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Mod Suggestions.


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Not sure if anyone already asked for that but....is it possible anyone could make a mod to make more space in the fridge? Like adding some more space so its possible to put more stuff in and use it for cooking instead of have to split up all your stuff in chests around the house? That would be absolutly fabulous :D

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Hey anyone reading this, I saw mod but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for but I was wondering if there was a mod where all the NPCs have seasonal outfits, e.x. people have jackets, scarves, and mittens in the winter, or scarves in the fall and summer clothes well you get the idea.


Thank you

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Didn't see this suggestion, nor do I know if it exists anywhere else. But I feel like the Kitchen lacks a container. For example, a container when you put cooking materials in it, counts it as if it were part of your inventory while in the kitchen allowing you to store all of your ingredients to cook with. Maybe make the fridge this container. then when you wanna cook you have everything right there. I feel this would be quite a quality of life improvement.


Another mod suggestion. Even though I'm not much into them, I'm sure others would be interested. Maybe a survival like mod. That makes the game a lot more difficult. Make crop/food items decay overtime. Add craft items (Chests) that preserve food to keep them from decaying. Add a hunger/Thirst bar (It gets hot in the summer gotta stay hydrated) So say if your thirst/hunger it 0 you start losing Energy over time. They go down overtime on their own, more so if you are performing actions. Perhaps no clothing items for like winter. Have a temperature gauge for staying warm. but you get the idea. I'm sure others could come up with more ideas. Could even throw in a menu or different versions to let people select what kind of survival they want. if they want EXTREME or just a casual survival experience.

Adding to the survival thing (Make night dangerous outside of events and such. Have creatures come out at night. and more so as it gets closer to that 2am mark. making it more reasonable to actually go back home.)


Had to edit with a few more quick suggestions won't go into huge detail.

Magic. (add some basic spells/scrolls fireball, energy shield etc. or get really into and add a new skill)

Better right click weapon attacks (Like a sword dash)

*Give me a Traveling Khajiit Caravan mod! have them sell random things. or make the Gipsy lady into a Khajiit and make it say different famous Khajiit catchphrases! XD

Edited by SoulxThexDemon
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, i would like to suggest the STARDEW VALEY HAREM MOD >:3


Introduction: Simply putting, this mod would allow you to sleep in the house of any Bachelor/Bachelorete (in the same bed) that you're already romancing with

(with the Bouquet)


Mechanicaly, at 18H, your char would be allowed to sleep in the Bachelor/Bachelorete house, with them. Obviously, you would wake up in their house asswell.




  1. Well, the screen would go black, and it would be nice some dialogue text like "Chukle", something discrete, y'know... >:3
  2. Sex being awessome as it is, your char would have an buff during the day (bonus armor or damage, or anithyng you feel more apropiate contex wise)



  1. That's educative boys and girls, but a risk of 15%-20% chance, non cumulative, per nigh, of impregnating or be impregnated would occur, in that case we can have 5 assumptions:
  • No obligatory marriage, however, your todler would consume 100G per day from your fundings. (Yep, educational).
  • Multiple todlers from the same bachelorete, multiple taxes (logicaly) / Todler's from diferent bachelor/bachelorete in the same playtrough (Imagine the possibilities)
  • Your todlers walking in the city XD.
  • Assuming that 1. is true, an coddon to equip (ring or hat slot, i don't care) to make the chaces drop to 0% would be apropriate. imagine that you just started to romance an bachellor/bachelorette, the next day, a mail comes to your home from "mister Jont-X" (¬_¬), sayng, hey pal/miss, you might need this. From the mail you would receive the refered item.


Thanks for reading this.

Edited by Kyech
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I have been playing this game non stop for about 5 days now. One of the features that keeps me coming back is the combat. I beat the mine dungeon and now I'm periodically dipping my toe into the skull dungeon. I would love multiple mods that add new dungeons and combat areas to the game. Possibly with new enemies, and new weapons, and that were either planned out or randomly generated like the dungeons in the game are. Please make this happen someone... thanks.

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