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Need More Dungeons

David Brasher

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In my opinion, there are not enough dungeon mods made. One of the main activities in playing Oblivion is exploring and looting dungeons. It would seem logical that people would therefore build dungeon mods so that there are more of them to explore when doing one of the main activities in Oblivion.


TES Nexus is a great site and people download thousand and thousands of mods. Many people create and upload mods as well as downloading mods for their enjoyment. But I think there are many people who only download and never upload. It seems like it would be better if more of them would offer a bit of repayment for all the fine mods they have downloaded by uploading a mod of their own for other people to enjoy.


So I think each Oblivion player who knows how to use the CS or is capable of learning how to use it should build, play-test, debug, and upload one dungeon. Think of all the thousands of new dungeons we would have to explore! The dungeons need not be too large and elaborate if you are just learning to mod. But if you have an idea and a dream, you could build as huge and elaborate of a dungeon as you wanted. The bigger and better it is, the happier people will be with it.


So if you are willing to pledge to build and upload a dungeon, you can publicly enter your statement here so that the community will know that you are not afraid to build a dungeon, and so that people can look forward to downloading and playing it.


Here is my own pledge:


I, David Brasher, pledge to build and upload another dungeon on TES Nexus.

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I'm waiting on a resource to be released, so it might be a while, but here is my pledge:


I, AurianaValoria1, pledge to build and upload another dungeon on TES Nexus.

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I like mindless dungeons too, like this one, though those are more like houses really. Personally, I don't really need to be rewarded with like a solid "get to the end and defeat the boss to get UNIQUEWEAPONSET" or something. I also like the low chance of good stuff being even on the regular bandit dudes. And if there's nothing cool on any of them, I'll wait for the dungeon to respawn and try again. :dance:


I also like puzzle dungeons. Unfortunately, those are only fun the first few playthroughs. Once you learn how to finish the puzzle, like where the secret key is or how to break some secret code, it's not fun anymore. I'm thinking of a way to randomize the puzzles so it's always different. Could be interesting.

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I, Kuraikiba, pledge to build and upload another few dungeons on TES Nexus.


David has a good point. Dungeons can keep a game alive. I'm happy with what mods I have, but we just need more dungeons.

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