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Why is the CK so f***ing stupid


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I am working on a very large mod that is 100% dependent on Hothtrooper44's immersive compilations. WHY WONT THE CK LET ME SET MULTIPLE ACTIVE FILES!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! I spent literally 12 hours on the mod, and now not a single 3D model from the other mods I checked to load are present in the new forms that I CREATED. I am so frustrated because every time I go and fix the damn problem and reload my plugin with HT44's files being loaded behind it - all 3D model data is reset to "None". GRRRRRRRR!!!! I want to throw my laptop at the f***ing wall! How can I force HT44's immersive compilations as required by my file!?

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My estimate is that you can do two things:


- I think if you convert HT44's mod into an ESM and make your mod dependent on it, that could work. This is not a preferable option IMO since your mod users will have to have an ESM version of the HT44 mod, which is undesirable.

- The better option however would be to copy all the needed properties that are present in HT44 for your own custom mod. You can do this by loading both plugins in the CK and just duplicating everything (mostly the stuff under armor and armoraddon) you need that was created and present in the HT44 plugin. You have to realize that when you load a second esp in the CK you're basically just viewing it, the active esp doesn't become dependend on it and it can't really interact with assets in the other inactive plugin. So you will have to create custom duplicate assets in your active plugin to be able to use the resources brought about by another plugin. You mentioned you created some forms, Im not exactly sure what you're refering to, but you absolutely must be making new custom 'armor' and 'armoraddon' inside your plugin for things to work.


If you already did that, I have no clue why it wouldn't work.

Edited by EdjeNoh
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The best option would be to use wrye bash to esmify the esps you want to use as masters there are tutorials all over the web for that process and you should have enough keywords to find them with google. Some are even on this very site.
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Just open immersive armors and your mod in TES5Edit and add immersivearmors esp as a master to it. CK does not save ESP's as masters so every time you make an edit in the CK and save you would need to re-add the esp as a master with TES5Edit. This would be best as to not require people to esmify their immersive armors potentially breaking mods with the dependencies of the esp.


Good Luck,


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Why do people think that the user has to esmify the ESP? They do not. Only the mod maker needs to esmify the ESP to work on it. Once they've completed the work or wish to do testing, then they espify the ESP. The end user simply installs the two mods in the correct order and loads the plugins in the correct order.


A tutorial that may be helpful...

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Ishara thanks for sharing that tutorial, I didn't know you could temporarily turn an esp into a master and then back to esp again.

Its not that my second posed method doesn't work, but it will unneccarily bloat your plugin by a bit with the copies. It will still function, but it just makes the esp a bit more heavy to load. I guess it depends if you want to make your plugin dependent on the other mod or you decide to ship the additional files from the other mod (with permission ofcourse) right along with your own mod and have a more stand-alone version of your mod.

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Stendarr's mercy, I wish I had checked this sooner. I've already published the mod with vanilla assets. This is incredibly useful though, thank you everyone for your help! I hesitated to do this over because I added over 300 new forms (about 450 to be exact).

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