo and it made a bunch of .esp I guessed grouped up my mods. Should I acvtivate those and deactivate my mods?? Also MMM for Frans in Wrye box is red what do i do to fix that? Also how do I batch the mods list? I tried finding the answer in the readme for wrye but couldnt find anything.

Thank you again for all this help I know you dont have to do and I really appreciate it.

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If it were me, I'd really just clean up and reinstall the game (follow this guide to do it cleanly). Your game has too many problems that are difficult to address, and may be easier to fix if you just reinstall your mods properly, in the right order, in the right manner, which will be at least a 90% chance of fixing it and making it work smoothly.


But if you still want to struggle with it and learn it the hard way, let's continue.


Also my batch esm box is red in wrye bad?

What is that? Do you mean the Bashed Patch, 0.esp?


Ive read about how to batch but i couldnt understand it. So pretty much my problem now is just getting Frans and MMM to work together.

Don't give up on learning to use Wrye Bash, because I will guarantee you this: you can't make Frans and MMM work together without it, unless you are ready to edit the files yourself to try to put them together (bad idea). I repeat. It will not work, no matter how hard you try, unless you actually do it properly using Wrye Bash. You may be able to run the game, but one mod will override the changes of the other, and you're highly likely to get crashes, bugs, missing meshes, etc. You have been warned.


Where can i find the BSA for Frans?

Where did you get your "Francesco's Optional" files? Well in any case, you should probably just reinstall it properly using Fran's original installers located here.


The game didnt crash while i was fighting monmsters like it used to but I was leaving Chorrol and the game crashed when i tried opening the gate.

I'm gonna discourage you from actually trying to play the game for now until you sort out all your problems first. You tried to implement a very heavy set of mods (FCOM) that beginners really shouldn't be trying unless they are confident they can follow instructions carefully (and even then you're likely to still get problems the first few tries, like what happened to me). Your game still has problems. Probably a lot of problems. D: It's like trying to drive a car with a flat tire and engine problems. You might be able to go for a little bit, but ultimately you must get all the problems fixed first before you actually "drive" it.


In Wrye I made a full Balo and it made a bunch of .esp I guessed grouped up my mods. Should I acvtivate those and deactivate my mods??

I've actually never had to use that function before. I only know the general idea of what it does, but I didn't even know it makes a bunch of .esp files. If you follow BOSS, it's pretty much unnecessary.


So BOSS does what you said it should do but it doesnt update the wrye list.

One more thing you should check btw is if "Lock Times" is turned on. Turn it off for now (right click on the File bar at the top, and make sure "Lock Times" has no check mark). Run BOSS (or run BOSS from inside Wrye Bash; it's at the bottom toolbar. This will ignore Lock Times and reorder your LO). It should fix your load order properly.


Also MMM for Frans in Wrye box is red what do i do to fix that?

The red box means it's missing a master. Like you said, you deactivated/removed Frans, right? MMM for Frans needs Frans. Don't use MMM for Frans if you're trying to do FCOM.

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Yea you are right I should just reinstall.. But now i am not interested in FCOM or OOO. if i could just get MMM and Frans working together ill be happy. if the problems persist ill reinstall. The only thing holding me back is my progress with the midas spells. I have almost all of them and to lose them all now would suck... BY reinstalling game i would be corrupting the saves right?? unless I reinstalled the exact same mods im guessing.

To revert my oblivion directory all i need to do is uninstall the game?? Should i also uninstall/remove OBMM, BOSS, WRYE from my computer and then reinstall?? What is the best way to go about starting from scratch? If I plan on getting DLC should i do so before downloading mods?? the link you gave me is great.. iwish i was using that one in the first place.

If im not interested in the natural leving up system that OOO offers, should I just go without it if I reinstall everything?

Do i even need FCOM if i dont use OOO?

When i click on BOSS it says Critical Error: BOSS\masterlist.txt cannot be read, and nothing happens to my load order in wrye.Ive changed the BOSS file from read-only, but i still get the error message. my mod list txt gets updated in BOSS though.

Im running Windows 7. Oh an yes I meant the Bashed Patch esp has a red unchecked box... I have no idea what that even is


Thanks for the great tips, your making me really enjoy the modding process and respect the people who know this stuff, and are willing to help those who dont such as youself. Ive been playing now without any crashes in game. still having some loading crashes but i can live with those. Im gonna play until it starts acting up again, if it does at all... and if the crashes come back, im gonna reinstall. Thanks again.

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Well... you could probably still use the save file if you have Midas Magic in your new installation. You might want to use the "Sync active plugins" feature of OBMM (it's under Utilities -> Save Manager). It often gets the job done. I've had a few bugs with it before but it should be good enough for your purpose.


If you decide to reinstall, try to follow this link I mentioned earlier. It's the simplest and safest way to make sure your game works after reinstalling (I had to learn it the hard way really; you can't just reinstall the game and hope it fixes everything).

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The problem with BOSS not reading the master list is definately caused by UAC. I had the same issue with my first install using Win 7.

While you CAN just turn off the UAC, i wouldn't recommend it. You would be leaving a door open for virii and other malware to attack your PC.


Follow Unknown's advice and reinstall to a directory not protected by UAC, C/Games/Oblivion is popular (note; you will need to create the Obilivion folder, the game seems to only do this for you when installing to the default path).


With a short load order, you could adjust everything by hand without too much trouble, but with so many tempting mods out there your load order won't stay short for long, and you will eventually need BOSS to straighten it out. Don't make the same mistake i did and wait till you have 100+ mods installed before running BOSS the first time...


Advice for reinstalling with OBMM; Deactivate all your OMODs before backing up your data folder, and make a backup of your OBMM/mods folder.


Issues with BOSS aside, UAC will eventually cause problems with mods themselves, so reinstall now before the job gets too big.


You will want to reinstall BOSS, OBMM, Wyre, after reinstalling the game.


I was halfway through the Midas quests when i reinstalled, i had no issues.

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Thanks for ther advice. Im gonna reinstall.

If im not interested in OOO should i just go without it? and do i even neeed FCOM if im not using OOO?

IF I did install OOO FCOM MMM FRANS WARCRY BOB and NATURAL ENVIROMENTS correctly in the right order, using BOSS OBMM and WRYE would my game run flawlessly, no crashes, bugs, or lag?? My system wouldnt be the issue.


Edit : Ive been playing now for a couple hours with no lag or crashes. Im playing with just Frans and MMM. The major problems seem to have gone away a bit but reinstalling is still my best bet. Could I take the bethesda folder out of my program files now? would there be any problems if i did that?....

Thanks again

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