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Where's Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp located?


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I've downloaded Illustrious HDT Cloaks of Skyrim, one of its master is Cloak - Dawnguard.esp. I can't seem to locate it in the optionals for the mod. All of my skyrim files are located in the same spot, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam, while all my nmm files are located in C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager. Can anyone help? Sorry about my ineptitude with modding if it's a simple answer.

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Dawnguard is a DLC that you download from steam.

Are you certain? I've just gone and checked for the Dawnguard Cloaks on Steam and failed to find it. In the descriptions of the mod, it says it's included with the mod, but I can't seem to find it.

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Dawnguard is a DLC that you download from steam.

Are you certain? I've just gone and checked for the Dawnguard Cloaks on Steam and failed to find it. In the descriptions of the mod, it says it's included with the mod, but I can't seem to find it.


Lol. My bad.. must be really tired. Read that as just Dawnguard and got confused.

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i've had the same problem too. i redownloaded Cloaks of Skyrim and it wasn't there again. but i found it eventually.

right above the mod's description on nexus website, there are tabs. the first one is the "desc" tab (description).
the next one is "files". you can find what you're lookging for there, it's in the "optional" section.

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