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Problem happens when I "uninstall" dual sheath redux...Please help~


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Hello everyone, I'm so desperate now because of a glitch happened after uninstalling the Skyrim mod - dual sheath redux, by using NMM. And I cant find a solution.

The problem is:
After I uninstall it following the steps provided by the modder (well..but that's the second time, the first time when I uninstalled it, I didn't click the "uninstall" in MCM...) my character still does the dual sheath animation even when he is holding a shield or only using 1 hand sword, I try to use save clean tool and another tool for deleting unattached instances, but it still doesn't work, even I start a new game, its just the same, the only character which is normal, is my spell sword character, who never uses a shield, and he is using the animation from " pretty combat animation" mod correctly..

Please if anyone knows how to solve this problem, I will be so grateful, I will provide any game info if needed.


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did you rerun FNIS after the changes

Yes. I did, and "dual sheath redux patch.esp" is still on NMM's plugin list, even I have delete every thing under skyproc patchers

also, dual sheath redux still shows up in MCM, but with no options to click, but after a while, it disappeared.


my procedures of uninstalling:


1. Load the game, click Uninstall on the MCM menu and follow the on screen instructions.

2. create a fresh save. Be sure to repeat this for any other saves you wish to purge.

3. Uninstall/Remove the mod in your mod manager and all dynamic files created including: Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp in the data folder and all the folders/files under SkyProc Patchers/Dual Sheath Redux Patch.

4. Run FNIS update behavior, click exit, no warnings

5. Load the saves made in step 2 and overwrite them again one by one.

6. Tick off the dual sheath redux patch plugin

7. Run the game, find out its not working.....


please let me know if I done anything wrong...

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  • 1 year later...

You got unattached script instances in your savegame which are still being atttached to your characters behavior files. The Thread containing the dual wield scripts is still active it seems.


  1. Get this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53045/?
  2. Start the program with DualSheath uninstalled
  3. Skip the survey at the start
  4. Load your latest ess file (save game)
  5. Click "Load Papyrus section"
  6. Wait until the app says something like "There are xyz unattached script instances"
  7. Click on "remove unattached script instances"
  8. Wait till its done
  9. Click "Remove instances"
  10. Check "Remove instances with undefined classes only" and then "Remove"
  11. Leave the program, start Skyrim and load the save game the app just generated and test the result
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the animations should either be from a) xpmse, configurable in the mcm menu or b) pca. reinstall with standard hip animation options and run fnis anew.


dsr doesn't come with any animations

Edited by ymf331
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