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Site down-time this evening explained


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Internet hacking...it's partly why I don't play online gaming or use facebook...you never know who you are going to upset, or what they can do to your internet...



@@@ putteno1 ...worrying if your comment was PC will only encourage the PC police to be more vigilant...if you can't use a figure of speach with no negative connotation toward racial or sexual or religious groups, then people just shouldn't communicate at all...Tsunami have been hitting islands in the Pacific as long as they've been there, it shouldn't be offensive to say Tsunami, even if there was just one yesterday...

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yea...gg, i cant download NOTHING...at all, guess the sites been "down" for 2 more days...

Sorry you're having problems, SkateforSen;


Others are able to download just fine (or we'd really be hearing about it!) So perhaps you could sign-out (of ALL the Nexus sites), delete your browser's cache/clear cookies (at least the Nexus ones) then log back in. Doing that seems to fix most folk who run into this issue.

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Really? ...again? ...crap kids have got to get a life instead of going around saying



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Wait, So it wasnt that ( Weak Noob ) Kid again? Collateral Damage. Isnt that a movie :P Im glad I wasnt on when the site was down. Had another bloody allergy attack.


Retarted People, arnt people smart any more?

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"Retarted People, arnt people smart any more?"


No...there are some intelligent people out there...but nobody has any smarts anymore...common sense is definitely a misnomer...

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I really hope the mods give this little twit who's doing these DDoS attacks a cease and desist letter, and when he does not stop, they sue him into bankruptcy. It's about time hackers learned that there are consequences to doing this BS. I'll keep my opinion on what should happen to Virus makers to myself though, Don't need to make anyone sick. XD
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everyone feel free to ignore this, call me a "NOOBERBOOBER" or whatever you want but... whats a DDoS??


Distributed denial of service. Basically, someone with a bunch of bots (Automated users, if you will) uses those bots to constantly get the site to answer info requests, such as constantly refreshing the page or something. The server gets overloaded trying to handle all the requests and shuts down.

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