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Need More Dungeons

David Brasher

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I have uploaded the dungeon that I pledged to make: An Old School Dungeon


It turned out to be a big old giant thing. I had originally just planned a three-cell dungeon with a big maze. But it turned into quite a thing. It has 23 cells, uses a modders resource tileset, and has some retextured creatures, armor, and a weapon. It has quite a bit of scripting. It seeks to capture the mystery and ambiance of some of the old video games. The emphasis is on puzzles, mazes, and traps, but there is still some pretty tough combat in places. I think some of my next dungeons will be smaller, simpler, and more conventional.

Edited by David Brasher
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@David Brasher: Nice work, will check your mod out during the weekend.


I'm currently working on an updated version of the tileset and a full-blown dungeon mod for it. It's a homage to Dungeon Master/Chaos Strikes Back, but not a remake. It's nearly done,

is a small trailer I made.
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In my opinion, there are not enough dungeon mods made. One of the main activities in playing Oblivion is exploring and looting dungeons. It would seem logical that people would therefore build dungeon mods so that there are more of them to explore when doing one of the main activities in Oblivion.



Does it count to make an entire large quest with several of them in - and pretty damned unique ones at that {:-)


I absolutely guarantee to release it, not finished yet though. 2 new small dungeons in the last week, one hack and slash, one puzzle, and 2 more big special ones to go in in the next couple of weeks (they're way more complex and will take longer)


I even took a leaf out of your book, and started building a dungeon out of rocks instead of tilesets, but I admit that it took WAY longer than I expected, and I ended up with just one cave like that. It was nice though, and I wish I had time enough to do more like that! I admit I was a little grumpy when my playtester just bounced right through it without a backwards glance *grrr*

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In my opinion, there are not enough dungeon mods made. One of the main activities in playing Oblivion is exploring and looting dungeons. It would seem logical that people would therefore build dungeon mods so that there are more of them to explore when doing one of the main activities in Oblivion.



Does it count to make an entire large quest with several of them in - and pretty damned unique ones at that {:-)


I absolutely guarantee to release it, not finished yet though. 2 new small dungeons in the last week, one hack and slash, one puzzle, and 2 more big special ones to go in in the next couple of weeks (they're way more complex and will take longer)


I even took a leaf out of your book, and started building a dungeon out of rocks instead of tilesets, but I admit that it took WAY longer than I expected, and I ended up with just one cave like that. It was nice though, and I wish I had time enough to do more like that! I admit I was a little grumpy when my playtester just bounced right through it without a backwards glance *grrr*


It's actually pretty easy to build a cave from rocks if you follow a proper pattern. First outline the floor with flat rocks (I like the 1400 for that), then build in the walls around the corners. I like using Mr_Siika's rocks for the walls because they fit well and they're relatively low-poly. Once you have all of the clutter and such inside the cell done, build in the roof. You can make all kinds of platforming elements and out of the way passages, along with huge drops and skylights. Building out of rocks is fun, and allows you to make your dungeon unique instead of the cave tileset. Unless you're SureAI. Those guys are geniuses when they're working with the cave tileset.


Only bad part about working with rocks is the pathgridding.

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